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       "Are you sure you're okay with me cutting your hair?" Megumi questions once more. Yuuta chuckles, turning around in his seat. He grabs Megumi by his hips, the look of pure adoration on his face is unmistakable and causes Megumi's heart to skip a beat.

      "Megumi, I trust you to snip off a little bit of my hair. You cut your own, you cut Kiro's, and you can cut mine too." Yuuta reassures. Yuuta is close, Megumi can smell his masculine cologne that he loves. After he had said he loved it, Yuuta made sure to wear it often. Yuuta rubs his thumbs along Megumi's hips, his dark blue eyes swirling with emotions. "I missed you, I thought about you every second."


        "Mom!" Kiro calls, coming down the stairs with his coloring book and crayons. "Can I watch tv? Please?"

         "Of course." Megumi knows that Kiro asked because he wanted some attention. He usually doesn't ask to turn on the television when it's just the two of them. "I should probably–"

           "Yeah, right, of course." Yuuta interrupts, a slight flush on his face as he turns the chair back around. Megumi lets out a shaky breath, trying to calm his heart. He shouldn't be getting caught up in whatever this is he has with Yuuta when Kiro is around. He grabs scissors, beginning to snip Yuuta's dark hair. Yuuta has always been special to Megumi but after all these years, he wonders if Yuuta is special in the way that Itadori is or if he's special in another way.

       The television plays Kiro's current favorite show, Haikyuu, and it creates a nice background. Just being in each other's presence seems to be enough, words are necessary. Megumi feels he shouldn't give Yuuta false hope and he's told Yuuta this, Megumi isn't ready for a serious relationship. Yuuta is the same, he continues to love and pine after Megumi without expecting something. Megumi wonders how long Yuuta can love him before it becomes too much. Megumi doesn't want to be selfish with him but he also doesn't want to date Yuuta because he's scared one day he'll abandon him.

       Love is a complicated thing, one that Megumi feels he doesn't truly understand.

       "Done." Megumi sets the scissors down, unlocking his phone and clicking on the camera button. He places his free hand on Yuuta's shoulder as he leans forward and shows him.

        "It's perfect."

        "You're not just saying that?"

       "Of course not." Yuuta smiles. "Let's take a picture."

       "Okay." Megumi agrees. Their cheeks touch as the both of them smile, Megumi clicks the button. "Looks good."

      "My haircut or us?" Yuuta inquires with a teasing grin.

      "Mom, come watch!" Kiro calls. Megumi avoids Yuuta's questions, walking over to where Kiro is seated on the couch. The volleyball teams are beginning a tournament and Kiro seems very intrigued by it. Megumi sits on the couch, wrapping an arm around Kiro and placing that hand on top of his head. Yuuta sits on the other side of Megumi, the two watching Kiro's favorite show.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       After Kiro is put to bed, it leaves Megumi and Okkotsu alone together in the living room. The television is still on but they don't pay attention to it. They both have glasses of champagne to celebrate Okkotsu's return. "I'm happy for you, you look so full of life. I like seeing you like that." Megumi compliments. Yuuta places his hand on Megumi's thigh which causes Megumi to have a sympathetic expression.

      "Yuuta... I don't want to hurt you."

      "I love you, Megumi. That's enough. I'm not expecting anything." These are sentences Megumi has heard a number of times and the desperation on Yuuta's face to have more than just friendship always breaks Megumi's heart. He's too scared, he doesn't want to get into a serious relationship with the wrong person or even the right person at the right time.

      He doesn't want Kiro to suffer. He doesn't want to suffer again.

       "You'll hate me one day. We shouldn't do anything, I shouldn't..." Megumi's sentence gets loss in thought as Yuuta comes closer. Megumi's breath hitches right before Yuuta's warm lips connect with Megumi's. Yuuta moves meticulously, not wanting to upset Megumi by anything he's doing.

      Megumi is stiff at first but he can't help but melt, letting out a soft moan as Yuuta wraps an arm around his waist to pull him closer. Megumi is repositioned, straddling Yuuta's lap as the kiss turns into something more passionate. Yuuta puts their drinks aside, he wants to focus on Megumi and his taste. Yuuta has been in love with Megumi for so long, he has been patient and even just breathing the same air as Megumi feels like a reward but nothing can compare to this moment. Having Megumi so close, feeling his lips and hearing such pretty noises, not even the beauty of Greece could dare compete with the ethereal beautiful of Fushiguro Megumi.

       Megumi pulls back, his cheeks flushed and a dazed look in his eyes. "Kiro... I shouldn't do this when he's here." It's an excuse, they both know it but Yuuta doesn't dare cross the boundary.

        "I understand, I didn't mean to upset you." He sincerely apologizes. Megumi chuckles breathlessly, cupping Yuuta's face.

       "Please don't apologize, you did nothing wrong. You're perfect." Megumi reassures.

       I'm the one who is imperfect, I'm too terrified to give you what you deserve, a labeled relationship.

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