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      Light has yet to reach the dark sky but the time is approaching faster than Satoru would've preferred. He takes this moment to admire Megumi's features, his hand caressing Megumi's cheek.

     "Bad news, Memi. I caught feelings for you." Satoru whispers, needing to get this off his chest while Megumi is asleep since in a way it's as though he's confessing. "That's the reason I wanted a last time. I'll figure out how to move on so there isn't any reason to tell you. I still want us to be friends."

     Megumi hears none of Satoru's confession and he doesn't see the pained expression on the man's face. Satoru has never had anyone there for him, it was inevitable that he'd end up feeling like this towards Megumi and Megumi, foolishly yet arguably understandably naive, didn't consider it a possibility. Satoru is not a good man, he's ruined many relationships just for a quickie with someone he won't give a single shit about. Though, he is still a person with a heart, even if his heart can be closed off more often than not.

     Megumi wasn't like those who wanted Satoru because of his status and wealth, Megumi already had both. He wasn't overly infatuated with Satoru like most had been nor did he do or say things just to satisfy Satoru.

      Unless it came to sexual acts, then Megumi was willing to do positions and other things Satoru liked.

      A lonely child turned into an even lonelier man and there was Megumi who skated so angelically that Satoru didn't want any other partner except him. It had to be him, no one could ever come close to causing Satoru to feel the way he did with Megumi's performance. Satoru realized his feelings when he heard that Megumi was taken by Sukuna. He was pissed off and overwhelmed by these foreign emotions. Satoru was just Megumi's skating partner, a friend, and a warm body to keep Megumi distracted from whatever dark thoughts lived inside this special person. He drank and got into that accident, he snapped at Megumi even though the last thing he wanted was for Megumi to see him as nothing but a burden like everyone else sees him.

      He has accepted that he can not rival Sukuna or Okkotsu. Both of them have a special place in Megumi's tender heart, a place far out of Satoru's reach even if he tried. Megumi has never looked at him the way he does Sukuna and Okkotsu. Megumi had never even spent the night with Satoru after sex and he despises kissing him, it's far too intimate and they don't have that type of relationship.

     Satoru can be content with being friends only or at least he can learn to behave as though he is. As needy and selfish as he can be, he'd rather have Megumi as his platonic friend than as a faded memory.


~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       "Are you sure you'll be okay? I know you can't skate but you can still come along." Megumi holds his expensive skates, standing by the hotel room door. Megumi is going to the public park skating rink to get some fresh air and get some practice done. Satoru's leg has yet to heal fully so skating isn't an option for him.

        "I have to figure out what outfit to wear that looks best for tomorrow." Satoru waves Megumi away dismissively. Megumi makes his way out, following the directions on his phone. He wears a mask to help keep his identity hidden since his and Satoru's faces seem to be plastered all over. Finding the public rink doesn't prove to be difficult and when he finds it, he is immediately relieved.

      The leaves have turned orange and yellow, falling off their trees as winter begins to approach. Its memorizing and Megumi takes a moment to admire all of it. He goes to reach into his pocket to call Sukuna when he spots a familiar face. Megumi squints his eyes before they widen and his legs move on their own.

     "Noritoshi, what are you doing here?" Megumi calls, quizzically. 

      Noritoshi is just as surprised to see Megumi. He excuses himself from the other gentlemen he was conversing with and they nod, making their way elsewhere. "Megumi, hello. I'm here for business purposes. What are you here for?"

      "Satoru and I are judging a competition. I was just about to go skate to relax."

      "Ah yes, figure skating. It looks... complicated." Kamo chuckles.

       "Looks—wait, you've never ice skated before?"

       "No, my father didn't allow me to have trivial free time. Not that it's trivial... Ah, this isn't going well." Noritoshi blushes, scratching the back of his neck nervously. He still hasn't gotten over his crush on Megumi and his marriage proposal being rejected really stung. His mother said he shouldn't give up but he felt it was unnecessary to continue to push when Megumi doesn't feel similarly.

      "I could teach you how to skate." Megumi offers since he has free time to kill.

      "You'd do that for me?" Noritoshi question, shock in his deep grey eyes.

      "Sure. First, let's find out where we can buy you some skates." Megumi takes out his phone, sending a text to Gojo about where he could go. It only takes Satoru a few seconds before he replies, providing the desired information. "Alright, not too far. Let's go."

       "I do not know how to properly thank you for this..." Noritoshi follows closely as Megumi leads the way, his eyes glued to his phone that shows him where to go.

       "No need to thank me, I'm just passing time. We kind of left things on an awkward note but our parents are friends so I don't see why we can't try to get along." Megumi shrugs. It would definitely be awkward to accidentally run into Kamo at an event and have that uncomfortable aura between the two of them. Megumi finds it to be unnecessary to tell people about the proposal rejection, it would be harmful to Kamo's feelings and reputation.

      "I see. Thank you, Fushiguro. You... are so kind to me." Noritoshi slightly smiles, wishing that this person hadn't rejected him.

      "Oh, it's right here. Come on." Megumi enters the store first with Kamo who awkwardly stands there, unsure of himself. Megumi doesn't think he's done anything worth giving gratitude for, he's been polite but other than that... Megumi is puzzled as to why Noritoshi views him as this wonderful, bright light when he hasn't done anything.

      "Hello, how may I help you?"

      "He needs ice skates. Price is irrelevant, get the best, please." Megumi firmly requests. They take Kamo's measurements and bring out different ones with different colors as well for Kamo to decide. Megumi waits patiently on a lounge couch. Noritoshi had this tranquil look on his face when they first met, it's interesting to see him now a bit flustered from the store assistants.

     "These are fine." Noritoshi goes with a simple black pair. He isn't used to shopping but now he has Megumi here who is observing, he doesn't want to make a fool of himself. "I'll just get these."

      Megumi pulls out his black card for one of the workers. "Not a bad choice." Megumi nods his head in approval. "It's most important you feel comfortable. Did they fit well? Not too tight or loose anywhere?"

      "No, they fit perfectly. Megumi, I can not allow you to pay for me—"

       "I know our families are very old in the ways they think but you don't have to pay for everything to protect your pride. If I offer, thank me and appreciate it." Megumi feels it's better to be a little cold with his tone at times. He doesn't want Kamo to get the wrong idea, he doesn't mind being friends but that is all.

      Kamo blushes, "Thank you."

     "You're welcome." Megumi is handed back his card, the two of them thank the workers before leaving.

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