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Megumi wakes to the sound of his phone buzzing. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust and he remembers everything. He and Yuuta had the maid come and bring clean sheets and blankets before turning on the television, cuddling, and falling asleep. He grabs his phone, answer it without checking the caller.

"Hello?" He questions sleepily.

"Where the hell are ya, dumpling?" Toji questions, his tone is sharp and alarmed. Toji had went to Megumi's house to find that the boy wasn't there and his car was gone. Toji talked to everyone he thought of who would know but they had said they had no idea where his son or grandson were. Toji didn't dare call Sera or Vincent, hoping that Megumi would answer his calls so he didn't have to call the witch and her equally obnoxious husband.

Megumi sits up, grunting at his dizziness from his sudden movements. "Toji?" He questions sleepily, trying to fully wake up so he can pay attention. Yuuta shifts in his sleep, his arm tightening around Megumi's waist to pull him closer. "Don't get mad at me, please."

"Why would I get mad unless you did somethin'? Gumi, talk to me, I can't have you disappearing on me like this." Toji stresses, lighting a cigarette. He doesn't verbalize it much but he loves his son, his son is his entire world. It was a long, torturous road to sobriety but he did it for his Megumi. He wanted to be there for him, to protect him and do his best to make sure Megumi can rely on him.

"I'm in Switzerland but you can't tell anyone—"

"What the fuck!—okay, fuck, I didn't mean to raise my voice. Gumi, the hell are you doin' in Switzerland? Why didn't you tell me anything?" Toji doesn't know how to react to this. He's fuming, he wants to know why the hell his kid is all the way in Switzerland and didn't tell him about it. He's said it before and he'll say it again, his poor boy has been through so much and he's still naive, he's easily coerced and his son isn't treated right by many people and allows it to happen.

"Because I didn't want to be talked out of my decision—"

"I'm not Sera or Vincent, I'm not going to boss you around but I still need to make sure you're safe. Gumi, you're always getting hurt, I don't want that to keep happening to you." Toji sighs, hoping to convey some of his deeper emotions towards his son. He hates that if Megumi needed him, he would have to get on a plane. It's too long, his son is too far away and it worries him.

"Dad..." Megumi frowns, his heart clenching.

Toji sighs, tossing his cigarette onto the rocky ground. He stomps on it, already wanting another. "Let's not get sappy with eachother but listen, you're the only person in this shit world I actually like. You call me whenever for whatever, if you need me I'll go down there immediately. You aren't a burden so don't not call me, alright? I'm not kidding, Dumpling."

Megumi smiles slightly, "Thank you, dad. I will but you don't have to worry. Yuuta is here and Choso came along—"

"Of course that kid had somethin' to do with it. I think he's good and he kidnaps my son to go gallivanting in fucking Switzerland." Toji huffs, somewhat relieved that Megumi is with that brat Yuuta and not that asshole Sukuna. Yuuta is overly sweet but he acts as if Megumi created the sun, moon, and stars. Toji doubts Yuuta would do anything to upset his kid but his guard isn't down either, he will protect his son against anybody.

Megumi giggles softly, cautious not to wake Yuuta. "Dad, please, he didn't kidnap me. Anyway, it isn't forever. Just... for awhile. I've been really stressed lately and I've been making bad decisions since Sukuna has been back. I did something bad recently but... why don't I regret it? Why are relationships so hard, dad?"

"It's life, kid. Never settle, you hear me? Your mother and I always wanted you to have everything. Your taste in guys is shit but that might be our fault. Your mother was kind and gentle, a real angel who fell in love with me. I was real trash at that time, especially to her at first. Sorry, kid, you get your bad taste from your mom."

Toji's words make Megumi chuckle, he always feels such warmth when his father speaks about his mom. He rarely does and Megumi doesn't want to push on the subject. "Not to get sappy but I miss you already, dad. Talking to you makes me feel better."

Toji can't hide how good it makes him feel to hear Megumi say that. "Yeah, well, remember what I said. Call me if you need me, Dumpling."

"I'll always need you, dad. I will, promise. I'm really tired, I'll call you later. I'm sure Kiro will want to say hello."

Toji coughs, not used to all these feelings. "Alright, sleep well." He hangs up, his anxiousness eased just by hearing Megumi's voice.

"Who was that?" Yuuta mumbles, still half asleep as he tightens his hold onto Megumi's waist. Megumi sets his phone aside, snuggling against Yuuta's chest.

"Just my dad." Megumi murmurs, exhaustion taking over.

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