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"Why are you here?" Megumi questions tiredly as Sukuna enters his hospital room. Kiro is fast asleep, his eyes red and puffy from his crying. He refused to leave Megumi's side, clinging to his mom and begging for him and the baby to be okay. Sukuna shuts the hospital door behind him, coming closer and taking Megumi's hand in his.

"Choso told me." Sukuna clenches his jaw, pain in his eyes for being unable to protect Megumi.

"I'll be fine. Yuuta saved me in time of anything major happening." Megumi murmurs, sleepy and still shivering. They turned on the heater and Kiro's body heat provides a lot since he's a child and they run warm. Plus, Kiro is Sukuna's child. Sukuna had always run hot and Kiro is no different.

"Let me take you away." Sukuna pleads. He's become a desperate man, one who wants to keep Megumi and he's fully prepared to grovel. He could've lost Megumi forever, he could have died and their last time speaking would've been that argument.

"I'm sorry, I know I've hurt you as much as you've hurt me. I can't go with you, Sukuna." Megumi's voice is soft and barley above a whisper, raspy and pained. He desperately needs some rest, he had hoped that their next conversation could've waited till he was ready but, to be expected, Sukuna is unpredictable and shows up randomly. Megumi holds Kiro's sleeping form tighter, an apologetic expression.

"Why not? I'll start taking my medication. I mean it this time, I will." Sukuna is sincere this time, Megumi can see and hear it but it only hurts his heart more.

"Sukuna... I'm pregnant." Megumi's voice cracks, his hold tightening more on Kiro. Sukuna tenses, conflicting emotions crossing his features. "It's Yuuta's. I checked the paperwork... It's his. I know it is. I'm so sorry."

Sukuna is trembling but from rage, it's a foreign feeling. He feels sick to his stomach, terrified, alone, and abandoned. Yuuta has ruined everything for Sukuna, since the very beginning he is the one who evoked Sukuna's rage. This can't be true, this has to be a twisted joke. Except, from that broken look on Megumi's face... he knows it isn't. "You can still fix this. We can fix this."


"Get rid of it, Megumi." Sukuna demands. Megumi is rendered speechless but he should've expected that from Sukuna. "Megumi... please, I'm begging you, please get rid of it. Don't do this to me." Sukuna's crying out of desperation, he can't lose Megumi. What'll become of him if he doesn't have his Blessing? "I can make you happy, I swear this time I will do better."

"I'm tired... please leave." Megumi mumbles, his eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.

"Blessing, please." Sukuna's voice cracks.

"I just want to be happy, no more pain. You can't give me that. Please, go. I'm tired." Megumi drifts off, no longer able to keep himself awake. Sukuna watches Megumi sleep, the leisure rise and fall of his chest. Sukuna caresses Megumi's serene face, pressing a kiss against his cold lips. He wants to stay, he's plagued by nightmares and all he wants is to be comforted in Megumi's arms.

Sukuna clenches his jaw, storming out of the hospital room. He is careful to quietly shut the door behind him so he doesn't wake Megumi or Kiro.

Yuuta is currently being smothered by his mother. He doesn't mind it too much, she loves him and that was a terrifying sight for her to witness. "You could've died, what were you thinking?" Her voice is shaky, tears streaming down her face.

"I wasn't thinking, it was instinct. Megumi needed me, mom. I love him." Yuuta answers, apologetic for frightening her but not apologetic for his actions. He would've jumped into that freezing water over and over again to save Megumi. She laughs through her tears, grabbing a tissue and blowing her nose.

"I know you do, I know how special he is to you. You were so brave, Yuuta. I love you so much, don't scare your mom like that ever again." She smiles, not wanting to cause any stress onto her child. She tosses the napkin into the trash before hugging Yuuta tightly. "I love you so, so much."

"I love you too, mom. Please don't cry." He sighs, hugging her back. "I'm sorry I scared you."

"Don't apologize, you're so perfect. I love you so much, I raised you to become a wonderful person. Your dad was freaking out on the phone, he's leaving work early. You know this means he's going to want to meet Megumi." She chuckles, her nose red from her crying.

"Megumi doesn't need to be smothered with affection right now, mom." Yuuta frowns, knowing that his dad is just as sweet as his mom. He's definitely going to love Megumi as much as his mom does.

"I don't know, maybe that's exactly what Megumi needs. Megumi is... he's a very sad boy, isn't he?" She frowns, concerned for Megumi. When she saw his face, she couldn't help but want to give her motherly love to him.

"It's been very difficult for him, mom. I want to make him happy but Megumi isn't ready for that yet. I'm trying to be patient, I don't want to rush him or do anything to hurt him but sometimes I want to be selfish too. I don't want to force him or give him ultimatums but I just want him to choose me. I have such selfish thoughts when it comes to him. I'm a horrible person for being so greedy." Yuuta confides in his mother, tears welling up in his eyes.

Eria sits on the hospital bed beside her son, hugging him closely. "You're not a horrible person, Yuuta. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be Megumi's first choice. You love him, you've always loved him. It's normal to feel that way. Sometimes it's okay to be greedy, I don't think Megumi would mind if you were. He cares about you, I know that much." She reassures, wanting to take away Yuuta's pain.

"I want him to choose me, mom. I want him to choose me because he loves me." Yuuta leans against his mom, holding onto her tightly.

"Tell him that, Yuuta. You've always been good at communicating how you feel, that's how we raised you. I'm sure if you express yourself to Megumi, it will make you feel a lot better."

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