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Megumi dresses Kiro up in warm clothing, winter has begun and it's been snowing for three days straight. Today is his mother's charity event and he can not avoid it. If he attempted, it would awaken her wrath and when she gets like that, she always gets her way after messing with Megumi's head. "Actually..." Megumi takes the green scarf off, putting the blue one with white snowflakes on Kiro instead. "Much better. Are you ready to go?"

"Mommy, hot cocoa please?" Kiro opens his arms, making his wants known. Megumi picks his child up, carrying him out the house with Choso following.

"Sure, we can get some before we go." Megumi agrees. The three order warm drinks of their choice before Megumi drives to the destination. It's been awhile since he skated on actual frozen ice over a lake, it's both exciting yet nerve-wracking. He just hopes his mother has relaxed but, as much as he dislikes to admit it, when it comes to social gatherings she becomes a manipulative viper that thrives on looking down on others. She's always been the woman everyone envies and wants to be, she doesn't take that title lightly.

"Kiro, if you feel uncomfortable and want to go home, you can tell me. Okay?" Megumi tells Kiro as he parks his car.

"Okay momma." Kiro nods. The three of them head over to where the sophisticated people dressed in designer attire meant to make them look both exquisite and part of the winter line. Megumi holds Kiro in his arms, an unreadable expression on his face. Choso keeps two steps behind them, his gaze cold towards everyone.

"Megumi darling!" His mother exclaims, drawing more attention to him. She pulls him close, kissing his cheek. "It's been a long time since you've seen my son, isn't he lovely?"

"He certainly inherited the flawless Fushiguro genetics. Hello Megumi, I've heard many things about you from my troublesome son, Satoru." A beautiful woman takes his hand, shaking it as a smile curls on her face. It's uncanny how similar Satoru and his mother look. Her skin is pale and her hair long, white, and wavy. Her eyes are bright blue and her lashes white, she is breathtaking. Megumi even finds himself coy in her presence.

"Is Satoru here?" Megumi questions.

"I sent him an invitation, I assume he's somewhere around." She sighs, clearly disinterested. She is wearing a lovely blood red dress with a fluffy, white fur coat. Diamonds accessorize her neck, her ears, and even her wrists. Her intention is to show off as a trophy wife, she doesn't care what others think about her. Like Megumi's families, she comes from generations of wealth and she has never once had to get her hands dirty. In the hard working sense, she's definitely gotten her hands dirty making the lives of others miserable just for her own enjoyment.

"You're lovelier than I remember. You were a small, shy thing. You always hid behind your father, I would've loved to have kept you as my little pet." She smiles and it sends a chill up Megumi's spine.

"Megumi!" Eria Okkotsu unexpectedly pulls Megumi and Kiro in for a hug. "Oh my goodness, is this your son I've heard about? He's so precious."

Kiro looks at his mom for answers. "Um, yes, it is. Kiro, this is Eria Okkotsu. She's Yuuta's mom." Megumi introduces. Kiro's eyes brighten and he holds his little hand out to her. He's wearing blue mittens to match his scarf and to make sure he stays warm.

"Hello, Yuuta's mama." He smiles, shaking her hand.

"Awe!" Eria gushes over how adorable he is. Gojo's mother wears a disapproving expression while Sera wears her signature pseudo smile. "How have you been? You need to come over for dinner again."

"Again?" Gojo's mother questions, her voice smooth with a light rasp. "It seems I've been left out, has Sera's 'Megumi Darling' spent time with everyone except me?" Her bright blue eyes subtly narrow as she takes a sip of her bubbling champagne. "You shouldn't hang around with insignificant, vacuous people." Her hatred towards Eria hasn't changed over the years, even as she left home long ago and had no tie to the inheritance. Victoria Gojo, Satoru's mother, has always found pleasure in making Eria's life miserable. That is typically why Eria prefers to avoid social gatherings but when she heard Megumi would be attending, she couldn't resist.

"Should a covetousness woman really be insulting others?" Yuuta comes to his mother's defense, insulting the wynorrific woman. She squeezes her champagne glass, masking her rage with a severely forced smile.

"Yuuta, wish I could say it was a delight to see you." She chuckles, taking a sip of her champagne. Eria nudges her son gently, not wanting him to entertain Victoria further.

"Hello Megumi, you're..." He clears his throat, his face flushing. "Hey, Kiro, you look nice today."

"Mom dressed me up." He shyly replies, too many people crowding him. He isn't a child that is typically shy but Sera and Victoria are rather intimidating women. Eria radiates a gentle aura similar to Yuuta's, he feels safe. "Yuuta, you watch momma skate?"

Before Yuuta can answer, Victoria snickers, hiding her judgemental smirk behind her champagne glass. "Honestly, Megumi Darling, you really should teach Kiro how to have a proper conversation." Sera sneers.

"He can have a proper conversation, he speaks better than most three year olds. Don't belittle him in front of me again." Yuuta narrows his eyes at the woman, sick of dealing with her incessant insults towards him, towards Megumi, and he especially won't tolerate it towards Kiro. Before Sera can say anything else, Yuuta places his hand onto Megumi's lower back and leads him away from the women.

"Yuuta, are you sure it was okay to leave your mother behind?" Megumi questions, glancing over his shoulder.

"It's alright, Kamo's mother arrived so my mother won't be alone. They get along well. Yes, Kiro, I did come to see your mom skate. Your mom is the best skater there is." Yuuta smiles sweetly at Kiro, ruffling the boy's dark hair. "You brought Choso along? Sorry I didn't say hello, by the way."

"It's alright, I'm working so I avoid socializing." Choso replies.

"Safety and all. Thank you for doing that... She's..."

"I am sorry about being harsh towards her, Megumi. I always bite my tongue because she's your mother but I couldn't let her speak to Kiro that way." Yuuta frowns.

Megumi takes Yuuta's hand in his, "It's alright, I'm not upset. Thank you, Yuuta. I mean it. It's not easy for me to stand up to her so... yeah, that's it. Thank you."

Noritoshi comes over to the four of them, holding out a champagne glass for Megumi. To avoid suspicion, Megumi accepts it. "Hello, Noritoshi." Megumi greets kindly, an amiable smile on his face.

"It's come to my attention that our mothers are using this charity event as an attempt to bring us closer." Noritoshi informs Megumi so he isn't left in the dark. "I wasn't made aware till we arrived."

"I figured something was suspicious when she made sure Satoru and Yuuta came." Megumi sighs.

"Your mother hasn't considered Satoru a worthy competitor?" Noritoshi questions.

"He's notorious for being a playboy, she doesn't want that kind of negative publicity." Megumi answers, knowing his mother best. "She's overly obsessed with our image."

"Clearly." Yuuta mutters under his breath.

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