Chapter 125

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Somewhere between consoling Hitoshi and trying to stay awake in case he needed him sleep had taken both brothers. Izuku was the first to wake and he was already on a mission, his brother needed to be cared for. He knew that whatever happened between him and Kaminari was affecting him far more than he was letting on. Izuku certainly isn't exempt in regards to reckless reactions of emotional situations given his own history. He does however feel quite certain that something is going to happen if they don't help Hitoshi now.

So as much as he wished he could just stay in bed with his brother until facing the world at large wasn't such a daunting aspect to Hitoshi, such luxuries were never meant to be had. Slowly he untangled himself from the iron grip his brother had him in last night, luckily that had loosened considerably somewhere in his sleep.

Izuku managed to find his phone hidden underneath the bed via accidentally stubbing his foot against it. If it wasn't for his quirk giving him the chance to grab it mid slide it surely would've hit a wall and broken. Glancing at the time as he unlocked it he realized it was either now or he would have to wait until the school day was over. He opened up a gate stepped through and knocked on the door.

He fully expected his father to be in a sour mood given the hour but that's nothing new, mornings and Eraserhead are sworn enemies after all. What he didn't expect however was that it wasn't his father who opened the door. No, instead he found himself looking at a long blond haired man looking far too eager for the day ahead than was sensible at this hour. 

It took him longer than he'd care to admit but eventually the cogs in his brain turned and he recognized him as his father's boyfriend, his English teacher - Present Mic, Yamada-sensei? Izuku became very aware of the fact that he's no doubt interrupting what little time his father has to spend with the man he loves... Also that he has no idea what to call this man outside of classes. He also made a mental note just how severe a simple hairstyle and a few accessories add to hindering being recognized.

Luckily he spoke up saving Izuku from his rapidly descending overthinking spiral. "Hey there lil listener, you here to see your dad? Everything okay?"

Izuku began to speak but his voice made that squeak puberty is known for increasing his levels of uncertainty "Uh, yeah sorry mic, sir, Yamada-sensei I uh... I can come back another time. Sorry..." by the end of it his face was quite red

Mic's smile never wavered or turned into one of mock, so with kindness in his eyes and mild amusement at Izuku's antics he held up his hands. "whoa there slow down. It's fine lil, listener. Also Call me Yamada or Hizashi when not in class or out on the field, okay?" giving him a show of finger guns he then turned his head inside the apartment calling back

"Sho Izuku is here!"

Much quicker than he expected the door opened further showing the indeed sour face of his father eyeing his boyfriend in an annoyed manner "must you be so loud?!, I'm right here . . ."

Seeing her chance a cat suddenly leapt up and was in Izuku's arms "Hey midnight!" he said clearly delighted at the sudden ball of fluff in his arms

With a hint of a scoff in his voice Mic turned to his father "Sho, you still haven't changed the cats name?"

"Why should I?" he defended 

"Doesn't it bother Nemuri?" Mic asked

His dad looked at Mic and plainly stated that "no, she doesn't mind." 

"did you ask her?" he asked in return

"no." is the answer that came as he reached out and scratched the cat's ears while she purred happy to be held.

Mic just rolled his eyes knowing there was no reasoning with him when it came to cats.

Seeing this Izuku chuckled slightly informing Mic that "Dad said he named her that because he found her in a Midnight merch box next to the dumpster out on patrol."

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