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   After telling Kiro that Megumi almost got run over by a crazy bicyclist and him falling out of the way is the reason from his injured face, the boy wouldn't stop hugging Megumi's leg. "I'm okay, Kiro. Yuuta is going to put some medicine on to help my ouch go away."

   "I can do it!" Kiro shouts, holding tightly onto Megumi. Yuuta looks at Megumi who gives a nod of approval. Megumi sits cross cross on the couch, opening his arms. Kiro comes over and Yuuta places some of the ointment onto his little fingers.

   "Make sure to be very gentle." Yuuta reminds. Kiro nods, very lightly putting the ointment onto Megumi's cheek. Kiro's touch is as light as a feather, his unique eyes observing Megumi's reactions very closely.

   "Thank you for helping me." Megumi kisses the boy's cheek. "What are you coloring?" Megumi questions to distract his child. Kiro grabs his coloring book, holding it up for Megumi to see. "Disney char..." He pauses.

   "Disney characters and you've done a really good job with your line work." Megumi praises, impressed with how much better his coloring has gotten. It isn't completely in the lines but more of it is then not. Megumi believes it's important to praise Kiro for any amount progress and not just when he succeeds fully.

   "Color with me?" Kiro holds out crayons for both Megumi and Yuuta.

   "Of course, I'd love to color with you." Megumi smiles, taking the crayon. "Where would you like me to color?"

   "Anywhere." Kiro replies, the three of them huddled together with Kiro in the middle. They find their own places to color, the television as their background noise. Megumi is in a lot of pain but he doesn't want Kiro to know that, he can deal with it to spend some time with Kiro. Yuuta keeps sparing glances at Megumi, feeling uneasy. He can tell Megumi is pretending to be okay when clearly, he isn't.

   Yuuta hadn't expected Megumi to agree to go with him. He thought there would've been lots of begging on his side before Megumi would even consider it. Megumi really expected Yuuta to leave just like that, even after they've gotten closer, even after knowing Megumi loves him, and even after finding out Megumi is carrying his child. Yuuta is in disbelief that Megumi believes that Yuuta would actually leave without a single care for him after all that. Megumi is more important than anything or anyone in Yuuta's life, he'd put Megumi above it all. Yuuta will do his best to prove that to Megumi.

   "Oh, I forgot." Kiro jumps up abruptly, running off somewhere.

   Once Kiro is out of sight, Yuuta places his hand on top of Megumi's and halts his coloring.

   "You're hurting, what can I do?" Yuuta speaks lowly so it's between them. Choso had followed after Kiro to keep an eye on him so they're entirely alone.

   "Nothing right now. I don't want Kiro to worry about me."

   "I'm worried."

   "It looks worse than it was." Megumi forces a smile. Before Yuuta can respond, Kiro and Choso return. Kiro holds out a piece of paper for Megumi, waiting for Megumi to take it. Megumi sits up, taking the paper. "Oh, your school is having a December Theme Crafts Night. This looks fun, do you want to go?" Megumi questions.

"Yes... I want mommy and daddy to come." Kiro murmurs, rendering Megumi speechless. He quickly covers up his shock, lightly biting his bottom lip as he tries to find the right words.

   "Okay, I think that's a good idea. Let's call him-"

   "No, not Boogeyman. Yuuta." Kiro interrupts. Megumi stiffens before a frown spreads on his face.

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