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       "I sleep better when you're near me."

      "You do?"

       Sukuna glides his fingers across Megumi's belly, his shirt lifted. Megumi's laying down on Sukuna's bed, watching as Sukuna randomly does things. He rubs back and forth, thinking deeply about all the things he wants to tell Megumi. "I have nightmares about what she did to me. Sometimes it's my father beating me but it's mainly her. Her touching me, that twisted smile on her face... The red shade of the lipstick she used to wear. When you're near me, I only dream of you. Of us."

      "Of us?" Megumi whispers.

      "Mainly good things. Touching, kissing, your laugh. Things I love about you and doing with you." Sukuna slightly smiles before it's gone. "Other times it's bad things, me hurting you. You leaving me."

      "I used to have horrible nightmares after I left. They'd start off like a dream and be turned into a nightmare." Megumi shivers. Sukuna lays his palm flat onto Megumi's toned stomach.

       "I never fucked anyone after you and I got together. Even after you left. Even now. Explain to me why you let others have sex with you?"

       "The first time I did it, I was really anxious. I had only ever been with you and it was a stranger. Once it happened, my mind went fuzzy and my body was too deep into euphoric pleasure that I... I wasn't in pain anymore. My mental health was really bad, Sukuna. I couldn't bond with Kiro like parents are supposed to, I was so tormented by nightmares and I barley got any sleep, I have never wanted to die as badly as I did during that time. Sex was so good, it helped me. Temporarily but enough to keep going." Megumi explains, relieved when Sukuna doesn't immediately snap. Instead, he's quiet as he considers it from Megumi's side.

     "I don't get it." Sukuna pauses, sighing in frustration. "When I fuck you, I feel better. I've never felt that with anyone else but you're going to have opinions I don't agree with."

       "That's... mature of you." Megumi can't hide his surprise.

       "You're the one who wanted me to go to a fucking therapist." Sukuna huffs, a slight grin on his face as he continues to glide his hand all around Megumi's stomach. "I hate it. I don't want you having sex with anyone else."

       "Who is she? That viper." Megumi blurts, her cruel sneer popping up in his head.

       "Someone I fuck." Sukuna looks at Megumi's face observantly.

       "Okay... Okay." Megumi nods. "Do you love her?"

       "No, Megumi, I don't love or fuck her. It's strictly business. I hate her as much as everybody else but for now, she's useful." Sukuna explains.

      Megumi didn't like the thought of Sukuna having sex with that viper-like woman but he also accepted the fact that they aren't together and it shouldn't be a surprise if Sukuna wanted to sleep with someone else.  "Do you want to sleep with someone else?"


      "It wouldn't be right for me to expect—"

      "No, I don't want to." Sukuna firmly rejects, feeling repulsed at the mere idea of it.

     "Okay." Megumi nods, deciding to drop the subject. Sukuna runs his hands up Megumi's bare thighs, squeezing and massaging down before running back up again. Megumi's allure he has on Sukuna is peerless. "I'm leaving for New York."

      Sukuna freezes, bewilderment crossing his features. "Why? What for?"

        "Satoru and I are doing a judging competition for young kids. Kiro is staying with Junpei and Yuji the first week and then Toji for the second. I don't want you to suddenly show up. We can't have that unhealthy codependency on one another. I should be able to go places without you and vice versa."

      "I hate that." Sukuna admits. "Where you are is where I want to be."

       "I'm sorry." Megumi frowns.

        "Fine. Under one condition."

         "Okay." Megumi replies, he'll hear Sukuna out and see if it's reasonable.

         "Call me everyday. Every. Single. Day."

         Megumi laughs at the odd request, "You aren't going to get sick of talking to me?"

        "Never." Sukuna's earnest expression further shows Megumi just how loved he is by Sukuna. It's a special feeling to have a person love you with all their heart. Megumi firmly believes the universe has thrown a lot of struggles his way but giving him two people who love him sincerely and without doubt just feels too generous.

        "Okay, I'll do that." Megumi agrees.

        "When do you leave?"

        "In a few days."

         "I want to teach you some self defense. It would make me feel better." Sukuna presses a kiss against Megumi's inner thigh, moving his hands up to massage into Megumi's hip bones. He presses along the bone, rubbing and enjoying the way Megumi subtly fidgets from the sensation.

        "Okay." Megumi nods.

        "Will he be there?"



         "No." Megumi shakes his head.

         "Did you mean it when you said you love him?" Hearing Megumi admit he has feelings for Yuuta has been taunting him. Megumi loves the person Sukuna hates, he has had sex with him and Sukuna just can't accept it.

    "Yeah, I do. I don't want to lie to you." Megumi doesn't want to tell Sukuna about his feelings for Yuuta but he can't not tell him. "I love Yuuta, he makes me happy."

      "I can make you happier." Sukuna moves his hands up along Megumi's side till he reaches his ribs.

      "What is with your obsession with my body?" Megumi throws an arm over his face to hide his embarrassed expression. Sukuna has done nothing except touch and gaze at his body. The touch lingers on his skin even after Sukuna has moved to another section.

       "You're beautiful. Touching you calms me." 

       "Pfft, I'd say touching me excites you."

       "Both." Sukuna shrugs. Megumi's phone rings, interrupting their moment. Megumi curses under his breath and answers.


       "You didn't call." Itadori interrupts.

        "A lot happened last night. I'll tell you all about it." Megumi had completely forgotten about the both of them and his promise to Junpei.

         "Okay, I understand. You're safe? Should we come pick you up?"

        "No! No, that's fine. I will be home soon."

        "Don't rush, we're all good here. I love hanging out with my god son! I like spending time with my best friend too. We haven't been able to do a lot that."

       "Sorry, Yuji, I've just been busy."

       "The Romantic Adventures of Fushiguro Megumi and the Others. Personally, I like The Adventurous Tale of the Best Friends."

       Megumi chuckles, "Okay, dork, I get it. I'll be home soon."

       "Okay~ Bye bye!" Itadori hangs up, feeling victorious.


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