Chapter 153

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The knot in Izuku's stomach had been growing steadily all day long, and as they were making their way to manual in hopes of stopping Iida from doing something stupid, it only got worse. He just can't shake that nagging feeling that maybe he's already too late. The only way it would be alleviated for certain was to physically see Iida, possibly even talk him out of it.

Though Izuku is under no illusion that would be an easy task, Iida is the type to commit to a path once chosen. Normally something like that can be great for not second guessing yourself in battle, but in regards to whether or not murder someone... Well he could do with a bit of nudging back into sensible range. Hypocritical for it to be Izuku to do the nudging? Possibly, but it needs to be done.

He put the sensation in the back of his mind and flew closer to Hawks, wondering how much further they had to go. "Is Manual's patrol route really this large?"

"No, we just happened to enter Hosu from the completely opposite side of his route." Hawks chuckled

"Well isn't that just typical..."

"Come on chicklet, I'm sure it's not that bad. Manual normally mostly just assists the police. There hasn't been a villain to fight in his area for ages now."

Izuku was certain that was meant to reassure him but all it did was twist at his stomach some more. Iida is with a Hero who hasn't fought a villain in 'ages now'.

Izuku had to get his mind off of the subject until he could actually do something about it so he switched the topic. "Are you and Touya going to take in Robby?"

Izuku had up until that point in his life never witnessed anyone tripping on air, mid flight. Hawks sputtered and turned the same shade as his feathers. "I-i what? Why do you ask? Did Touya say something to you? Did Robby?"

He couldn't help but laugh at how flustered he had made his mentor, he unknowingly already gave an answer just by that reaction. Something about yesterday also made more sense now. He wants to but Touya needs convincing.

"No, they didn't, but you just said plenty. Is there a reason Touya isn't onboard?"

Hawks either didn't register that he had spilled the secret unwittingly or he didn't care if Izuku knew. Personally Izuku hopes it's the last one.

"He is, but it's super complicated since legally he is technically still dead. My lawyers are working on it but Endeavor is vehemently against it. Says that Touya is dead and whoever this is just wants a quick buck."

"That's utterly fucking stupid" Izuku scoffed. "He's barely worth anything anymore and even if by some twisted miracle he gets off scott free– he's not going to be working as a hero ever again."

Hawks was suspiciously silent about that though only glancing quickly at Izuku before facing forward again. Izuku flew under him so he couldn't avoid his gaze.

"He's never going to work as a hero again, right Hawks?"

He didn't answer Izuku and avoided direct eye contact. Izuku stopped, causing Hawks to stop as he flew into his outstretched hand. He made him look at him and said. "Hawks i swear to Mirko if you know something about him still having a chance to be a hero after this..."

Hawks sighed knowing he might as well just tell Izuku "All I know is the rumors that the commision isn't happy with suddenly losing him like that."

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing. Hawks said Nezu got rid of the old commission, the ones that bought him like some kind of property. To Izuku's mind the rat did a shit job if they care more about the optics of losing the number 2 hero, than the reason he's in fucking jail at the moment.

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