Chapter 177

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Izuku had instinctively grabbed Katsuki when the ground had started to shift, so whilst everyone else was now downhill from the road and surrounded by trees, they were floating where the ground was a few seconds ago. When his dad saw them he was shaking his head with an amused smirk as he said, "If you could join the rest of the class Aizawa, Ryuu.."

Nobody down there looked injured and logically he knew Pixie-bob was responsible for the sudden hillside corrosion with her quirk. She would no doubt have made sure nobody got hurt during the slide and a quick glance in her direction told Izuku that was true.

Izuku grumbled about stupid logical ruses and his loathing of surprises low enough that only Katsuki heard them, causing him to chuckle softly. He complied with the request however and lowered them down to be amidst their classmates.

The pro heroes peered down at the class and Mic told them what was going to happen. "The main campground and cabins are at the base of the mountain in that direction." He told them pointing directly behind them. "Now listeners, it is currently around eight o'clock" he said checking his watch.

With a solemn look on his face he surveyed the class before speaking again. "Lunch is served from eleven to midday. That gives you between three and four hours of time to make it there on time or you're going to have to wait until dinner time."

"So we have to hike it all the way there?!" Kaminari asked incredulously

Izuku saw the smirk on his dad's face grow and he must not have been the only one as he heard several loud air filled gulps at the sight. He sat on his heels to get a better look at his class. "No Kaminari, you won't be hiking it all the way there..."

The blonde made the mistake of relaxing too early, seemingly relieved at this information. Izuku however and a good portion of the class however felt their nerves flare. Just then a rustle of dried leaves drew their attention, making them turn around.

The ground shifted and they found themselves facing some sort of construct of seemingly animated rock and earth. Pixie-bob's no doubt Izuku's mind supplied right before it lunged at them all and started to attack them.

"You'll be fighting your way..." His dad said far too cheerful for his own good. Izuku dared a glance backward and saw a full on smile on his dad's face that was quickly hidden behind his scarf.

"Have fun kids, let's hope you make it in time for dinner at least." His dad egged the class on. Izuku was just about to laugh himself silly, thinking he could just fly to the camp before even his dad or the other pro's got there. However his dad's voice reached his ears while he dodged a thrown rock. "Aizawa you are restricted from using Gate or using quirks that would allow you to effectively skip this activity."

"WHAT?! That's bullshit!" Izuku swore loudly as around three more golem/constructs came lumber out from behind the trees. His complaint fell on deaf ears however as he heard the distinct rumble of the bus's engine, undoubtedly driving off to the main campgrounds.

Katsuki chuckled out loud at Izuku. "Come on Izu, they clearly think we're going to be here until it's dark out. Let's show them piles of rocks aren't any kind of threat to us. You, me, everyone has dealt with much worse things." he said loud everyone to hear

Kirishima appeared to have been the most affected by the words as he suddenly used an extra hardened fist to punch a construct right in the head and causing it to fall apart in pieces that didn't stir again. "Heck yeah! LET'S GO!!! PLUS ULTRA!"

"PLUS ULTRA!!!!" The class echoed back seemingly drawing strength from it and fighting harder and taking down the rest of the constructs.

Izuku completely forgot about the annoying restrictions he was under as he laughed at the ridiculousness of his friends and how everyone had suddenly got a boost out of it. "Plus Ultra then, let's get there in record time!" Izuku shouted as he took off into the woods at a run, prepared for no doubt more constructs and possibly other challenges. Everyone else charged forward behind him with a war cry of pure noise.

They'd been going full steam for the last hour and had taken down unnumbered constructs of varying sizes. They'd made good progress and everytime Izuku flew up to check how far from the campgrounds they were, they had indeed gotten closer. Izuku however was growing concerned at the moment.

It's been about ten uninterrupted minutes since they've come across a construct or obstacle of any kind. He, along with everyone else, was glad for the break. It had let them catch their breath and those who had water with them shared with the class. The peace couldn't last though Izuku knew and there were only two reasons for this long to have gone without encountering anything. They were either really close to the campgrounds and essentially finished save for a bit of a hike or...

The ground suddenly shook violently and several trees either broke from the base or were entirely uprooted as they fell over. Luckily the class had gotten into a kind of unspoken communication state that allowed them to work quite effectively together. They all converged closer to keep a lookout for whatever had caused the destruction.

Sato was the first to observe it and verbally acknowledge the change. "Why is it suddenly so dark?"

The question had barely left his mouth before they all knew exactly why it was suddenly so dark. They were directly in the shadow of a behemoth of a construct, towering over all of them and making the trees look like bushes in comparison.

"SCATTER!" That was all Katsuki and Izuku could yell together before one of the beast's arms was descending upon them all, forcing them to do just that or risk being quite crushed...

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