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"I'm sorry to be a bother, doctor. I tried to explain to the woman at the front desk that it wasn't an emergency." Megumi apologizes, feeling guilty to occupy an emergency room when it's hardly an emergency. He had tried to explain to Sukuna that it was unnecessary for him to be seen right away but Sukuna was seconds away from causing a major scene if someone dared to disagree with him and take Megumi's side.

"Not a bother at all, Fushiguro. This is my job." The young male doctor smiles politely. "Nothing of concern, you're simply fatigued and I hypothesize you might've gotten worked up before you got dizzy?"

"Mhm, yes..." Megumi chuckles nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"Get some rest, eat a proper meal and drink lots of water. You have a history on your records of neglecting personal health, I suggest being more conscious about it since you're already this far along." The doctor reads over Megumi's file once more that provides him with all the important, documented information. Megumi's eyebrows furrow, his head tilts slightly to the side.

"Far along? What do you mean, doctor?"

"Your pregnancy."

There's a lump in Megumi's throat, he doesn't hear anything else the doctor tells him. All the signs were there, they've always been but he was insensible to all of them. There could only be two possibilities, Yuuta or Sukuna. Megumi thanks the doctor for helping him and hurriedly exits, walking down the busy and bustling hall. With trembling hands, he calls the first person that popped into his head. "Megumi, how are you sweetheart?" Nagi questions sweetly, her voice slightly slurred from drinking with her coworkers after an unpleasantly tiresome day.

"I need to see you tomorrow, it's an emergency. Do you think you could fit me in under such short notice?" Megumi requests quietly, his eyes darting around. Nagi agrees easily, giving him a specific time to come in before they say goodbye to each other. Megumi slips his phone into his back pocket, taking a few deep breaths to quell his pounding heart. When Megumi returns to the waiting area, Sukuna is instantly at his side. "I'll take a cab." Megumi passes him without a second thought.

He hasn't forgiven Sukuna. He won't forgive him for saying those things. That was not Sukuna's place to bring up Megumi's complicated family life just like Megumi would never dare bring up Sukuna's abusive parents and throw it in his face.

"I'm not letting you get into a stranger's car." Sukuna scoffs, jogging so he can catch up to Megumi. He doesn't want to be around Sukuna, his apologies and kisses can't make him feel better about anything in his life. Megumi blames himself, he is the one who keeps allowing Sukuna to come back even after he screws up. He's too placeable towards Sukuna because Sukuna knows just the perfect way to touch him to press the button where he surrenders his anger and is merciful. He's too compassionate, he knows Sukuna's past but it's gotten to the point where he's wondering just how much of it can actually excuse Sukuna's behavior. Which of Sukuna's actions are the result of his difficult upbringing or simply revealing the true nature of the kind of person he is?

"If I get in your car, it'll just be the same thing. You're a stranger to me, I don't even know who you really are." Megumi's tone is cold and detached as if he was speaking to a random nobody on the street. He dials for a cab, ignoring Sukuna's presence. He tells the person on the phone his name and his location, thanking them before hanging up. "Didn't you hear me? We're over, it wasn't meant to be."

"I fucking miss you, Megumi. I miss us, don't you miss being together?"

"I think the person I miss never actually existed. I just wanted to believe he did but you're not him. It's amazing how I can still love you even when you're cruel to me. You apologize and say things are going to be different but then you change right back to being toxic. The person you want me to be... I don't want to be him. I don't want to spend my days inside a house, waiting for you to call or come home just so i'm not lonely. I don't want to be your obedient little toy. It's hypocritical of you to call me a slut when you've slept with more people than I have but I guess that's my fault for not knowing that you get to decide what's acceptable and what's not." Megumi's heartless and stoic expression send unpleasant chills all throughout Sukuna's body.

Sukuna has been overly confident that no matter what, Megumi would forgive and come back to him. Without realizing it, he kept pushing and pushing and now Megumi has finally broken. He's ready to move on and leave Sukuna behind, to begin a life that doesn't involve being in a romantic relationship with Sukuna. He's going to be with someone else and Sukuna hates that.

"Please don't leave." Sukuna whispers, grabbing Megumi's soft hand tightly.

"I have to." Megumi replies, not even looking at Sukuna as the taxi pull up.

"For a Fushiguro Megumi?"

"That's me." Megumi nods, slipping his hand out of Sukuna's hold. He gets into the car, shutting the door. He gives the driver the address, forcing himself not to look at Sukuna who he leaves behind. He's going to pick up his car and go home where the people he loves are. He's crying, he can feel tears rolling down his face but his expression remains empty. Megumi's officially drained, he needs to be left alone for awhile. Just him and Kiro till he gathers his thoughts about everything. Is that too much to ask?

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