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"Father, where have you been?" Megumi questions as he embraces Vincent, more comfortable knowing that he will try to keep his mother tamed. "Mother has been more aggressive than usual." Megumi pouts in hopes of gaining some sympathy from the man.

    He chuckles, "I'm sure she has. It's been hectic around home lately, she is knee deep in hosting events. Try to not let her words get to you, your mother loves you." He reminds. Looking at Kiro, he gently pinches the boy's cheek, "You're quite adorable today, Kiro. Dare I say you've gotten even cuter than before? I wasn't aware that was possible."

Kiro holds out his arms, not saying anything. "Not talkative today? That's alright, I'll forgive it since you're my favorite." Vincent hums, taking Kiro from Megumi's arms.

"Mother said something hurtful earlier, I think he's understandably still upset over it."

"What did she say?" Vincent frowns. Kiro rests his head onto Vincent's shoulder, holding onto his grandfather. Before Megumi can recount what occured earlier, his mother intervenes. She wraps her arms around Megumi's arm, gathering his attention.

"Honey, you're just in time. Megumi darling, five minutes till your performance. I urge you to go get ready." She looks at Megumi expectantly. He excuses himself, leaving Kiro in the care of Vincent and Choso. Megumi changes quickly, putting his white skates on.

"Will you be alright? You look a little tired today." Yuuta expresses his concern as he bends down, tying Megumi's skate for him.

"It's alright, I plan on taking a long nap when Kiro and I get home." Megumi chuckles, watching as Yuuta ties the other skate. He doesn't listen to whatever speech his mother is giving, he's focusing on Yuuta. "I really appreciate you."

"Hm? It's just skates, Megumi. I don't mind tying them for you." Yuuta chuckles, smiling sweetly at Megumi. Megumi shakes his head, grabbing Yuuta's hand. He affectionately laces their hands together.

"Not just the skates. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I... I really appreciate all of it." Megumi expresses before pulling away from Yuuta. He steps onto the ice, beginning his performance once the melody plays. He sees Kiro who waves at him, warming Megumi's heart. Eria is looking at him like he's her child that she couldn't be prouder of. Such a sweet woman and her words play in his head all over again.

He loves his parents but he loves Kiro more. If them being in his life is affecting Kiro negatively, he will have no choice but to cut them out of his life. That alone frightens Megumi, does he even have the power to make that decision? Sera would never allow that, her obsession with her son knows no limitations. Vincent isn't as openly obsessed as his dictator of a mother but even he can do things simply because he believes his decision is better than Megumi's.

Megumi doesn't want Kiro to suffer the way he did growing up. To be frightened and belittled, to be groomed to be the perfect child. Even if he has to deal with the backlash from his parents, he will protect Kiro. He'll speak to them after the event, he can be brave, he can do this.

He jumps and spins but his landing causes crackling, causing him to freeze. His mother wouldn't have him skate on ice unless she knew for certain it was safe... Unless she was so busy she didn't even consider to have the ice checked. His alarm causes confusion amongst the crowd. "Honey, what's going on? Why did he stop?" Sera questions her husband, lightly tugging on his sleeve.

Megumi carefully moves only for the ice to break beneath him. He falls through into the ice cold water, his skates heavy on his feet. He panics, tugging the ties off as he unintentionally gasps for air because of the shock. Yuuta runs across the ice without hesitation, his heart racing in his chest. Megumi's skates sink but his vision becomes blotchy as he begins to lose consciousness. Yuuta sees him, Megumi is so close yet so far. Yuuta knows it's stupid but it's his only chance so, he jumps into the water.

It's colder than he expected but he remembers to keep calm despite the urge to panic. He wraps his arm firmly around Megumi's waist, tugging him up. The water threatens to pull him away from the opening but an arm reaches in, grabbing onto Yuuta's upper arm. Choso pulls the both of them out of the water, pulling them close to the snow and away from the cracks.

Trembling, Yuuta turns Megumi over and this causes him to cough up the water inside his lungs. Megumi's skin is pale, his lips a light purple as he clings to Yuuta. "Your father called the ambulance!" Sera informs as she throws a fur coat around Megumi's shoulders to keep him warm.

"T-t-this is a-all your f-fault!" He shouts at her, his teeth chattering. His entire body aches from the freezing cold, his lungs burning. "I d-didn't want t-to do this!" He hugs tighter onto Yuuta who is also shivering severely.

"You don't mean that, you're in shock." She replies as the sirens from the ambulances come closer.

"Mommy..." Kiro runs over, hugging his mom as tears stream down his face. Kiro's warmth helps so Megumi hugs Kiro back, teeth chattering. The EMTs come over and pick the both of them up as well with Kiro who is in Megumi's arms. Megumi's done, he's done with the his mother and he's done trying to please everyone. This hurts too much, he almost left Kiro alone.

How is the emotional abuse he goes through with his mother any different from the physical abuse he went through with Sukuna? Why was Sukuna's treatment wrong but her treatment not? He loves her so much, she is his mother, he will always love her. Just like he will always love Sukuna. He really was delt a bad hand from the beginning, he didn't stand a chance.

Her mistreatment is over, he wants nothing to do with her or his father, Vincent.

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