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       Megumi is breathtaking in the candlelight, his emerald green eyes reflecting the lights from the boisterous city outside the windows. Dark clothing truly compliments Megumi, it outlines his sinfully perfect body, brightens his already lovely eyes, and causes him to seem more ethereal than he already does.

      He's a sight and he doesn't even realize people can't help but notice his presence. Satoru especially.

      "I've never seen you wear jewelry before." Satoru sees the diamond earrings and simple yet elegant necklace.

     "I wear jewelry." Megumi is a little self-conscious. He takes a deep breath, looking at Satoru. Gojo is handsome, Megumi has always noticed it. Hair like snow and bright, crystal-like blue eyes. He always looks so sophisticated and flawless, Megumi admires him when Gojo isn't paying attention because if he notices, Satoru will be obnoxious and the sophisticated look will change to childish and irritating.

     "You're lovely tonight, Megumi."

      "Just tonight?" Megumi cocks an eyebrow.

      "Not everyone can be as effortlessly handsome as me every single moment of the day." Satoru smirks at seeing Megumi's annoyed expression. Satoru won't say it but Megumi is the one who is effortlessly beautiful every second. Satoru will put all his wealth on the line because that is simply how confident he is it's true.

      The waiter comes, blushing and nervous as he speaks to Megumi who hardly pays him much attention to notice. Satoru could be jealous but instead he is filled with pride that everyone in this restaurant is blatantly smitten with Megumi because tonight, Megumi is going back with him. He wants them to be filled with jealousy.

      "I have a favor to ask of you."

      "What is it, Memi?" Satoru wonders if Megumi's intention is the beguile him and if so, it's definitely working.

      "Please don't tell Yuuta about us."

       "What about us, Megumi? That I leave you breathless from the amount of orgasms I give you after performances, interviews, events—"

       "Satoru!" Megumi whispers yells, an embarrassed blush spreading across his face. He sighs before wearing that adorable, pouty expression with his doe eyes that makes Satoru weak. "Everything is going really well between Yuuta and I. I think telling him this would upset him. Please, do it for me?"

      Satoru nearly gets a nose bleed from how innocently erotic Megumi sounded. "Fine, cross my heart." Satoru grins. They eat their dinner, oddly enough Megumi enjoys Satoru's company. They talk about nothing important yet it's pleasant. Satoru has so much potential of being a perfect significant other, Megumi doesn't understand why Satoru can't seem to settle down. Though, that probably isn't his place to pry.
      Once dinner is out of the way, it's time for the show. Satoru clinks his glass, "I'd like to get everyone's attention." He smiles charmingly at the guests, wooing them even further. Megumi and Satoru are an attractive pair, it was impossible not to pay attention to them. Satoru sets down the glass, taking Megumi's hand in his. "Memi, you're the love of my life. I never knew how thrilling life could be until I met you, there's no one else out there for me. I want to be the person who gives you everything your heart desires, that is, if you would marry me."

      It was on a whim. Just for fun. Satoru has riches beyond comprehension, he was just tossing money around because he can. It definitely isn't because he secretly hoped that things would change between him and Megumi. No, he's a playboy who can't keep it in his pants. He doesn't love anyone romantically, especially not enough to stop his promiscuous ways. So spending money on an engagement ring that costs more than most people pay for their home definitely was just for the fun of getting free dessert, no other reason.

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