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      "Aoi has taken a liking to Choso." Yuuta lightly nudges Megumi's shoulder, a small grin on his face. Megumi looks over to see Aoi and Choso talking by the entrance, a shy but sweet expression on Aoi's pretty face. "Should we set them up?" Yuuta teases.

      "I think we already did." Megumi grins, "No harm in asking if they would like to go on a double date."

       "You want to go on a date with me?" Yuuta questions, amused when Megumi's cheeks burn in embarrassment. He hadn't realized what he was implying. Megumi doesn't get a chance to reply because Kiro, Aster, and Sukuna return with more supplies, snacks, and Sukuna brought a coffee for Megumi. He sets it down, taking his seat.

      "Do this." Kiro corrects Sukuna who is unusually stiff and unsure about himself. Kiro shows Sukuna how to cut the paper, using his safety scissors. Sukuna cuts the paper, following Kiro's instructions. Sukuna feels extremely uncomfortable in this environment, it's too sweet and seeing all these loving parents with their children... He feels out of place and he can't wrap his head around the fact he is a father. His son is right in front of him, the perfect combination of him and the person he's in love with.

      Kiro is bright and protective, he's assertive and his expressions are similar to Megumi's. He's so similar to Megumi but shares random parts of Sukuna. He's been carefully observing the child and he feels jealous. He doesn't want Megumi to have Yuuta's child, he doesn't want them together. He doesn't care if it's selfish or dastardly to demand Megumi to choose him over everyone.

     Now, Sukuna has already forgotten who the other kid belongs to. For whatever reason, the little one clings to Kiro and Kiro has this aloof look that is very similar to Megumi's expression. It's evident that Kiro cares very deeply about this smiley, affectionate boy that keeps clinging and holding his hand.

      "Megumi." Sukuna calls, startling the flustered boy.

       "Hm? What?" Megumi questions.

       "Who does that one belong to?" Sukuna questions, watching as Kiro watches Aster's focused expression as he colors. He sticks his tongue out slightly, he eyebrows scrunching.

       "He's Aoi's son, remember? He's also my god son. He's Kiro's best friend, they do a lot of things together. He's a really sweet kid, 'Kuna." Megumi answers, his heart warming at Sukuna putting forth even this small amount of interest.

       If Kiro becomes attached to Sukuna... how could Megumi leave? Even if it's for a short while?

      But Megumi remembers how unreliable Sukuna is. One minute he's sweet and gentle, the next he's an entirely different person. That's just who he is, it's who he'll always be. It would be better if Kiro didn't get attached at all but Sukuna is his father, if he wants to be part of Kiro's life... Megumi won't refuse him.

     Megumi drinks the coffee, turning his attention back to Yuuta. "I do." Megumi answers, setting the coffee down. He fidgets with the lid, waiting for Yuuta's reply.

     "Okay, I'd like that." Yuuta is fond of Megumi's shy expression.

      " 'Gumi, look!" Aster holds up their paper snowmen they colored, Aster giving Megumi a toothy smile.

       "I love them, you both did a wonderful job." Megumi praises and Sukuna is, once again, speechless and stiff. The kids cut it out and colored it, what is there to praise? Do parents typically praise their children over small things like that?

        "Boogeyman, look!" Aster shows Sukuna, making Megumi's widen as Yuuta suppresses a laugh.

         "Kiro, did you tell Aster to call him that?" Megumi questions in shock.

         "Mhm." Kiro nods. Sukuna hesitates, looking at the snowmen. Aster's eyes are bright and sparkling, waiting for his reply and if Kiro's glare could kill, Sukuna might be dead. It's clearly his way of telling Sukuna to be nice or else.

      "It... looks nice..." Sukuna compliments, clearing his throat. Aster smiles even wider, very proud of his work. Kiro stares at Sukuna silently for a moment before he turns his attention back at Aster. Sukuna never had parents who showed up, if he searches his memories deeply, there might've been once or twice his dad showed up for him but nothing like this. Megumi fit right in when he got here, he knew where to go, what to do, who to talk to and how to treat the children. Sukuna hates feeling so out of place, this isn't him.

       "You're doing really good, he's going to appreciate that you showed up for him." Megumi tells Sukuna, placing his hand on top of his and giving a gentle squeeze. "I felt awkward at first too, it's different—"

       "This is suffocating. Everything is fake. We're pretending and it's disgusting." Sukuna harshly whispers, causing Megumi to flinch from his austerity.

        "We're not being fake. We're getting along for Kiro. This was hard for me too. I didn't have parents like this, they were only perfect in the public eye which is why I want to be the kind of parent that does these things so that Kiro can remember his childhood fondly. Parenting isn't easy, Sukuna, that's the reality. You hate Yuuta, I'm upset with you, and I don't know or care right now what you feel towards me." Megumi whispers back, careful not to be too loud for the two chattering little ones to hear.

       "You know how I feel, I am in love with you." Sukuna squeezes Megumi's hand. His heart is wounded when Megumi pulls away from his hold.

       "Enough, I don't want to hear it." Megumi shakes his head. "Kiro, Aster, I'll get you guys some of the stamps. Would you like those?"

       "Yes please!" Aster exclaims.

        "Mhm, yes, mom." Kiro nods, glancing between the three adults at the table. Megumi nods, pulling Yuuta with him since he can't trust the two of them to be left alone.

       "Are you alright?" Yuuta questions, bringing Megumi's hand up and planting a kiss on the top of his hand.

      "I will be, I have to be, for Kiro."

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