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       The waitress leads him to a table where Noritoshi Kamo is already seated. The man stands up, taking Megumi's hand and planting a kiss on top. The action startles Megumi but he doesn't pull away, not wanting to be presumed as rude. "Your parents speak very highly of you, I see their praise of your beauty was not biased." Kamo gives a friendly smile. He pulls out the chair, pushing Megumi in once he sits. 

       "My parents love me, I know that. What else did they tell you about me?" Megumi questions, watching as the waiter effortlessly pours them both champagne without a word. 

       "You're twenty one years old, your past relationship was... severely complicated and it resulted in your child. Your son is the light of your life, you're a professional and highly praised figure skater. Your ice partner is Gojo Satoru, though I heard it directly from the man himself. He's very protective of you, he speaks of you as if you turned water to wine." He cocks a slight grin, tasting his champagne. 

       "Satoru is a great friend." Megumi tastes the champagne himself, finding that he is quite fond of it. "This is delicious."

      "I'm pleased you like it." 

       "Tell me about yourself." Megumi suggests, he does not want an awkward silence to pass over them. He told his mother he would go on this date, the least he could do is attempt to enjoy it.

     "I'm twenty four years old, I inherited... the family business. My parents were never married, my mother was his mistress but she was the only one who bore a child. It feels like the ways of my family are old fashioned, with older rules and expectations. They were against me at first because I was the child of his mistress and not his wife, but I was my father's only child so he was firm about me taking over." 

       "I can understand how difficult expectations can be." Megumi's adoptive parents have a strange way of believing how things should be done and since Megumi had rekindled with his other family, it's only worse.

        "I love my mother, she took care of me the best she could. If I were to be a parent, I would never allow anything remotely bad to happen to my child or my spouse. If my father has taught me one thing, it's to not treat people the way he did." Noritoshi wears a gentle expression, though his eyes are not visible, Megumi knows there's a somberness in them.

       He shakes his head, "I apologize, Fushiguro. I shouldn't have said all that."

      "It's alright." Megumi reassures. They eat their expensive and delectable meals, the rest of their lunch conversation is light and rather pleasant. Noritoshi is both refined and is already incredibly altruistic of Megumi. He wishes to hear his thoughts and opinions, wanting to assure he has everything he wants or needs. Noritoshi is someone Megumi's parents would definitely approve of, with his family flaws they've given him, it's proven to cause him to become a better person.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       The two take a walk through a massive park, one filled with gardens and adorable critters scampering about. The sun shines brightly and the cold wind keeps them from being too hot. "Kiro adores animals, I almost feel guilty I haven't bought him a pet yet." Megumi smiles, already missing his son who is currently at preschool.

     "Why haven't you?" Noritoshi questions curiously.

      "I'm not sure what's a good pet choice yet. He's only three, as brilliant as he is, I also want to make sure he's capable of taking care of the animal." Megumi explains, watching as Noritoshi considers his words.

       "You're truly exceptional, Fushiguro." Kamo praises.

       "Thank you." Megumi accepts the odd compliment, feeling a bit bashful. Noritoshi carefully takes Megumi's hand, stopping him from continuing his walk and wanting to gather his attention.

       "I feel that you and I are the same."

      "No, we're not." Megumi chuckles but Noritoshi holds his hand a bit firmer.

      "Yes, we are. Someone would be blessed to marry you, I hope that someone could be me. You don't have to give me an answer now, only say that you'll consider my proposal."

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