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       Sukuna wakes from a night terror, his body covered in sweat and his heart pounding so hard it feels like he might die. He curses under his breath, getting out of his bed and going to the bathroom to take a shower. The water is hot but that's the way he likes it, it burns his skin in just the right way. He was a little kid again in his nightmare, his parents were screaming at one another for something that he doesn't remember. He had climbed into the cabinets, hiding there with some of the blankets that were in there. 

      He was probably four... six, at the most. He was hugging his knees to his chest, counting from one to ten over and over, trying to drown out the noise. He was afraid they'd find him, terrified that his father would beat him because he thought he looked too much like his mom or that his mother would touch him because she thought he looked too much like his father. 

     "Fuck!" Sukuna shouts, gripping his wet hair. When he was with Megumi, he wasn't tormented by the memories. All he dreamt about was his Blessing, even the bad ones felt better than the ones involving his childhood. Everything in his life is horrible, everything except Megumi. Sukuna needs to see him, he needs him, he's falling apart. Sukuna gets out of the shower, grabbing his phone. It's six in the morning, almost seven. He dials Megumi's phone as he hurriedly gets dressed. He throws on jeans and a T-shirt, Megumi's phone goes to voicemail. He places his phone in his back pocket, he called like Megumi asked but he didn't answer. Even when Sukuna does what Megumi wants, the stubborn boy doesn't respond to it.

    Meanwhile, back at Yuuta's apartment, the two are snuggled closely together. Both are nude and exhausted, Megumi can still feel the tingling between his legs. "I don't want to get up." Megumi whines, hugging onto Yuuta tighter. 

      "It's still early, you should sleep." Yuuta murmurs, pressing a kiss against Megumi's temple. Megumi chuckles, shaking his head.

     "I can't. I need to stop by the house, Kiro left his backpack by the door. I have to drop it off with Toji..." Megumi yawns, slowly sitting up. Yuuta leans up, grabbing the back of Megumi's neck to bring him in for a kiss. 

      "I'll drive you, we can get breakfast after we bring Kiro what he needs." 

      "I'd love that." Megumi smiles, pecking Yuuta once more before he gets up. He borrows a pair of clean boxers from Yuuta since he doesn't want to put on his other underwear and borrows a hoodie as well. He wears his jeans, figuring he'll just change when he stops by the house. Yuuta gets dressed and grabs his car keys. Megumi grins playfully, jumping onto Yuuta's back and wrapping his arms around Yuuta's neck. "Thank you for coming with me."

     "Of course, anything for you and Kiro." Yuuta chuckles, carrying Megumi out. "Does he have school today?" He questions as they enter the private parking lot reserved for the residents. He sets Megumi down, unlocking the car and opening the door.

     "His preschool is kind of like daycare, open all week and weekend. They're still little, it's not like Kindergarten will be. Monday through friday, time schedule for picks up and such." Megumi answers once Yuuta gets into the car. "I am going to miss the flexibility of preschool, it makes it easier when I have things I can't cancel." 

      "I'm a painter and a photographer, I have the most adjustable schedule. Whenever you can't, I'll pick him up." Yuuta hopes he's subtle but Megumi gives him a curious look.

      "You're involved a lot but you want to be involved more? I appreciate it, I do, but Kiro is my child which means he is my responsibility."

      "I know that, I don't want to overstep if it makes you uncomfortable but I love you, Megumi, and I will always be there for Kiro, no matter what." Yuuta takes Megumi's hand, pressing a kiss on top. Megumi's smile drops as they pull up his driveway and seeing Sukuna sitting on his steps. Yuuta's hand grabs onto Megumi's upper thigh, his jaw clenching. "Don't get out the car."

      "I have to." Megumi unbuckles his seatbelt, getting out of the car despite what Yuuta said. Yuuta gets out as well; he doesn't want Megumi to see Sukuna. "What are you doing here?"

      "You were with him all night?" Sukuna questions, looking between the two of them.

      "I am just stopping by, I have to pick something up—"

      "I need you to stay with me."

      "Sukuna, I can't—"

       "Fuck!" Sukuna stands up and Megumi flinches, his heart pounding in his chest. "I fucking need you to stay, did you hear me or are you deaf?"

      "I heard you, I did." Megumi nods, taking out his house key attached to his keychain with trembling hands. "Yuuta, could you bring Kiro his backpack for me?"

      "You can't be serious." Yuuta is in complete disbelief. Megumi is clearly afraid but he wants to stay?

      "If you can't, that's alright. I'm sure Toji wants to keep him anyway—"

       "Megumi." Yuuta places his hand on top of Megumi's hand that holds his keys. Megumi jolts, looking up at Yuuta. "I can bring him the backpack but... I don't think it's safe to be left alone with him."

      Megumi knows that, he knows Sukuna is going to react terribly after seeing them together. He knows but he is powerless when it comes to Sukuna. He is firm about wanting Megumi to stay and Megumi can't resist the demand. He doesn't respond to Yuuta, passing Sukuna and unlocking the door.

    He noticed something else. Choso's car isn't here.

    He grabs the backpack with a black cat keychain on it, walking out and holding it out for Yuuta. "Thank you." Megumi whispers. Yuuta doesn't want to leave, he shouldn't let them be alone but he can't force Megumi to do what he thinks is best. He isn't controlling, he doesn't want Megumi to hate him.

     "Come on." Sukuna snatches Megumi's upper arm up and tugs him along. Megumi and Sukuna enter the house, the door is locked by Sukuna. Megumi takes off his shoes at the entrance, avoiding Sukuna's fierce glare. "That's how it is then?"

     "How what is?" Megumi questions, looking up at Sukuna. Sukuna grins manically, his crimson eyes filled with malicious intent. He grabs Megumi's jaw, his other hand pressing against Megumi's chest and slamming him against the wall.  "Why are you here?"

      Sukuna's eyes flicker to the dark hickey onto Megumi's neck. His world is falling apart all over again, everything is crashing and exploding, he's losing everything. All he has is Megumi and he's being stolen away, he's letting other people fuck him. It hurts, Sukuna is in complete misery and when he feels this way, he wants Megumi to hurt just as badly.

      "Did it feel good spreading your legs for him? Did he make you feel loved and appreciated? Did he tell you some sweet, sappy bullshit just to get into your pants?"

     "Stop it, I don't want to talk about this." Megumi closes his eyes, shaking his hand. He grabs Sukuna's hand that roughly holds his face, trying to pry it off.

     "He just said all that to fuck you. That's been his goal all along, you're just too stupid to realize it. I bet he refused too, he looks like the kind of pussy to say he doesn't want to fuck you, make you think it was all your idea, and then fuck you."

     "Do you like hurting me?" Megumi doesn't want to hear it, he doesn't want to know if that's true or not. 

      "I really do, Blessing." Sukuna chuckles, "Have you always been a desperate whore that just wants to be loved? How pathetic, you're behaving like a bitch in heat for everyone. What should I do to make it clear I own you? Using force doesn't seem to work, does it? I'm weak to your pretty face but I have to make a point."

    "Why can't you be nice to me?" Megumi's voice is shaky from his dread. Sukuna takes his hand off Megumi's face, his other hand still firmly pressing Megumi against the wall.

     "When I'm nice, you take advantage of it and do whatever the fuck you want. My love, I'm not feeling too nice right now. Especially not after knowing you've been fucking him."

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