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      "Ryomen." Choso places his hand firmly onto Sukuna's shoulder. "Enough now, don't do something you'll regret. You're still in your dark place. You're hurting Megumi and Megumi is someone you love very much."

       Sukuna tenses, something similar to recognition, surprise, and hatred crossing his features. He shakes Choso off of him, creating some distance between him and Megumi. "Don't fucking touch me." Sukuna snaps, his body temperature burning up. Choso puts his hands up in surrender, cautiously stepping around Sukuna. He wraps an arm around Megumi's waist, careful not to startle Megumi.

      "Megumi? Are you alright?" Choso whispers, his touch soft. "You're hurt so I need you to answer me." Choso has to determine how bad it is. It was a struggle to get the others back there to let him go but Uraume stepped in and got them out of his way. Uraume is very helpful.

      "Home... Take me home." Megumi grabs onto Choso, his teary eyes locked onto Sukuna. Choso nods his head, picking Megumi up bridal style. Sukuna didn't seem like himself, he was far more frightening than ever before. Almost like he was a vicious monster.

      "Ryomen, I'm taking Megumi home. He's hurt, he needs to leave." Choso informs, observing Sukuna cautiously. When Sukuna doesn't seem like he's about to snap because of it, Choso continues on his way with Megumi securely in his arms. Megumi clings to Choso, trembling as he silently cries, burying his face into Choso's shirt. Choso has known Sukuna to be a violent person but to think his behavior when he's in the dark headspace has only worsened over the years.... and Megumi looked so small, weak, and vulnerable against Sukuna who barley showed him any mercy. If anything, mercy was not breaking bones or punching him. Though, if Choso hasn't stepped in, he might've crossed both those lines.

      Choso is in the dark about Megumi's and Sukuna's relationship. From what he's determined, Megumi and Sukuna were a couple. That part is shocking enough, he never thought Sukuna would date anybody, let alone love someone. Megumi has Sukuna's child and for another reason that Choso is unaware of, they broke up. From the looks of it, Megumi is the one who broke up with Sukuna since Sukuna is behaving so irrationally.

      Choso opens the car door, setting Megumi into the passenger seat. Choso gets into the driver seat, pulling away the instant he turns the car on.

      Megumi hugs his knees to his chest, hiding his face in his knees as tears roll down his face. "It's my fault."

     "What is?" Choso questions, glancing at the upset boy.

     "Everything." Megumi whispers, hugging tighter onto his legs.

       "I doubt that. Ryomen has always been the violent type." Choso hums, recalling some childhood memories. Sukuna always went too far with everything, but that's exactly why Uraume and Choso had stuck with him. He was strong and when it truly came to it, he was loyal. He might threaten but he would never betray Uraume or Choso, unless they betrayed him first.

      "I don't know what to do."

      "About Sukuna?" Choso questions. Megumi nods his head, his grip tightening. "Hm, he seems really hurt. That doesn't excuse anything, I don't condone domestic violence."

      "Why did you tell him?"

       "Tell him what?"

        Megumi lifts his face, his cheek swollen and bruising, his eyes red from his crying. "Why did you tell Sukuna that I was in the hospital? Are you sharing my private information behind my back to him?"

       "No. He heard about the incident on tv and called me. I won't do that again, sorry." Choso hadn't meant to betray Megumi's trust. He wasn't aware their relationship was so adverse and complex. Megumi sniffles, shaking his head.

      "Thank you. I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you. I know you weren't trying to go behind my back, I'm just rattled right now." Megumi apologizes. "I just really wish he wouldn't keep so many secrets from me. You don't have to answer but has Sukuna always been so secretive?"

      "I think at this point it wouldn't be right to keep things I know about him from you. Yes, he always has been. Secretive and plotting, he has a lot of emotions that he doesn't know what to do with." Choso shrugs. Megumi thinks this is the most he's heard Choso speak, he's usually very reserved. "He does care but I don't think he's good at showing it."

      "Hm, I know. He used to be so affectionate. Ugh, this is embarrassing." Megumi chuckles, wiping his tears with his sleeves. "I shouldn't be talking to you about this. It must be awkward."

      "Not awkward. I pierced his dick with you right there, it doesn't get any more personal than that." Choso shrugs and Megumi bursts into genuine laughter, nodding his head.

      "Yeah, you're right, I forgot." His laughter eases Choso's heart. It's good that Megumi is feeling lighter than earlier, Choso prefers Megumi like this. Megumi leans back against the seat, sighing. "Yuuta is going to flip when he sees me like this."

       "He's still there?"

        "Mhm, he wanted to pick Kiro up. It was clearly a ploy to stay longer but it's fine. I like him around. I just... Hey, can I vent to you? I won't make you uncomfortable, right? You can be honest, I can always talk to Junpei about this later."

     "I don't mind."

      "Most of the people in my life treat me really bad. I'm really lucky to have friends that care about me. Yuji, Junpei, and Toge have always treated me as an equal. Sukuna, people associated with Sukuna, and my family have all treated me like I'm way beneath them. Sukuna was my first relationship so... I guess I'm more familiar with his treatment. Yuuta unintentionally scares me sometimes but that's only because I'm expecting him to hurt me like Sukuna did. Yuuta has always treated me like I'm the most special person in his world. It feels... weird? Unusual? Just... I don't know how to react." Megumi huffs in frustration, the right words not coming to him.

      "Being scared of things foreign is normal." Choso reassures, expressionless as always.

       "Choso, do you like someone?" Megumi questions curiously, tilting his head.



         "There's someone I have casual sex with. That's all. I'm not attached to them romantically." Choso replies truthfully.

         "Have you loved someone before?"


         "Oh." Megumi sighs, fidgeting with his hands. "Thank you for listening to me babble. I do that when I'm nervous."

        Choso ponders a thought in his head before deciding to say it. "I don't mind conversation with you, I enjoy it."

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