Chapter 122

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Izuku and Hitoshi were avoiding the chaos of Uraraka setting up the impromptu common room sleepover when there was a knock on their door. They shared a confused look as the only one they were waiting for was Bakugo and he most certainly wasn't about to knock. Izuku opened the door slowly with his telekinesis not wanting to get up off the bed. There in the doorway stood Todoroki with a raised hand mid motion of knocking again. 

Awkwardly he slowly let his arm fall back to his side before he addressed the room. "Aizawa-kun?"

Out of instinct from hearing it in classes both of them answered at the same time.



They looked at each other and burst into a giggles. Todoroki however looked as monotone and emotionless as ever, seemingly thoroughly confused what the brothers found quite that hilarious.

Izuku wiped the water from his face as he shoved Hitoshi's face away from him to avoid laughing again. "You can call me Deku, Todoroki" Izuku offered. 

A frown crossed Todoroki's otherwise serene face in what Izuku thought for a second was a flash of anger. His words however told him it was confusion. "Why would I call you useless?" He asked

Izuku positioned himself so he was no longer just lazing around on the bed but could give his attention to Todoroki as they spoke. "No no, it's my hero name plus it's easier with both me an Hito-nii plus dad here." he explained

Izuku was under the impression that given the amount of gossip hounds 1A were playing host to everyone knew about it by now. Is Todoroki distancing himself from everyone else for some reason? A familiar sense tingled in the back of his mind. Todoroki had a secret of some kind, he thought as much when they first met but he wrote it off as him being eccentric. Now however he wondered if there wasn't more to it. . .  

"Don't you read the dorm group chat?" Izuku probed

Todoroki gave a slight tilt in his head that reminded Izuku of a puppy reminding him that he had a small crush on him a few months ago. "Group chat?" Todoroki asked

Hitoshi suddenly shoved his brother's shoulder playfully "Izu don't you dare corrupt this pure soul."

"ME?!" Izuku defended 

"yes, you." Hitoshi insisted 

Izuku's mouth hung open in disbelief at such accusations "what'd I do now?" he demanded

He laughed. "You're dating the class bad boy and you want to know what you did. . ." Hitoshi said as if it should have been obvious to him.

"Kacchan isn't the class bad boy..." Izuku tried to defend his boyfriend unable to even convince himself thoroughly making him blush slightly.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes at that paltry attempt "uh huh. . . I'm off in search of coffee."

"Don't overdo it!" yelled after him as he got up to leave

"yeah mom..." Hitoshi teased sticking out his tongue in defiance

Todoroki had been standing there awkwardly shifting his feet watching the whole exchange unsure of what he should do. "I... i can come back another time if you're busy" He offered softly

Izuku smiled at him kindly. "No, it's fine he just likes to tease his little brother."

Todoroki began looking around and asked "who?"

"me." Izuku said playfully hoping Todoroki could pick up on the subtle joke.

Izuku sighed as Todoroki looked confused asking "You're the same age?"

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