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         After dropping Kiro off at school, Megumi heads to the park that he and Satoru always do their runs at. He parks his car, seeing Satoru flirting with a few ladies. Megumi decides to start on his own, not wanting to disturb Satoru's potential chance at a hookup. Except Satoru notices him, "Memi~!"

       "Ugh." Megumi groans, tensing when Satoru swings his arm around Megumi's shoulders.

       "Save me." He pleads.

        "You love flirting, though?" Megumi's eyes furrow in complete confusion.

        "Yes yes, usually. But I'm swearing off married people, I have to deal with too many pissed off spouses. Come on my sweet, let's start our run." Gojo starts the jog off and Megumi follows. Dew is still glistening on the grass, the sky grayed and the air as cold as snow. Every breath they exhale is visible.

        Kiro threw a fit about getting up for school, clinging to Megumi and begging to stay home. Megumi felt guilty and even though it broke his heart, he brought Kiro to school. He hopes to make it up to him after, wondering if Kiro would want to go to Target and have a shopping spree.

      "I heard through the grapevine that you're going on an arranged date."

      "Who the hell did you hear that from?" Megumi questions in complete bewilderment. 

       "I happen to know the guy you're going on a date with. When he mentioned your name, I couldn't believe it. Isn't that surprising?"

        Megumi grabs Gojo's wrist, stopping him from their jog. Satoru wears a victorious expression that makes Megumi want to punch him across the face but he resists the urge. "You know him? Satoru, I have to know what his name is." 

        "Usually I'd tease you but I won't because i'm so generous." Satoru grins, tapping Megumi's nose. Megumi swats his hand instantly. Satoru's expression becomes somber as he speaks, "Noritoshi Kamo of the Kamo Clan. His mother is gravely ill and doesn't have much time left, that's why, I suspect, she is eager to have you married to him. You have a good reputation other than being a young and single parent but because you're a good one, there isn't much negativity. You come from a well off family, you have all the qualities the Kamo Clan looks for. My parents have been trying to marry me off since I turned seventeen, I've ruined it every time."

       Megumi has heard of the Kamo family but he hasn't heard of Noritoshi before. "I assume she doesn't want to die before she sees her only child married."

      "That's both depressing and a lot of pressure. I didn't agree to date him, I just agreed to at least meet him." Megumi sighs. He already told his mother to set up the meeting, he shouldn't go back on his word. "Let's finish this run."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       "Mom?" Kiro's face brightens up when he sees Megumi and not Junpei. Aster's face brightens as he waves his small hand. "Hello, Gumi!" Aster runs over with Kiro, both boys hugging Megumi's legs. Aoi makes his way over as well, a bright smile on his hair. Aoi is a single parent that Megumi met, he has blonde hair, pale skin, and light brown eyes. Aster's hair is so blonde that it's practically white and he has lovely sea blue eyes. 

      "It's been a long time since we've seen each other, you're so busy lately." Aoi smiles. 

      "I know, we really should get together soon. Actually, I was just going to take Kiro to do some shopping. If you and Aster are free, would you two like to come with?" Megumi suggests. Aoi picks Aster up so Megumi can pick Kiro up and not feel bad for not carrying Aster simultaneously.

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