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        Since the truth had been revealed, Kiro hasn't been handling it well. "Baby, why are you crying?" Megumi holds him as he nuzzles his sobbing face into Megumi's shirt. "Please talk to me, Kiro." Megumi pleads, feeling desperate. Choso has given them privacy, remaining in the kitchen while the two are in the living room.

      Sera had the entire house decorated to give it a Victorian era look to it. Megumi had let her get involved because he knows how happy it makes her to decorate, which is why she is always involved in the planning and choosing of themes for social gatherings. She's a very important woman in high society, all the wives know of each other. Sera knows Satoru's mother as well as Noritoshi's mother, Chie Nakamura. Megumi is not prepared to ever be in a room with all three women.

       "I don't want him to be my dad."

        "Why? You had fun when we all went out, didn't you?" Megumi's heart hurts, he doesn't want Kiro to hate Sukuna in the slightest. Even if Megumi and Sukuna don't always get along, he doesn't want Kiro and Sukuna to have a bad relationship with one another. Especially since it seems Sukuna has no intention of giving them space.

       "He's the Boogeyman." Kiro cries.

       "Aw, Kiro, I promise he's not the Boogeyman. He was just joking, I promise." Megumi reassures gently, cupping Kiro's face and wiping away his tears. "We'll spend more time with him, okay? You'll see that he isn't the Boogeyman. He just has a strange sense of humor."

       Kiro shakes his head fiercely in refusal. "I want Yuuta to be my dad." 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

          "I saw Choso today." Sukuna swirls the alcohol in his glass, looking up at Uraume. "He was with Megumi and he acted as if he had no idea who I was. He must've been hired, the entire situation is still suspicious." He takes a gulp, a pleasant burn in his throat as it goes down. "That little runt is still as infuriating."

         "You saw Megumi today?" Uraume tilts his head.

          "That's all you got from that?" Sukuna narrows his eyes. 

          "I doubt Megumi would've hired Choso if he knew you two knew each other. Your biggest threat is Kamo, the boss proposed to Megumi after their first date. He felt a spark, apparently. You haven't reacted, what are you planning?" Uraume knows that Sukuna is a devious man, one who is always plotting. If Uraume is one thing, it's loyal. Uraume will have Sukuna's back and if things go south, Uraume will die before he betrays Sukuna's trust. Their friendship is both special but also a burden.

        "You know the plan, Uraume. I've already turned his men against him, they're hungry wolves and that Kamo is too weak. I'm going to kill him and take his place. That's why I'm not worried if he wants to attempt to play house with my Megumi, his time is ticking." Sukuna grins, his crimson eyes twinkling sadistically. Uraume doesn't doubt that Sukuna has been meticulously plotting, Sukuna can never be satisfied unless he's at the top. Joining the Kamo Mafia was a risk, one that Uraume had warned Sukuna about when he was meeting with Mei Mei. She's a vile woman, one who is greedy and money hungry. She's a viper who will sink her fangs if she finds a weakness. 

       Then again, Uraume can say the same about Sukuna. If he finds a weakness, he will use it as his weapon. 

      "Very well, you know I have your back." Uraume easily agrees. There is a look of understanding between the two of them, a trust that cannot be broken. "Are you going to involve Megumi? If not, don't let him get caught in the crossfire."

        "It will be much more thrilling to have Kamo fall in love with Megumi, let him believe he can have what's mine before I take everything from him."

         Uraume shakes his head, chuckling. "You're an evil person, sometimes I wonder if you're even human."

         "Definitely not." Sukuna grins, excitement in his eyes at the chaos he is brewing.

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