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        "Why are you standing here in the freezing cold? Feeling suicidal?" Naoya smirks as he sees Megumi standing outside his massive home, barely clothed and shivering. "You look like a mistress who just got kicked out, like a wounded puppy."

        "Get back in your car." Megumi demands, making his way over. Naoya cocks an eyebrow, wondering if he's supposed to take Megumi somewhere. Megumi gets into the car, shivering as he turns up the heater. "Couldn't you have driven faster? I swear, your brain is just for show if you even have one."

      "You're testing my patience." 

      "Naoya, i'm having a really shitty night, okay?" Now that he's getting a good look at Megumi's face, he can see the younger looks highly distressed and his eyes are red from crying. Naoya could feel sympathetic but that's not in his nature.

     "You look a mess." Naoya points out. Megumi can't help but chuckle, knowing he probably looks as pathetic as he feels. "Why are we in my car, Megumi? I'm not the person you should go to to talk about your issues. I could care less."

      "I didn't call to talk to you, idiot. I just..." Megumi sighs, inhaling and exhaling. He climbs into Naoya's backseat, giving Naoya the doe-eyed look he seems to get turned on from. "Just fuck me, okay?"

        Naoya gets into the back seat at lightning speed, pushing Megumi down roughly causing him to yelp in surprise. Naoya pulls down Megumi's pajama shorts and underwear, keeping Megumi's legs together. He keeps Megumi pinned down, a hand firmly onto the back of Megumi's neck while the other adjusts his pants.

      "I don't have a condom."

        "What?! Naoya–!" Megumi whimpers when Naoya squeezes the sides of his throat, keeping him down. 

         "Quiet, you pest." Naoya demands, pressing the tip of his cock against Megumi's entrance. Megumi whines, clenching his hands into fist. Naoya's cock stretches his wet, tight walls and breeches deep inside. "Whiny slut, you're so noisy." He raises Megumi's leg up, easily manhandling into a position good enough for him. Naoya roughly begins thrusting in and out, chasing after his own pleasure and just using Megumi as a fuck hole.

     Megumi's thoughts turn to mush, he can't even form a coherent sentence as his moans and whimpers become higher and higher the rougher Naoya is. The car shakes from their movements, with Megumi's leg pushed up it has Naoya deep in his guts. The windows begin to fog up. Megumi reaches a hand down, rubbing his swollen clit. The first touch makes him keen highly, his cunt tightening around Naoya's dick.

        "Fuck." Naoya curses, his cock throbbing inside. Megumi speeds up his movements, his body jerking and trembling as his cunt rapidly convulses around Naoya's cock, his slick gushing down his thighs. "You're so wet, are you always such a slut for everyone?" He goads, craving a reaction.

         "Fuck off." Megumi insults but Naoya can hardly take it serious with how fucked out Megumi sounds. Naoya curses under his breath, pulling out and cumming onto his lower back. "One more round." Megumi requests. Naoya thrusts in again, stealing the breath from Megumi's lungs.

        "I can do that."

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