Chapter 73

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Out of breath and riding the joy Izuku and Bakugo lay there in an embrace. The sound of Bakugo's racing heart was a sweet melody and Izuku was thankful he was able to rest his head and enjoy it freely. Bakugo pulled him back to his surroundings however "Did I hurt you?"

Confused Izuku looked up at him and answered. "No, like I said I trust you not to. You took your time. I'm fine and not because of my quirk Kacchan." Bakugo had been a very giving lover in Izuku's view, if he was honest he longed for a bit of a firmer approach. Though the mere thought of asking him for that made him blush.

Bakugo saw Izuku's mind work overtime and seemed to want to slow it down to manageable levels, though he didn't want it to be overtly obvious. "oh. So is something else on your mind then?"

Izuku's mind wandered and recalled much of the past. If someone had told him a year ago he'd be laying in Bakugo's bed after making love? He'd laugh them all the way to the loony bin. Izuku looked away from Bakugo's ruby eyes, visions of what they just did filled his mind making him blush. Escape was the only option after all those eyes can melt any wall around a heart Izuku thought to himself. Bakugo was waiting for an answer so Izuku finally replied. "just the events that led to this"

Bakugo sounded a bit dejected with his reply "oh"

Izuku couldn't blame him... what is there to talk about after years of conflict and repressed emotions collide? Instead Izuku was content to just lay there soaking it all in. His own reply was just as short. 


Before he knew what was happening Izuku's head hit mattress where Bakugo had laid. He had sat up quickly with his back turned to Izuku, his words sounding broken "I'll give you space then Izu . . ."

To say Izuku was baffled would be quite the understatement. He put his hand on Bakugo's shoulder and turned him around so they were looking at each other again. "what are you talking about Kacchan?"

A tear escaped his face when his broken voice broke through. "you hate me. I don't blame you. i jus-"

Izuku wiped the tear and placed a hand on Bakugo's mouth asking him "what on earth makes you think that?" He looked around as if someone could hear them and carried on with what he was saying "We just had S-e-x Kacchan!"

Bakugo laughed behind the hand on his mouth and broke free of it. "did you really just spell it?!"

Izuku blushed severely averting his eyes "Yes..." But returning eye contact to reassure Bakugo. "and i don't hate you Kacchan. Quite the opposite actually."

Bakugo was smiling again and tilted his head. "oh so this isn't about you regretting what we just did then?"

Izuku sat up and pulled Bakugo in for a kiss that he gladly returned. "No Kacchan. If I'm honest I'm grateful to you."

Bakugo obviously wanted to make a dirty joke but sensed it was serious so asked "How so?" Leaving Izuku to sigh deeply.

"A lot happened between Mom's funeral and the entrance exam to U.A Kacchan."

He held Bakugo's hands "I'm not going over everything in detail tonight Kacchan i hope that's okay."

Bakugo squeezed Izuku's hands in return. "You don't have to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable and in your own time." Izuku just smiled at him.

After about an hour and a half of telling Bakugo nearly everything he's been through, obviously leaving out a few things. Both of them had returned to snuggling in bed. Izuku knew however carrying some secrets was his lot in life, he can never tell anyone he's actually responsible for his mother's death... 

As they lay there Bakugo spoke again and it surprised Izuku. Two words he thought were never going to exit Bakugo's lips "I'm sorry I added to any of that Izu..."

Izuku reached over and stroked Bakugo's ear. "Thank you Kacchan."

Bakugo's ear felt hotter and looked far more red than usual. Izuku made a mental note that Bakugo indeed does have tells. Plans for a night of strip poker formed in his head. Bakugo pulled him out of the fantasy however "Why are you grateful though?"

Izuku looked at the ceiling in Bakugo's room thinking about how to phrase his answer without making it sound like he was just using Bakugo. "Oh well. After Jared I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to. you know, have s-e-x... I never even did anything on my own. You helped me see I can do it with someone I love." 

Bakugo's ears grew hotter and steadily more red at receiving the compliment. "Ah okay. That makes sense. I cant even imagine that."

Izuku decided to tease him a bit. "What? Not doing anything on your own?"

Bakugo's eyes grew wide "No. . ." Then his head hang low in defeat. "Well yes kind of but I meant what happened. I'm sorry sickos like that exist." Izuku squirmed a bit even thinking about it. "I'd rather not think about that right now though. Hound dog is helping me through all of it."

Bakugo ran his fingers through Izuku's hair "I'm glad you're not alone"

Izuku giggled and poked a bulge on the blanket "Well now I'm not alone at all."

Bakugo didn't expect to be touched like that out of nowhere, not that he minded. "Hey watch where you poke. Don't start something you cant finish."

Izuku gave him a wicked smile and said just loud enough that Bakugo could hear. "Who says I cant finish it?" 

Bakugo laughed at his antics. "oh gosh are you addicted now?"

Izuku bit his lower lip trying to seduce Bakugo again. "To you Kacchan? Always have been..."

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