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       Megumi waves goodbye one last time to Kiro before he boards the private jet where Satoru is already seated. Kiro had been moody all morning but for the car ride there, he cuddled with Megumi and didn't say a single word. Kiro wasn't exactly upset because his mom was leaving, he knows his mom has been excited about the trip and likes when his mom is smiling and feeling good. Kiro just wishes it wasn't for two weeks. To a three year old, that seems like an eternity.

      Yuuta waves goodbye as well and Megumi smiles longingly at him before entering the jet. Satoru is already sipping champagne, scrolling for what movies he wants to watch. "Memi~ you're not going to start crying now or whatever loving parents do when they leave their kids are you?"

      "Shut up." Megumi scoffs, sitting in a comfortable chair. Megumi wishes he could've said goodbye to Toji before leaving but the man was still busy. Saying goodbye to Kiro is never easy, it's always like he's leaving behind an important part of him. Megumi had cried when he had to send Kiro off the preschool and couldn't focus all day, constantly checking the clock for when it can be an appropriate pick up time that won't make him seem like an overprotective parent.

      Becoming a parent has caused Megumi to experience new things. As thorny as it could be, when he looks at his child, it was all worth it. Kiro shares similarities to Sukuna, that used to cause him trouble. A certain smile, a subtle look, and rarely, a laugh will be too similar and Megumi could feel himself withdrawing. Since Sukuna has come back into Megumi's life, no longer do those similarities cause Megumi to feel an emptiness. Rather, it causes him to adore his child even more. Kiro is clingy and protective of Megumi, personality traits that he shares with his father. Kiro dislikes people but isn't socially timid in the slightest, also like Sukuna.

      "Stop being all upset thinking about the little one. Let's watch movies together, drink champagne, and all the fun things." Satoru grins, holding out a glass.

     "No thanks." Megumi declines, his stomach upset at the idea. "Ooh, wait, share the chips." Megumi holds out his hand. Satoru hands over the big bag, humored as Megumi eats the chips like he hasn't eaten in years.

      "Hungry? I have lots more snacks~ I always come prepared."

      "I don't know why I'm so hungry, we all ate before I got here." Megumi pouts, embarrassed at his behavior.

      "You're usually never hungry. What an enjoyable sight! Eat eat!" Satoru brings out a bunch more snacks, setting them onto Megumi's lap.

      "I want to be mad but thank you."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         "Look! Our hotel rooms have a door that connects them!" Satoru smiles largely, looking like a child that just got a massive bag of candy. Megumi rolls his eyes, continuing to unpack his things. He ate so much on the jet that he should be full but instead he's even hungrier, like his stomach is a bottomless pit. "Sleepovers, sex, we can do facial masks together. Ugh, I love New York!"

      "Facial masks? That could be fun." Megumi wants to get into the joyous spirit. Spending it missing everyone that he'll see again in two weeks is pointless.

      "Dress up, Memi darling~ we are going to a fancy restaurant as a happy couple, then I'm proposing and bam! Free dessert!"

      "We can afford dessert, Satoru." Megumi cocks an eyebrow, a grin on his face at the white haired man's crazy ideas.

      "That's not the point, Memi. It's about doing memorable, fun things. You can be so close minded sometimes." Satoru shakes his head, feigning disappointment.

     "Get out of here. I'll be ready soon." Megumi laughs as Satoru cheers happily, rushing back into his room to get ready. Megumi picks up his phone, pressing a specific contact and plopping back onto the soft hotel bed. It's extremely comfortable, nowhere near better than Sukuna's bed but still, a close competitor.

      "My blessing, you called."

      "Is it a bad time?"

      "Never." Megumi can hear the grin from the tone in his voice. Megumi smiles as well, feeling like a silly teenager with a big crush. The butterflies are dancing and he loves the sound of Sukuna's deep voice.

      "The hotel room is large. The bed is very comfy."

       "Oh? Is my Blessing trying to hint that he wants to have phone sex?"

        "W-what?!" Megumi's heart skips a beat, a thrill running up his spine. "No, I wasn't—" His sentence is caught off as Sukuna laughs from amusement at getting Megumi all flustered. Megumi pouts, "You're teasing me."

      "One of the many ways I enjoy myself. Tell me more."

      "I finished unpacking and I should be getting ready soon. Satoru wants to go out to eat and get free dessert. I miss Kiro already and I miss you too. It hasn't even been a full day but I miss everyone. It's weird, it's like I can feel how far away everyone is to me."

      "This problem could be solved if you took me with you."

      "Don't do anything reckless when I'm gone, please. I worry about you." Megumi admits, fidgeting with the sleeve of his sweater.

        "Reckless like what?"

        "Get into a fight, get arrested, get injured... I don't know. Anything." Megumi does want Sukuna here. He wants to trace his tattoos, to feel Sukuna's rough and warm hands caress and grip his body. "I love you, 'Kuna." He whispers, hearing silence on the other end that causes him to hold his breath as he waits for a response.

       Sukuna misses Megumi as well, severely. Sukuna wants to be there with Megumi in New York, he wants to lay beside Megumi in the bed and listen to whatever Megumi wants to tell him. Sukuna agreed that if Megumi called him every day, he wouldn't be rash and show up out of nowhere. Megumi's voice causes a warmth to envelope him, tuning out all other unwanted noises.

      "I love you too, baby."

      "I need to go... Goodbye."


        "..." Megumi's finger hovers over the button to end the call. He doesn't want to hang up just yet. He presses the button, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "What is wrong with me?" He mumbles, grabbing a change of clothes and going to the bathroom to take a relaxing shower.

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