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          "You're not trying~"

          "I am! You're just trying to bend me in impossible ways!" Megumi argues, pushing the white haired male away from him. "Stretches are supposed to be just stretches, not to test out my flexibility!"

        Kiro and Okkotsu watch the argument. Okkotsu took Kiro out shopping for shoes, telling Megumi it's good to have some bonding time between them. Kiro lets go of Yuuta's hand, running over to where Satoru and Megumi are. Kiro brings his foot back and rams the front of his shoe into Gojo's ankle. Satoru howls in pain, clutching his throbbing ankle. "Don't bully my mom." Kiro glares, running over to Megumi who is currently in the middle of splits, stretching to the right side. He wraps his small arms around Megumi's neck, holding him.

        "You okay, mom?" Kiro questions in concern. Megumi wraps an arm around Kiro's waist, hugging his caring child. Megumi likes to treasure these sweet moments deep into his heart. 

         "I'm okay, thank you." Megumi reassures, kissing his chubby cheek. He gently brings Kiro aside so he can get up. Yuuta comes closer, holding out his hand as an offer. Megumi smiles, taking his hand and standing up. "Thank you for helping me and for taking Kiro shopping, you really didn't have to do that."

       Yuuta gently grabs Megumi's upper arm and pulls him closer. "I'm in love with you, it's only natural that I take care of Kiro too." He whispers into Megumi's ear, watching Megumi's expression shift from surprise to a coy look.

       "Kiro! Did you have fun?" Megumi turns his attention to his child who is clinging to his leg. 

      "Stop glaring daggers at me, I wasn't bullying Memi~!" Satoru chuckles, feeling the urge to tease Kiro some more. It's always adorable seeing the boy get all pissy when it comes to Megumi. 

      "Good job, Kiro. You make sure to kick Gojo whenever he bullies your mom." Yuuta smiles, earning some brownie points with Kiro. Megumi ignores the fact Yuuta practically promoted violence to his nearly four year old child. "Do you have more to do? I don't mind waiting till your done."

     "No, we just finished. It's good to stretch before and after." Megumi reassures. "I just have to grab my bag. Kiro, wait here with Yuuta."

     Gojo and Megumi had to the back rooms to grab their duffel bags. Satoru grabs Megumi's upper arm, stopping him from leaving. "Memi, are you screwing Yuuta too?" Satoru smiles as he asks but it's anything but sweet, it's a little scary. Megumi is a bit thrown off by it and pushes his hand off his arm.

      "It's none of your business." Megumi answers, heading out and back to where Yuuta and Kiro are. Megumi hadn't felt ashamed of his new promiscuous ways, it was just a way to temporarily fix his loneliness and if he's sad, it makes him feel too overwhelmed with ecstasy to remember why he's sad for a while. He won't lie to Yuuta but he wishes he could say he isn't sleeping with anyone. 

       "Megumi?" Yuuta calls worriedly, snapping Megumi from his daze. "You did that zoning out thing again, are you okay?"


        "Uh, sorry." Megumi chuckles, shaking his head. He takes Kiro's hand in his, "I just have a lot going on in my head. I'm okay, let's go... wait, where are we going?"

          "It's a surprise." Yuuta replies as the three make their way out of the ice skating rink. Megumi begins to get excited, all different ideas of where they could be going popping into his head. Megumi couldn't think of anything better right at this very moment, he's going to miss Yuuta all over again when he leaves for Switzerland. 


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