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Sukuna didn't answer the call so Kiro had left a voice message. That was two days ago and Megumi hadn't heard anything from Sukuna. Yuuta is here, holding Megumi's hand with Kiro in his other arm. Choso is here as well, instructed to stay outside the classroom once they get inside the building. Megumi called Nobara for her help, she did subtle makeup to cover up his marks and because she can't help herself, she dressed him too.

"We should wait a minute before going in." Megumi pauses, grabbing his phone to check it. Not a single message or call, of all times, Sukuna chooses now to give Megumi space. He doesn't feel annoyed or angry... just upset and a little disappointed.

"Megumi..." Yuuta frowns, giving Megumi's hand a light squeeze.

"He will come. He will." Megumi let's go of Yuuta's hand, sighing in frustration. He reaches into his pocket to grab his phone and call again when he spots Sukuna coming their way. Megumi let's out a shaky but relieved breath, walking towards Sukuna. "You really came..." Megumi was nervous that Sukuna wouldn't, but he didn't want to voice his worries out loud. Yuuta might be able to read him but Kiro is too young to pick up on Megumi's subtle expressions.

"You both called." Sukuna answers. He had listened to the voicemails from both Kiro and Megumi. "I hurt you again, really bad this time. I'm sorry." He apologizes, an oddly soft expression on his face.

"Let's not talk about it here. We're here for Kiro." Megumi doesn't want a scene to happen at Kiro's school. "Yuuta is here, behave yourself, please. Kiro wanted him to come."

Before Sukuna can respond, Megumi spots Aoi. "Aoi, Aster." Megumi calls, getting their attention. Sukuna clenches his jaw but doesn't press on the subject. Okkotsu walks over with Kiro and Choso, his gaze unfriendly towards Sukuna. The feeling is certainly mutual as Sukuna glares daggers at Okkotsu. Choso gives Sukuna a look to tell him to tone it down and keep himself in line. This is important and not just to Megumi but to Kiro as well. This is Sukuna's first time attending anything for his son. He should want to make a positive, memorable impression.

"Kiro! Hi, 'Gumi!" Aster smiles largely at Megumi, securely held in Aoi's arms. They're both dressed warmly with matching scarves and mittens for the winter weather. Aster's hair is white like show, different from Aoi's blonde hair.

"Megumi, a large group you have here. Hello, Okkotsu, nice to see you and you, nice to see you again." Aoi greets both Sukuna and Yuuta. "Oh, who is this?"

"Choso, this is my friend Aoi. Aoi, this is Choso. He's a friend and our bodyguard." Megumi introduces. Aoi's face flushes as he holds out his hand for Choso. Choso shakes his hand, a mutual spark of attraction between the two of them. "Should we go inside together?" Megumi questions, giving Aoi a friendly smile.

"Hm? Oh, yes!" Aoi links arms with Megumi, excitedly walking him in with Yuuta and Kiro following.

"Uraume isn't going to react kindly to competition." Sukuna informs Choso, wondering how things are going to turn out between the two of them. He always believed it was a bad idea that they got involved, it would tear their trio apart even further than when Choso selfishly disappeared without looking back. Their group only joined back together because of Megumi, unexpected but appreciated.

"No competition, we're not together." Choso replies calmly, shrugging his shoulders. Sukuna doesn't give his opinion on that, following after Megumi. They had casual sex before Choso disappeared and when he returned, that's all it continued to be. In the tattoo shop, that's all it was. Just in the heat of the moment, two people who are attracted to each other. Choso doesn't love Uraume, he thought that was clear. He's never looked at Uraume as a potential romantic partner. But Sukuna is acting like it's not just two people who sleep together, like it's more.

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