Chapter 63

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The Aizawa's were busy eating breakfast when the doorbell rang. Izuku stood up still in his pajamas and bed head hair wondering who could be disturbing the peace this early in the day. His father called after him from the kitchen "don't let the cats get out yet please"

Izuku yawned from not getting enough sleep last night. He'd been reviewing his old quirk journals trying to get his mind off his latest nightmare. They've been increasing in frequency and disturbance recently. Shaking himself awake he called back "I know dad, it's just ginger who's up this early anyways.

Izuku opened the door and blocked the misnamed grey cat Ginger from trying to get out through the open door. Nobody however was there. Izuku was confused so he called out for whoever had rung the bell "hello?"

He started to close the door and called back to the kitchen. "There's nobody here - oh there's a box" He started but changed midsentence.

The confused voice of his brother answered back. "a box?"

Izuku struggled with Ginger and managed to get her back and bring the box in and placed it on the ground inside. He called Hitoshi over "yes come look!"

Hitoshi joined his brother in wondering about the box. He called to their father. "Dad there's a box here!"

Izuku teased and poked his brother in the ribs "you know I was joking when I said you should steal his credit card and order a cookbook right?"

Hitoshi just glared at him making Izuku fake cower in supposed fear. "not the face!"

He laughed at himself but carried on. "okay so if it wasn't you then what is this?" he said poking the box with his foot.

Both brothers jumped a little when their father spoke behind them. "maybe if you both stop gawking at it and bring it in we can see"

They shared a look of interest and curiosity "wait were you expecting something?" Izuku asked him.

Their father just laughed at them. "have both of you forgotten what day it is today?"

Hitoshi looked deep in thought trying to figure it out but Izuku seemed to grasp what their father had meant. "Surely not. Why would that be in a box?"

Hitoshi turned to his brother apparently he had given up trying to figure it out on his own. "Why would what exactly be in a box?"

Izuku gave him a blank stare "our letters for U.A. . ."

The dots had connected for him "oh..."

"Wait yes. Why would that be in a box?"

Aizawa just shook his head at his sons. "like both of you haven't spent the last two weeks with Nezu everyday. you honestly expect him to send a simple piece of paper?

The mystery made so much more sense the more they thought about it. "Oh wow no, I suppose not."

"Go on and open it then dad." Hitoshi said watching the box with renewed interest now.

Izuku's mind was racing however but one of the exercises Hound dog has been having him do is not letting his thoughts pile up on him so he let it out. "Wait why is there only one box though?"

Distress clear on his face "does this mean -"

Aizawa saw the panic coming on and tried to not worsen it, besides as a teacher at U.A he already knew the results so he had to let them get through this. "hold your horses and let us just open the box okay?"

Their father picked up the box and brought it to the dining table and cut open the packing tape. Upon opening the lid they were greeted with a metallic disc shaped device sat neatly upon a brown envelope. He took out the device and placed it on the table. There came the gentle buzz of electronics being turned on in the device. A holograph came to life and before them stood a smaller version of the current Number one hero in Japan. ALL MIGHT. Then he spoke.

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