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        Megumi stands outside his house, the sky is dark and his child is sleeping soundly. Choso hasn't moved in yet and Megumi had sent the man home. Sukuna's car slowly pulls up before the engine is shut off. Sukuna gets out, unsure of why he is here but Megumi called and he came, no questions asked.

       "Kiro wouldn't stop crying, he didn't want the Boogeyman as his father."

       "Why are you telling me this?"

       "Do you care about him in the slightest? I need to know what your intentions are. If you're going to half ass be part of his life, don't bother entering mine." Megumi wraps his arms around himself, searching for the sign he's looking for. Sukuna takes off his coat, wrapping it around Megumi.

       "Don't leave the house late at night without a jacket. You'll get sick." Sukuna reaches into the pocket of his coat that he just placed into Megumi, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pulls one out, sticking the box back into the pocket. He cups the end, lighting it and inhaling.

       "You're worried about me getting a cold but not about damaging my lungs?" Megumi scoffs but he can't help but smile. The smell of cigarettes used to repulse him but now it's become his favorite scent, whenever he would smell a specific brand, he would feel like Sukuna is right there with him.

       "I'm in love with you, Blessing."

       "You say that a lot."

       Sukuna takes another puff, considering his words. "I won't allow him to get injured and I won't let anyone hurt him. It's simple like that, I'm not attached to the kid or filled with love. I know that he's mine and yours, so I'll keep him safe."

      Megumi feels a bit relieved but at the same time, he feels upset. "When Kiro was born, I had difficulting bonding with him. I struggled just to hold him without having a panic attack. I don't think you understand how much I suffered being on my own without you."

      "I was thrown in jail. Uraume went through fucking hell to get me out of there and when I came back, you were gone. All you left me was a letter, you left no trace that you even lived in that apartment." Sukuna takes another drag while simultaneously pulling Megumi closer to him. He keeps his arm around Megumi's waist while Megumi wraps his arms around Sukuna.

      "Why'd you call, Meg? Did you miss me?"

       "Yeah." Megumi rests the side of his face against Sukuna's chest. "I missed your scent." He admits, breathing in the man's smell. Expensive men's cologne, whiskey, cigarettes, and his natural musk.

       "My scent? What are you, a dog?"

       "Hm, I thought you knew I'm more of a cat." Megumi teases, looking up at Sukuna. Unable to resist temptation, Sukuna leans down and kisses Megumi. It's unusually soft and sweet, as if Sukuna is simply testing the waters. "Did you consider moving on?"

       "I couldn't even fathom something so terrible. It's always been you, for me." Sukuna leans down, pressing his forehead against Megumi's. "I need you back, Megumi. I can't keep doing this, time is being wasted when we could be together."

      "You can't keep hurting me or use Kiro."

      Sukuna hums, pulling Megumi even closer against his larger, muscular body. "I can do better, I can try my hardest. Accept me back into your life. I'm begging you, Megumi, don't push me away."

     "Can I be selfish?"

     "Anything you want, it's yours." Sukuna promises.

      "You know my rule about no sex in the house so please respect it. I don't want to be alone tonight, could you come inside and just hold me?" Megumi requests, knowing that if Sukuna refused it would most certainly shatter his heart. Sukuna picks Megumi up, startling him from the action. His legs wraps around Sukuna's waist as Sukuna carries him into the house.

      From memory he carries Megumi to his bedroom. He waits patiently while Megumi changes into pajamas before returning to him. Megumi is every bit as lovely as in Sukuna's memories, he has missed him dearly. He pulls Megumi closer, pressing a chaste kiss onto his cheek. "I love you, my Megumi."

     They lay in the bed, Megumi is held by Sukuna's protective arms. "Say it again, please." He whispers, his body being enveloped in Sukuna's warmth and scent.

      "I love you, always and forever, even into the afterlife."

       "Into the afterlife?"

       "Whatever comes next, I'm certain my soul will be with yours."

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