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      "Kiro...?" Junpei hesitantly calls. Kiro doesn't respond, his eyes red and puffy from his continuous crying for his mom. He won't move from his bed in his room at Itadori and Junpei's house. He barely eats and Junpei doesn't have it in his heart to try and get him to go to school. Megumi's been gone for three days, it's terrifying how there isn't a trace of him anywhere. Itadori and Okkotsu are practically losing their minds and Inumaki is trying to make sure they don't do anything reckless. "Are you hungry? I got strawberries."

       Kiro shakes his head no, hugging his blanket closer. This is truly the most heartbreaking thing that Junpei has ever had to see, he can't imagine how frightened and anxious Kiro must be right now. "Your mom would want you to eat, Kiro..."

        "Mom's gone."

        Junpei doesn't know how to respond to that statement. It's true, Megumi is gone but it's much more complicated than that but of course, he can't explain that to a three year old. All Kiro knows is that his mom was always here and now he's not. Kiro's bottom lip trembles, tears welling up in his eyes. "It's my fault." He sobs, covering his face with the blanket. Junpei rushes over, wrapping a comforting arm around Kiro.

       "No, that's not true at all—"

       "I ran and now mama's gone. Mama's never coming back." Kiro sobs brokenly, wishing he had stayed by Megumi's side so he wouldn't be left alone. "Mama left again..." 

        Puzzled, Junpei blurts out in confusion, "Again?"

        "Mama got sick c-cause of me—" He sniffles, "and was gone. B-but mom came back but now mom isn't c-coming back."

       Junpei tries to wrack his brain, trying to think about what Kiro could be talking about. He suddenly remembers the incident, something he tried to forget. Megumi was badly suffering from his postpartum and all the distress, Megumi wanted Sukuna. He didn't say it but they could tell. Megumi couldn't even look at Kiro without breaking down and panicking. Megumi had done something horrible, so horrible that Junpei wanted to forget about it entirely. Megumi had a fentanyl overdose. Where Megumi got the drugs is still a mystery, something he had refused to tell. Megumi was so miserable and felt so pathetic that he wanted to take his own life. He was sick and couldn't see Kiro for a while. Junpei heard that Kiro's memory was truly one of a kind but he didn't expect Kiro to remember that upsetting time Megumi was gone. 

      "Your mom is coming back, Uncle Yuji and Yuuta are looking for your mom right now. Your mom is... he just got a little lost but don't cry. Your mom will be really upset if he comes back and finds out you haven't eaten. At least a little, could you try?"

       Kiro sniffles, sitting up on the bed. He reaches out and grabs a bright red strawberry, nibbling on it.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       Sukuna enters the bedroom after his long day, his eyes seeing Megumi who is fast asleep in bed from exhaustion. Bruises, hickeys, and bite marks are littered all across his pale body. After Sukuna's threat towards Kiro, Megumi has been obedient and hasn't attempted to get away. Even if he tries, the door is locked shut when Sukuna leaves and the entire Manor is filled with servants and guards. Though, only Sukuna knows that fact. Sukuna changes out of his uncomfortable work clothes, getting into more casual attire. 

       Sukuna has patiently waited till the time was right to take Megumi back. He feels a darkness inside him knowing that Megumi had another person's child. Sukuna believes that's the reason that Megumi disappeared in the first place. Sukuna sits on the edge of the bed, caressing Megumi's face. Feeling his presence, Megumi stirs, his eyes fluttering open. "Why are you keeping me a prisoner?" His voice is meek from his weakened state. 

       "You'll run away again." Sukuna answers, his gaze gentle. 

        Megumi gently pushes his hand away. He hisses from his sore body but it doesn't stop him from sitting up. He weakly grabs only Sukuna's shirt, tears filling his eyes but Sukuna doesn't feel an ounce of sympathy. "I have to go home, my child needs me, Sukuna." 

        "You think your tears are going to work? You're a manipulator. You'll disappear all over again, you can't be trusted." Sukuna cups Megumi's face, cooing when Megumi shakes his head side to side. 

          "I didn't manipulate you." Megumi firmly denies.

           "You said you loved me."

            "I meant it!"

             "You left me behind, you didn't give a fuck about me. You wanted to move on and pretend we never even happened."

            "I've thought about you every second since I left. I missed you, I still do, but I can't be yours. You have to let me go, I have a responsibility towards my child—"

              "You had a responsibility to stay by my side as my boyfriend. I'm not letting you go, you're never leaving me. I need you, I'm going to keep you." Sukuna picks Megumi up bridal style, startling Megumi who still feels dizzy from whatever Sukuna drugs him with before leaving. 

            "I love you." Megumi murmurs, warming Sukuna's cruel heart. 

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