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       "You shouldn't have fought him." Megumi frowns as Yuuta gently dabs hydrogen peroxide onto his cut. "I had said something insensitive before... He was still really startled by it."

      "I didn't hit first. Should I have let him just keep hitting me?" Yuuta scoffs, setting down the cotton round.

      "You should've left." Megumi is just as startled as Yuuta from his harshness. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Sukuna hates you and when you're around it only worsens his behavior. This entire situation is my fault—"

       "Him hitting you is your fault? Him scaring Kiro is your fault?"

       "No but I'm not lying when I said I upset him really bad before. I shouldn't have said it. "

     "What could you possibly have said to justify this?"

     "I... I can't tell you." Megumi won't betray Sukuna's trust after he told him something as serious as that. Megumi doesn't know details but even so, the last person he should tell it to is Yuuta. "This entire thing is a mess. I need to figure out what to say to Kiro now. I can't make Sukuna look like a villain but I can't tell him violence is okay either."

     Yuuta wraps an arm around Megumi's shoulders, pulling him close. "You'll figure it out." He gives a reassuring smile and Megumi is at ease from his touch. Megumi wishes that Kiro never saw Sukuna do that, it's exactly what he didn't want to happen. "Megumi?"

      "Hm?" Megumi turns his head to look at Yuuta. Yuuta is so close, he can smell the soap he uses and the cologne that's so pleasant. Megumi's eyes flicker to Yuuta's lips, his breath hitching. Yuuta looks dressed up, more than usual. He's so handsome, Megumi had went so many years not even noticing. "Did you have plans today?"

       "An important meeting." He chuckles, realizing he probably seems extremely unprofessional just running out without explaining anything to the woman. "But you're more important, there will be other meetings."

       "I don't deserve you." Megumi isn't surprised Yuuta dropped everything and came running. Yuuta has always been there for him, long before Megumi was told of his feelings. Yuuta is the dream boyfriend and he'd be the perfect dad. Isn't that wrong to have the person Sukuna hates the most be the dad of Kiro? How long do I have to keep getting fucked over by Sukuna till it's enough?

        It's tiring having to please everyone, isn't it?

       Yuuta's mother's words play back in his head. She followed where her heart led her despite how it would make others react. She's living happily in the life she wants and does whatever she likes. Megumi didn't want to acknowledge it but he does want that future where he no longer has to pretend to be okay when he isn't and he doesn't feel obligated to everyone in his life.

       "Leave him." Yuuta insists, cupping Megumi's face and kissing him before he can reply. His cut stings causing him to whimper into the kiss. Yuuta has missed Megumi tremendously, all he could think about was his adorable laugh and the way he looked riding on top of him. Yuuta lays Megumi down onto the carpet, pushing Megumi's shirt up.

     "Yuuta, we shouldn't." Megumi grins, shaking his head.

      "Aw, I just wanted to kiss you more." He chuckles before pecking Megumi once more. Yuuta's smile drops as he sees the bruising on Megumi's body. Realizing what Yuuta has seen, he sits up instantly and puts his shirt down. "I'm going to get us all some food and coffee. I'll pick up bruise cream." Yuuta doesn't look at Megumi as he leaves, shutting the door harder than necessary.

     "Fuck." Megumi whispers under his breath, getting up and making his way upstairs. He's done thinking about Sukuna and Yuuta, Kiro is most important. Opening the bedroom door, he sees Kiro sitting on the bed. Megumi sits in front of Kiro with his legs criss cross and Kiro does the same. He holds out his hands and Kiro places his small ones on top. "Yuuta told me you saw something a little scary and that's why you called him. Could you tell me?"

      "The Boogeyman."


        "He hit mom and yelled at you."

        Megumi nods, contemplating how he should explain the situation to a three year old. "Sometimes when people are really hurting inside, they hurt people even if they don't mean to. It could be they say mean things or hit someone. Some people aren't taught that it's better to use your words to express how you're feeling instead of acting on your anger. Do you remember how angry you were when your favorite character in your show lost the game?"

       "Mhm." Kiro nods.

       "Then you threw the remote because of how upset you were. It's similar to that. You acted on your anger and we had a talk about why that wasn't okay and that you should've taken deep breaths or come talk to me that you were upset."

      "So... No one was there for him like mommy is for me?"

       "Exactly. Sometimes there are people who still need help learning." Megumi is relieved it made sense to Kiro.

      "But why does mommy have to help?" Kiro's bottom lip trembles as tears brim at the corners of his eyes. "I don't want mommy to be hurt." Kiro throws his arms around Megumi's neck, tears streaming down his face.

      Megumi hugs Kiro, holding his small, wonderful child. He rubs the distraught boy's back to help soothe him. "You don't want me to help your dad?"

      "He's scary."

       "He's not scary, he just looks a little scary but all he needs is love." Megumi's tone is sincere, his love for Sukuna showing. He carefully sets Kiro back onto the bed. He wipes the boy's tears as Kiro sniffles, trying to take deep breaths like his mom taught him. "I'm sorry you had to see that, you did the right thing calling Yuuta."

      "You're not mad?" Kiro sniffles, pouting.

       "No, of course not. I could never be mad at you. Yuuta went to get some food, are you hungry?" Megumi grins, wanting to lighten the mood.

      "Yes!" Kiro jumps onto Megumi, a bright smile on his adorable face. Megumi's guilt is eating away at his heart, he wants to see Sukuna. He doesn't know what he's going to say or what he's going to do but a decision has to be made. A few decisions, more accurately. Either way, he needs to see him.

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