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        Blood covers Sukuna's knuckles but that doesn't deter him, it never does, as he continues to punch his opponent in his face. His opponent stumbles back, cornering himself unintentionally. Sukuna punches the man directly into his ribcage, full force and not merciful in the slightest. His opponent's nose has been broken, blood streaming down as Sukuna completely reshaped it into an unsightly position.

     He can never erase hearing Yuuta having sex with Megumi. The betrayal he feels is immeasurable. Of course it was his Megumi, he knows those sounds all too well, he used to be the only one who would bring forth those sounds of pleasure.

       "Enough, stop it." Uraume demands through the ear piece, clenching his jaw. The fight is over, the guy can not take anymore and they've past their 15 minutes, he has to end it.

     Reluctant to end the fight, Sukuna hits his opponent once more for good measure. The other drops down, exhausted, beaten bloody and his facial bones fractured and broken. The crowd eats it up as always, they know who to bet their money on but there will always be fools with false hope to see Sukuna crumble and be defeated.

       The cage lifts and Sukuna jumps down, his body running hot and his bloodlust visible. People move out of his way as he goes to the bar. He snatches a bottle from the bartender, pouring some liquor straight into his mouth. His upper body is entirely visible, a godly physique he worked hard to achieve when he was younger.

      "Should you be drinking while you're like this?" Uraume questions, gravely concerned about what has upset Sukuna so much.

      "Should an alcoholic be in a bar?" Sukuna snaps back at Uraume.

       "I've been sober for awhile. What happened?" Uraume questions, trying to feign that he isn't fazed by Sukuna's harsh words. He hasn't been sober for a long time but he's been doing his very best against his addiction.

       "Just that Okkotsu fucked Megumi and he had to make sure I heard it all." Sukuna answers, taking another gulp of the alcohol.

        "Megumi did that...?" Uraume is shocked by this.

        "Probably too fucked out to pay attention to anything going on. That bastard knows what he did." Sukuna angrily replies, taking another gulp of the liquor. It's disgusting but that burn is a pleasant distraction. "That bastard knocked Megumi up with his kid, that fucker probably did it on purpose."

      "Is Megumi only with him because he's having his baby?" Uraume reaches to take the liquor bottle from Sukuna but he pulls it back, sending Uraume a warning glare. "Choso told me that you really hurt Megumi that day we got rid of Kamo. That you threatened to beat him till he had a miscarriage. I didn't understand because I thought you wanted him to have your baby... Did you do that because you knew it was Yuuta's?"

      "I'm done talking about all of this shit. I will fix the problem later. I've made mistakes, that's fucking clear, Uraume. What about him? He's fucked other people, he's done drugs, and he's pregnant by the guy I hate and spreading his legs like a whore—"

       "You're drunk, you don't mean that bullshit. Don't you dare play the blame game. Everyone has downfalls, admit to yours—"

      "I already have and look what's happened. I've lost all I've had, he is all I've ever needed. He was mine and no one elses. I've never had anything before, until him. He was taken from me so fucking easily it's pathetic." Sukuna takes another swig, his eyebrows pinching as he keeps his emotions locked up, he won't show none of them on his face. He should've gotten rid of Yuuta the minute he figured out how Yuuta felt about Megumi.

      "You guys will work it out. It's going to be okay." Uraume forces a smile, with how foreign it is it's awkward and makes Sukuna snort.

      "Don't do that again, you look broken."

      "Jackass." Uraume glares, snatching the liquor bottle and handing it back to the bartender. "You look like shit, like you got into a fight and then your dog got run over. Go home. You should be good enough to drive." Uraume pats Sukuna's shoulder before walking off. Sukuna sighs, checking his phone. Megumi still hasn't called or read his messages.

     He sends another dozen texts before grunting, reluctantly going to the backroom to get his keys. He calls Megumi again, waiting and waiting... Then the voicemail beeps. "Hey, Meg, you're still mad at me... I'd like to know the reason. This is worse than us arguing, you're acting as if I don't exit. Why did you run off after we had sex? Was staying the night with me so terrible? I know I'm a shitty person, I'm not always nice to you and I upset you more than I make you happy lately. I love you. My way of showing it is shitty but, hm, no excuses. I love you, Blessing, stop ignoring me and call me back." Sukuna pauses, sighing, "Please... Call me back."

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