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        "Do you have to go?" Megumi frowns as Toji makes his way to the door. Toji feels guilty but he has a job to do tonight and if he doesn't, Naoya is going to be an even bigger nuisance than he is already. Toji doesn't hate Naoya but he he doesn't trust him.

     "Miss me already, dumpling?" Toji grins cockily, ruffling the boy's hair. Megumi doesn't deny it which only worsens how Toji feels. Toji sighs, pulling Megumi in for a hug. He rests his chin on top of Megumi's head, relaxing when Megumi returns the embrace. Toji isn't a very affectionate man, therefore it isn't often he has these moments with Megumi. He's learning to show more of that side and, as he's hugging his kid, he realizes that it isn't as bad. "You're going to have a lot of fun in New York, dumpling. There's nothin' you're not capable of doin'."

      "...Thank you, dad." Megumi murmurs, not wanting the hug to end and Toji doesn't either. "When I come back from New York, I'm going to follow my heart between Sukuna and Yuuta. I've thought a lot about it and I think I know..."

       "Hmph, if you ask me no one is worthy enough for you but you're not gonna listen to me anyways. It's good you know what you want." Toji releases from the hug first, knowing that if he doesn't, he's going to cave and spend more time with his son and grandchild. It sounds much better than his unorthodox line of business. Still, he can't back out of it.

      "Be safe, Toji." Megumi walks him out, watching as Toji gets into his car. He continues to stand there even after Toji's car has gone out of sight. Megumi always gets perturbed when he finds out that Toji has to leave for a job. His jobs are messy, felonious, and perilous. Megumi fears he'll lose Toji because of it.

      Another car pulls up, causing Megumi to become bemused of who it could be until the car parks and he knows. Yuuta gets out the vehicle, looking slightly disheveled despite his well thought out attire. "Itadori called—" Yuuta's sentence gets caught off as Megumi pulls him in for a hug. Yuuta smells of pine, cranberry, and coffee.

      Yuuta doesn't question it, wrapping his arms around Megumi and resting his cheek on top of Megumi's head. "You're always welcome, Yuuta. I'm... glad you're here."

      Yuuta sighs in relief, his hold tightening but only a little so he doesn't make it difficult for Megumi to breathe. "I love you, Megumi. I was so worried you were upset with me."

       "For what?" Megumi's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

       "For being pushy, I didn't mean to shut the door when you opened it—"

        "You're so weird." Megumi chuckles, noticing how fond he is when Yuuta blushes from either being sheepish or bashful. "I'm not upset with you. It would take a lot for me to be upset with you."

      Yuuta takes his hand, pressing Megumi's soft palm to his cheek. Megumi tenses, his face flushing at Yuuta's tender gaze. "You own my heart, Megumi, and I don't want you to ever return it."

      Megumi stumbles over his own words, struck speechless and his heart racing. Only Yuuta Okkotsu could be both timid and diffident as well as bold and forthright. Megumi musters up some courage, going on his tip toes and kissing Yuuta. Yuuta is startled but instantly leans down for Megumi, returning the kiss. Yuuta goes to deepen the kiss and slip his tongue inside when the front door is abruptly opened.

     "Woah! My bad! Are you guys decent?" Itadori dramatically covers his face. "Okkotsu! Stop doing the nasty with my best friend outside the house, we're suppose to spend time together!" He whines.

      Yuuta smiles at Megumi's disappointed pout, pecking his lips once more before taking Megumi's hand and lacing their fingers together. "Sorry, Itadori." Yuuta chuckles, the two of them walking in the house. Yuji shuts the door, locking it before jogging after them.

      "What have you guys been doing?" Yuuta questions. Megumi goes to answer when Itadori slings his arm around Megumi's shoulders since he clearly feels like he is being left out.

      "We're debating on a movie! I think it's time we watch The Hunger Games again but Junpei wants to watch Harry Potter, Megumi doesn't care, Kiro wants to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, so your vote is very important!" Itadori exclaims, dragging them faster along.

      "Hello, Okkotsu." Junpei greets.

      "Hey, Junpei."

      "Yuuta!" Kiro breaks out into a blithe smile at seeing Yuuta and his mom together. Megumi and Yuuta sit together on the couch with Kiro making his way to sit on both their laps right perfectly in the middle.

       "How about Pirates of the Caribbean?" Yuuta suggests.

        "That's good." Megumi agrees.

        "Megumi! No fair!" Itadori complains making them chuckle at his behavior.

        "I want to watch that." Junpei agrees.

         "Betrayed by my boyfriend and my best friend, how will I ever recover?"

         "I think you'll be fine, hun." Junpei chuckles, taking Itadori's hand and having him sit down beside him. Junpei kisses his cheek, snuggling against him. Megumi puts the first movie on, setting the remote down and laying against Yuuta. Megumi and Yuuta link their hands together, hugging Kiro against them. Kiro places his small hands on top of both their hands, relaxed and curious about the movie.

       Megumi is here with people that love him, with people that he loves. Yuuta causes Megumi to feel butterflies, Megumi can think of nothing better than being next to him like this.

     So why is he thinking about Sukuna? Has Sukuna ever experienced something like this? Where he spends time with friends, people he cares for and that care for him? Sukuna has never gotten to be in Kiro's position either where he's with people that love him and have sweet little moments like this.

     Megumi wants to give Sukuna these moments but when he thinks about wanting to do that, it feels like he's continuing to betray Yuuta.



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