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         "You don't get to make decisions for me. We're not in a relationship." Megumi firmly reminds. Kiro is still glaring at Sukuna, hiding behind Megumi and holding tightly onto his hoodie. 

       Sukuna leans forward, close enough that their lips almost touch. Megumi's breath hitches, his hand instantly covering Kiro's eyes. "Sleeping together counts as a relationship."

       "Another rule, watch what you say around Kiro. He doesn't need to have his mind tainted." Megumi gives Sukuna an icy glare and Sukuna gets a pleasured chill down his spine. "Give me my phone."

         "Your what?" Sukuna pretends to be confused but the glare he receives from Megumi hardens venomously. He takes out Megumi's phone from his pocket, handing it to him. "Don't go." 

       Megumi clenches his jaw, averting his eyes from Sukuna's soft gaze. Sukuna is reckless and unpredictable, Megumi can't take the risk with Kiro. Megumi unlocks his phone, seeing he has numerous missed calls and messages. He decides to call Itadori back first.

      It rings once and is answered, "Megumi! Where are you?! Are you and Kiro safe?! I'm so, so sorry!"

        "Yuji, calm down. We're both okay. Where are you?" Megumi questions, taking his hand off Kiro's eyes. Sukuna doesn't want Megumi to go, he wants to keep him close. Megumi wants to keep Kiro safe more than he wants anything and Sukuna is conflicted on how to feel about that. On one hand, Megumi wants to protect their child and it makes Sukuna want to give Megumi another and another till they can't anymore. On the negative, it means Megumi believes that Sukuna is a risk to Kiro.

       "The hospital, right now. Junpei and I came to check on Okkotsu, he's not doing well. Gojo got into a car wreck and his parents refused to come." Itadori explains hurriedly. Megumi's heart drops into the pit of his stomach.

       "We'll be there, text me the address." Megumi informs before abruptly hanging up. "Sukuna, I need you to take me to the hospital."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

        Megumi gets out of the car and Kiro scoots up. "Is it true?" Kiro whispers to Sukuna, looking at him impatiently.

          "Is what true?" Sukuna questions.

          "Are you the boogeyman?" Kiro whispers again and Sukuna can't help but laugh in response. Megumi opens the door to the back seat, ushering Kiro out of the car. Megumi picks Kiro up and rushes inside the hospital, worried about Yuuta and Satoru. 

        "Excuse me, hello." He greets the woman at the front desk. "Could you tell me where to find Gojo Satoru?"

        "Are you family?" She inquires.

        "Yes, we're family." Megumi lies.

         "Megumi... you're here." Yuuta breathlessly says. When he heard from Itadori that Megumi was on his way, he rushed down in a hurry. 

        "Thank you but my friend is here." Megumi smiles before going towards Yuuta. Yuuta embraces both Megumi and Kiro. Megumi wraps his free arm around Yuuta's waist and Kiro even returns the hug, gently patting Yuuta with his small hands. "How is he?" Megumi questions.

       "He's going to be okay, he went in for emergency surgery, he ruptured his spleen, has a broken rib cage but that's healing from the surgery, and his arm and leg are broken but he's going to live. I'm so happy you're here, that both of you are here."

       Yuuta pulls back, placing his hand onto Megumi's lower back and leading him to where the elevator is. "I tried calling his parents a bunch of times, she could care less. She is off getting a spa treatment and his dad says he's busy with work."

        "That's horrible, what did Satoru say?"

          "He hasn't woken up yet." Yuuta clenches his jaw, "He probably won't be shocked they didn't show up."

        Megumi doesn't know too much about Satoru's childhood. They're friends that are ice partners and occasionally have sex, they don't get too sentimental or have deep conversations. The only thing Megumi knows is that Satoru's friend had died and Satoru doesn't seem to have deep connections with others. 

       They make it to Satoru's room where Junpei and Itadori are. "Inumaki was here but I sent him home to get some rest." Okkotsu mentions. He turns to Junpei, "Sorry Junpei but could you take Kiro to the vending machine? I'd like to talk to Megumi."

      Okkotsu turns to Megumi, "If that's okay?"

       "Of course." Megumi nods, letting Junpei take Kiro from him and bring him out of the hospital room. Itadori stands, giving Megumi a quick hug.

        "I'll give you guys alone time." Itadori gives Megumi a quick look over before he leaves, shutting the door behind him. 

        "Satoru has a room to himself?" Megumi questions, his expressing shifting as he sees Satoru's state. Megumi doesn't even want to know how much worse Satoru must've looked when he was first brought in.

         Yuuta takes Megumi's hand, wearing a serious expression. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you or Kiro, did he?"

        "No, I'm alright. Overwhelmed, yes, but I'll live."

         Yuuta's pained eyes flicker to the marks on Megumi's neck, his heart clenching. "Are you and him... back together?"

           "No, we're not." Megumi answers, taking Yuuta's hand. "I'm sorry you were handing this all on your own but I'm here now, you're not alone. You can rely on me, Yuuta."

      Yuuta pulls Megumi close, hugging him once again. He buries his face into Megumi's neck, the stress is instantly being lifted now that the one he loves is here. He was so frightened of the possibility that Satoru wouldn't make it and he'd have to deal with all of it alone. Inumaki, Junpei, and Itadori were here but he would force himself to not show his true emotions around them. There's a difference in his level of comfort around the people in his life.

      His body trembles as the tears roll down his face. He has been too worried to call his mother and tell her about the situation, he doesn't want to bring her back to the family issues when she's living her life happily. "I was so scared something bad happened to you, I was so worried that Satoru wasn't going to make it. I'm thankful you're here, Megumi, I need you right now."

       Megumi cups Yuuta's face, wiping away his tears. Megumi appreciates that Yuuta feels comfortable enough to be vulnerable with him. It's a level of comfortability they have that makes Megumi feel so strongly towards him even if he still loves Sukuna.

      Yuuta leans closer and the world seems to stop, the two are both hesitate and uncertain but their hearts are drawing them together. Before Yuuta can close in on the 2 centimeters separating his lips from Megumi's, Kiro bursts into the room with his arms filled with snacks. "Mama, I brought snacks!"

     Yuuta rests his forehead against Megumi's shoulder, hiding his face. Kiro frowns, "Is Yuuta sad? Don't be sad, I brought snacks."

     Itadori and Junpei are by the entrance, talking to one another privately. "Yuuta is going to be okay, he just needs some support right now. Satoru is Yuuta's family, like you and I are family." Megumi explains to the patient three year old.

      "Oh..." Kiro replies, thinking deeply about his mom's words. He sets the snacks onto the chair, walking over and hugging Yuuta's leg. "Yuuta is Kiro and Mama's family too. Don't be sad, he'll be okay."

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