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      "Here you have four apples." Yuji places the red apples in front of Kiro. "If I take two away—" Yuji grabs two of them, pushing them to the side. "—how many apples do you have?"


       "Great! You're so smart, Kiro!" Yuji praises, ruffling the boy's dark hair. Kiro blushes shyly from the compliment. He is doing his best to practice his math and with Itadori's help, it's much easier. "Okay, let's try again." Yuji places eight apples onto the counter again. Junpei observes as he makes them lunch.

    "Uncle Yuji?"


      "Can we see Yuuta?" Kiro questions, fidgeting with his small hands on his lap. He can't see his mom right now but he can see Yuuta and he really wants to ask Yuuta an important question. Itadori looks at Junpei who shrugs in response.

    "Okay, totally!" Itadori has never hung out with Okkotsu without Megumi or Inumaki before. Ever since he found out Okkotsu has been in love with his best friend and that they are involved romantically, he can't help but behave a little awkwardly. Itadori sends Yuuta text message giving a brief explanation and sending an abundance of emojis.

     Junpei's phone buzzes, a message from his mom popping on the screen. He opens it and let's out a shocked gasp, capturing both Kiro and Itadori's attention. "Babe? What's wrong?" Itadori questions with concern.

    "Um, nothing, nothing at all! Aheh, um, Yuji, come here for a second?" Junpei pulls Itadori aside urgently, a good distance from where Kiro is sitting. "Look at this!" Junpei whisper yells, showing the article with the video of Gojo proposing to Megumi that his mom sent. "I thought they were just having bed fun! I didn't know Megumi had feelings for him!"

     "What?! Since when was Megumi having sex with Gojo?! Oh my god, my head hurts!" Itadori whisper shouts, rubbing his temples. He leaves for baseball and all of a sudden he's completely out of the loop. It doesn't help he is oblivious at the worst of times.

      "We shouldn't bring this up around Okkotsu unless he says something. This is bad, really bad. I thought Megumi was going to confess to Okkotsu when he comes back—"

      "...Okkotsu? He is head over heels for Sukuna. Anyways, babe, not the point. This is insane and so exciting!"

      "Exciting?" Junpei questions puzzled, "What part?"

      "Megumi's life is always so interesting! It's like a front row 3-D seat for the best tv show!" Itadori smiles excitedly. Junpei chuckles, rolling his eyes at his odd way of dealing with certain situations. "Plus, there's no way Megumi would be with Gojo anyway. I'm still shocked they're doing that stuff, I can't see it. He's like a kid cracked out on candy and Megumi is, well, not that!"

      "You're cute." Junpei chuckles, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "My mom saw the article and sent it along with a few questions. She's very nosey, she wants to know when Megumi will be back to see her if you get what she's so obviously hinting at."

      "See who?" Kiro questions, startling the couple who are whispering very loudly. "Is Yuuta coming?"

      "Yes he is!" Itadori picks Kiro up, spinning him around and carrying him back to his seat. "He's super thrilled to see you but remember, your Uncle Yuji is the best. I am just the coolest, I let you eat pancakes every morning—"

       "Mama gives me good food too." Kiro interrupts, causing Itadori to pout.

       "Okay, your mom is the best mom in the world. But I am the best uncle in the world, aren't I?"

      "I have lots of uncles."

       "What?! Who?!" Itadori can't believe Kiro didn't immediately agree that he is the bestest and coolest uncle. He does everything and buys tons of awesome things for Kiro, he's starting to question if Kiro even has fun with Itadori.

      "Uncle Naoya, Uncle Junpei, Uncle Toge—"

       "Kiro, you're wounding me."

        "You're the coolest, Uncle Yuji." Kiro confirms, lifting Itadori's spirits instantly. The doorbell rings and Kiro rushes towards the door with Junpei following. Itadori pumps his fists into the air, unable to contain his happiness. Junpei opens the door to reveal Yuuta and Kiro's face brightens.

      "Yuuta!" He opens his arms and Yuuta picks the boy up. "Are you staying?" Kiro questions shyly, hugging onto Yuuta. Yuuta isn't sure what caused his usually distant and indifferent demeanor to change but his heart feels fulfilled to have Kiro's approval. Kiro is the child of the person Yuuta loves with all his heart, therefore he loves Kiro as if the boy was his own. It's irrelevant how Yuuta feels towards Sukuna or vice versa, Yuuta would never treat Kiro as any less than. 

    "For a little bit, yes." Yuuta smiles, following Junpei to the kitchen where Itadori is. "Hey you two, how are you?" He greets them, sitting on the stool where Kiro was previously sitting. He sets the boy onto his lap, holding him so he doesn't accidentally fall. 

     "Just making lunch, are you hungry? I can make you some too." Junpei offers with a polite smile.

     "Thank you, that'd be nice." Yuuta accepts kindly. He notices the multiple apples in front of him and looks at Itadori, cocking an eyebrow. "Uh, Itadori, why are there a bunch of apples on the counter?"

     "I was helping Kiro with his math because I am the bestest Uncle to ever exist." Yuji puffs his chest out proudly. Okkotsu chuckles, shaking his head at how ridiculous Itadori can be. Kiro is really fond of Yuuta, he wants him to be his dad and if his mom won't ask, then he will. Kiro looks up at Okkotsu, patting Yuuta's hand. 

      "Yuuta?" He calls, gathering Okkotsu's attention.

       "Yes?" He looks down at the adorable boy.

        "I miss mom very much, do you miss mom?"

        Yuuta nods his head, "Of course I miss your mom, it's very lonely without Megumi."

        "I love mom, do you love mom?"

           Yuuta blushes, a bit caught off guard by Kiro's innocent question. Itadori grins teasingly, "Yeah, Okkotsu, do you love Kiro's mama?" Junpei lightly punches Itadori's shoulder for jesting Okkotsu and causing him to become even more flustered.

             "Yes, I love your mom with all my heart." He answers, glaring playfully at Itadori who covers his mouth to contain his laughter. Junpei shakes his head disapprovingly at Itadori's childish behavior. 

               "Okay, can you be my dad?" Kiro questions, startling everyone in the kitchen. Itadori's laughter abruptly stops and Junpei drops his cooking knife onto the counter, his eyes wide. Yuuta is struck speechless, he wants to blurt out that yes, of course he will be Kiro's dad but this boy is Megumi's child. This is a conversation to be had with Megumi here, not something that Yuuta can decide on his own. He also can't tell Kiro that they have to ask for Megumi's approval because it will put Megumi on the spot. So, what is Yuuta supposed to say?

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