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"Deep breath, deep breath..." Megumi mutters, hesitant to open the door. Choso patiently waits for Megumi to decide if he's going in or not. "Wait, I can't let Kiro see my face like this. Um, phone, phone... Where...?" Megumi chuckles in embarrassment when Choso holds it up for him. He grabs it, biting onto the tip of his finger as he waits for Yuuta to answer the call.


"Yuuta!" Megumi jolts, more anxious than usual. Yuuta pauses, feeling uneasy by Megumi's reaction. "Could you come out front please? But don't let Kiro come out."

"Okay, one second." Yuuta watches as Kiro colors in his coloring book, laying chest down as he idly swings his legs up and down. He's too busy with his cartoon and coloring book. "Kiro, I'll be right back. Will you be okay?"

"Yes." Kiro nods, grabbing a different color from his crayon box. Satisfied with the answer, Yuuta exits the living room and exits the house. He hangs up the phone, placing it into his back pocket.

"Megumi, what..." Yuuta freezes as he takes in Megumi's appearance. He's been crying, his face is bruised as well as his neck and arms. "Who did this to you?" Yuuta clenches his jaw, faintly taking Megumi's hand in his. Megumi looks to the side, his bottom lip trembling as his eyes water. Yuuta knows the answer, he should've known. "I really want to hug you, is that okay?" He speaks delicately to Megumi.

Megumi nods his head, quickly wiping away a fallen tear. Yuuta embraces Megumi tenderly, holding him in a way that makes Megumi feel untouchable, protected. "It's that bad... isn't it?"

"Kiro shouldn't see you like this." Yuuta sighs, wracking his brain about what to do. He's fuming, he's never felt more murderous towards Sukuna than now. Not only had he injured the person he's in love with, but Megumi is pregnant. Yuuta doesn't even want to think about the possibility that Sukuna could've cause a miscarriage. "We need to call the police."

"No." Megumi panics immediately.

"Then what are we going to do? He can't keep doing this, he's going to kill you one day." Yuuta pulls back, his heart breaking all over again as he looks Megumi over. "Megumi, I was going to take you out to a fancy place and ask you this but I don't think this can wait. You remember that I'm leaving for Switzerland soon, right?"

Megumi had completely forgotten about that. His heart aches miserably but he forces a smile. "Right! I didn't forget. You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine while you're gone. This kind of thing.... it won't happen again, I'm sure of it. So—"

"Have you always babbled so much?" Yuuta grins teasingly, his eyes twinkling with adoration. Megumi pauses, his face flushing bright red. "Megumi, I love you."

"I know—"

"Shh, let me finish." Yuuta presses a gentle kiss against Megumi's soft lips. Choso looks away, used to clients being frisky or flirtatious towards others in front of him so he doesn't feel too awkward. "Megumi, I want you and Kiro to come with me. We can vacation all around, you and Kiro can do whatever your hearts desire, I'll make sure you both are never bored. There's nothing I won't do for the both of you—" Yuuta places his hand onto Megumi's stomach. "—all three of you."

"You... mean it? Yuuta, don't be joking right now."

"I'm in love with you, Megumi. There's no way I would joke about something as serious as this."

Megumi starts crying again but he has no exact explanation for it. He'll blame it on the pregnancy. He throws his arms around Yuuta, nuzzling against Yuuta's neck. "Is this a yes?" Yuuta hopes, his arms wrapping tightly around Megumi's waist. Megumi ignores the throbbing pain in his back, wanting to savor this moment with Yuuta.

"Yes, yes, and again, yes." Megumi was going to decline but... why? Why can't he go? The first reason was because his parents wouldn't approve, the second being that Sukuna would be furious. Megumi had to carefully consider for a moment... if those two reasons didn't exist, would he go? Yes, he would. He would love to go with Yuuta and give Kiro a memorable experience. To spend time together, like a real family would.

Sukuna isn't ready for moments like that, he continuously proves it with his actions. Megumi hasn't given up on Sukuna but he loves Yuuta, he wants to stop being scared of being loved in a way he deserves. A healthy love with communication and where Megumi will be treated like an equal.

He still loves Sukuna. He knows he will always love Sukuna.

"Your face..." Yuuta frowns, tilting Megumi's head up. "We should put bruise cream and decide on what we're going to tell Kiro... He's going to freak out seeing you like this."

"You're right..." Megumi sighs, hugging onto Yuuta. Kiro loves Megumi more than anyone or anything, even more than his favorite show or kittens, that is the highest honor. Kiro doesn't cry often but Megumi is positive that Kiro will cry if he sees his mom in such a state.

"Does this hurt?" Yuuta questions, gently touching the bruising around Megumi's neck. Yuuta's hatred continues to build for Sukuna. He doesn't want Megumi to have anything to do with him anymore but he will keep this to himself, for now.

"A little. We should go inside..." Megumi doesn't think it's a good idea to stay outside looking as abused as he does. His driveway is large, the public road is a good distance to provide privacy but he doesn't want to take any chances.

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