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"Thanks for coming to meet me." Kamo tells Megumi. He's wearing a yukata, more traditional as they stroll his home garden.

"It's no problem, Kamo. Kiro is at school and I have free time." Megumi isn't sure of Noritoshi's reasoning for inviting him but he has Choso with him, so he feels safe. Choso is staying two steps behind, close enough to protect Megumi but also giving some sort of distance. "In New York... you mentioned something about suddenly being alone. We were interrupted by Satoru at the time. What did you mean by that?"

"No point in hiding anything now. My family isn't a simple one, far from it. I have taken over for my father as head of the family, leader of his Mafia. My men have been slowly turning on me. They haven't done anything yet but I can tell. I considered handling the situation but to put it bluntly, I am exhausted. I have nothing to live for. I care not for my father and my mother is dying, she doesn't have much longer. I thought that if things went well between you and I, I would find a reason to continue. This isn't your fault, that is not what I'm saying. We recently got a few new members this year. One in particular despises me, I've already known he is the one plotting everything."

"You can't give up, Noritoshi. Why would you let them do this?" Megumi questions in disbelief. "Are you suicidal?"

"Hm, not really. Just exhausted." Noritoshi shrugs, a small smile on his face. "I wanted to spend as much time with you as you'd allow. Your company is pleasant. You expect nothing from me, it's refreshing to just relax." Noritoshi admires the flowers, pausing to appreciate their beauty. He has accepted his fate at the hands of the people he once trusted just like he's accepted that his mother, Chie, is going to die. "Mortality is a fragile thing, nothing is eternal and everything is fleeting."


"Megumi." Choso grabs Megumi's arm, placing Megumi protectively behind him. Though, Choso is immediately made aware they are entirely surrounded. Choso's hold tightens on Megumi as he makes sure his free hand is his dominant one. He always carries a gun and he hopes he won't have to use it.

"If it isn't Ryomen's little pet. What are you doing here?" Mei Mei snickers, a wicked smirk on her face. Megumi nudges Choso aside despite the larger male's reluctance.

"You know Ryomen?" Noritoshi questions in bewilderment.

"You're the one who planned this?" Megumi questions angrily. Sukuna looks at Megumi with an expressionless gaze but inside, he's enraged and panicking. He hadn't anticipated Megumi to be here. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're always behind everything!"

"Aw, I think your little wolf is biting the hand that feeds it. What'll you do, Ryomen?" Mei Mei hums, her eyes narrowing in attempt to taunt Megumi.

"Shut your mouth." Megumi snaps at her. Humored by him, she chuckles with a vile twinkle in her eyes. Megumi sees the gun in Sukuna's hand. It's reckless and he has a lot to lose but he doesn't want Sukuna to commit murder. He stands in front of a Noritoshi who is still stunned from the revelation. "Don't do what you're about to do, Sukuna."

Mei Mei strides forward, impatient by everything. "Touch him and I'll break your hand." Choso threatens, eyes narrowed as she stands in front of Megumi. She's intimidating but he stands his ground, not flinching from her.

"I don't like people who get in the way. You, little boy, are in the way. You interfere and occupy Ryomen's time, you have that man running in circles like a lost puppy. You decide if you're with us and if not, get out of the way." Mei Mei narrows her eyes threateningly at Megumi.

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