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        "Yuji, is he going to be okay?" Junpei questions with genuine concern. They're standing outside the hospital with Okkotsu talking to the doctor and Inumaki waiting in the lobby. "Please tell me it isn't serious..."

         "He hasn't woken up yet, I don't know the details other than he was drinking and driving. Whoever hit him disappeared. Okkotsu is overwhelmed with the situation and when he's done handling this with the doctor, Inumaki is going to stay here while we look for him." Itadori explains lowly, not wanting to mention Megumi's name in front of Kiro. 

       From the distance, a familiar figure captures Kiro's attention. He glances up at Junpei who is having a hushed conversation with Itadori. Kiro looks back at the person, his legs moving on their own towards him. The closer he gets, the more he's certain. It's the man with the red eyes, the one who last saw his mom. Kiro runs towards him now, desperate to catch him before he gets back into his car. Sukuna pauses when he sees a tiny child standing in front of him. Sukuna's jaw clenches when he realizes it isn't just any child, it's Megumi's. He can see Megumi's features on the boy, it's as clear as day. 

       "You—!" Kiro yelps when Sukuna picks him up with both hands, holding him out at arms length. His features are pretty like Megumi's, but who the other features belong to is what Sukuna wants to figure out. "You took my mom! Give him back to me!" Kiro demands, wiggling around like a worm.

        "He was mine first." Sukuna replies. It's hard to get a good look when the boy is this fidgety. "Do you want to see him?"

         Kiro freezes, eyes widening. "You can take me to my mom?"

          "Sure." Sukuna sets the kid down, opening the car door. Kiro was taught not to go with strangers but this person saw his mom, this person knows where his mama is. Kiro gets into the car and Sukuna shuts the door. 

          Junpei glances at where Kiro should be, shock on his face as he looks around in complete panic. "Yuji, where's Kiro?!" He looks to where his car is parked but doesn't see Kiro anywhere around. Itadori sees a flash of red in the distance, a color he's grown to have a deep hatred for. The red is gone and Itadori feels he has failed Megumi. "Sukuna has him."

          "What? Yuji, why would you say something so horrible?! Kiro was just here, maybe... maybe he ran inside. I'll go check!" Junpei runs inside the hospital and Itadori doesn't stop him. They've lost Megumi and now Kiro, he couldn't protect his best friend or his god child. He doesn't know how he's going to tell Okkotsu about this, especially because he now knows that Yuuta is in love with Megumi. Itadori knows he can be oblivious to things but now he just feels like a complete idiot for everything. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         "Megumi, wake up." A voice so familiar urges, gently shaking Megumi. He grunts, his eyes trying to adjust to the dim lighting. Uraume is standing there with a tray of different varieties of food. "Good, you're awake. Let's talk." Megumi sits up instantly, sanity seeming to rush at him. "Before you ask, I can't help you escape. Even if I wanted to, of which I do, there's no way we'd be able to get out of here."

       Uraume opens the closet doors and heads inside the walk in closet. Megumi ignores whatever Uraume is doing. He hungrily eyes the food, his mouth practically watering. He reaches over, grabbing a strawberry and biting into the juicy fruit. His taste buds dance, his stomach craving more food. He's starved and if Sukuna had brought the food instead of Uraume, he probably would've hesitated. Uraume comes back with a change of clothes and a towel, tossing it to Megumi. "Clean yourself up, I won't look." Uraume says, turning around as he promises. 

      "I'm worried about you."

      Megumi grabs the towel, cleaning Sukuna's spend between his thighs. His other hand grabs another strawberry, shoving it into his mouth. "Sukuna is my friend but he's also in charge now. It's a long story and a long plan, something we don't have time for. I don't know when he'll be back. I've never seen him so deranged before, he means it when he says he'll make sure you can't leave him. He's a liar."

        "What are you talking about?" Megumi questions, putting on the bottoms and tossing the hoodie on as well. 

       "You haven't noticed he has your clothes here?" Uraume scoffs. Megumi tenses, looking at the hoodie he's wearing. It is his, he bought this a few months ago when he was clothes shopping with Kiro, Junpei, and Itadori. It was put away in his closet to the last of his knowledge but now it's here. "There's a hidden door in the closet. Don't get excited, there's no way out."

        "Why are you telling me this?" 

         "See it for yourself when Sukuna isn't around. He loves you, Megumi, but at a terrifying level." Those are Uraume's final words as he leaves without another word, leaving behind the tray. Megumi bites his bottom lip, weighing out his options. He glances at the door, the food, and towards the closet. He stands up, feeling sore all over his body. He grabs another strawberry, eating it in a hurry before walking in the closet. His eyes search around for a door. Megumi can't think of a logical reason why Uraume says that Megumi needs to see a room. 

       He sees a knob behind where a bunch of clothes are hung up. He pushes them aside on the rack, grabbing the knob. It's unlocked, oddly enough. Megumi pulls open the door, the room entirely darkened. He hesitates, debating if it's a trap. He doesn't think Uraume would be that kind of person but he could be wrong. 

     He enters the darkened room, jolting in surprise when the door shuts on its own. He places his hands in front of him, his heart beginning to race over the fact it's so dark he can't even see his own hands. He walks blindly forward, hoping to find a light switch of some sort. 

        "Shit! Ow!" Megumi curses as he crashes forward into a chair. A computer senses movement, turning on. Megumi's heart sinks as he sees there are tons of articles and videos downloaded of him and his interviews. Sukuna's been saving everything since the very beginning. 

      Megumi's eyes flicker up, his heart sinking deep into the pits of his stomach. He's everywhere in the room. Pictures of him from afar, pictures from scarily close, and pictures of him inside his own home. Megumi never knew Sukuna's feelings towards him were that so intense. A hand covers his mouth and another wraps around his chest. Megumi screams in terror, bringing his elbow back and ramming it into his attacker behind him. "Do that again and I'll have to tie you up." Sukuna threatens. Megumi calms slightly but his breathing is still rapid. "How should I punish you for snooping? Beat you? Fuck you till you collapse? Lock you away?"

      Megumi grabs Sukuna's hand, pulling it down. "You've been stalking me this entire time? This is insane, completely insane!" 

      "Mom?" A hesitant voice calls, peaking into the dark room. Megumi's blood runs cold as he looks and sees his child. 

       "Sukuna... what did you do?" Megumi whispers, trembling in terror. His one weakness is now in the palm of Sukuna's hand just like Megumi is.

         "I brought you a little gift." Sukuna grins wickedly.

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