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       "Toji is going to watch Kiro tonight, I'll come back after showering and getting changed." Megumi tells Yuuta as both of them and Kiro wait outside the hospital. Toji is on his way to pick up Megumi and Kiro. Yuuta just wants to make sure they get picked up safely, he's still on edge knowing that Sukuna is back.

       "You've been through a lot, you don't have to come back." Yuuta frowns, taking Megumi's hand. "You should take care of yourself before me."

         "I know I don't have to. I'll be back." Megumi gives his hand a slight squeeze before pulling away. Toji's car pulls up and he gets out, walking around.

      "Dumpling, are you and the mini alright?"

        "We're fine, Toji." Megumi forces a slight smile. He's not fine, he's conflicted between Yuuta and Sukuna right now. He's even more startled with Kiro saying that Yuuta is part of their family, he wants to know exactly how Kiro feels. He knows they have spent a lot of time together and Yuuta has always been there, besides when he went on his trip to Greece. But now that Sukuna is back and is showing no intention of giving them space, is he supposed to tell Kiro that Sukuna is his father? Who exactly does Megumi's little three year old think Yuuta is to him?

      "Bye, Yuuta." Kiro quickly hugs Yuuta before letting Toji put him in the car. Toji has his own forward facing car seat for Kiro, he had to hear a lecture from Megumi when he tried to pick Kiro up without one and now always makes sure he's prepared. Toji buckles him in with ease, giving it a slight tug to make sure it's secure. "Megumi, let's go." Toji opens the passenger car door, looking between the two of them

     "See you later, Yuuta." Megumi gets into the passenger seat and Toji shuts the door. Toji doesn't spare Yuuta even a glance as he gets into the car, nor does he say anything to him. Toji drives off, heading in the direction of Megumi's home. There's an uncomfortable atmosphere and Toji hasn't said a word yet. Megumi takes out his phone, handing it to Kiro. "Here, play a game."

       "Thank you, mom." Kiro takes the phone, pressing on a game to play.

       "You need to focus on yourself." Toji abruptly says.

       "I am, I'm focused on Kiro and I." Megumi responds.

       "I meant ya need to take care of yourself. Having him around isn't good for you. I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just telling you to seriously think about what you want and what is good for you. I don't want you to make shitty decisions in the moment because you feel all euphoric."

        "If I was going to make a bad decision in the moment, I would have stayed. You don't have to worry about me, Toji, I'm an adult."

         "You're an adult in age only. With the way Sera and Vincent raised ya, you're still like a reckless teenager that needs help. There's nothin' wrong with needin' help here and there."

       "Pfft, that's funny coming from the man who would rather lose a limb than ask anyone for help." Megumi teases.

       Toji snorts, "You and I are different."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         Megumi finished his shower and got himself refreshed. He plans on going back to the hospital to help support Yuuta. Okkotsu has always been there when he needed it. He calls his mother, putting it on speaker. He grabs a small duffel bag, setting it on his bed. "Megumi, darling, I always love when you call me first." She answers joyfully. Megumi grabs a change of clothes, putting them on his bed.

        "Remember when you offered to give me the number for the private bodyguard services?"

        "Of course I do, your father and I were very perturbed about you going anywhere without protection." She sighs and he can picture her disapproving expression. He begins to fold the clothes, putting them into the duffel bag. 

       "Could you send me that number?"

       "Of course! Wait, did something happen?"

       "No, nothing happened. I just want to be safe, I don't want something bad to happen to Kiro." Megumi does not want to tell his parents that Sukuna is back. His mother agrees to send the number and the two say their goodbyes. Megumi grabs his bag and his car keys, heading downstairs. He checks his messages with his mother, clicking on the number she sent. 

       He can't let anything bad happen to his child, a bodyguard might be the only option at this point. He doesn't want to believe Sukuna would do anything to harm Kiro but it's best he keeps cautious. Kiro is the most important and most special in Megumi's life, he might be reckless with himself but he won't be when it comes to his child.

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