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      "What the fuck is this?" Sukuna's blood is boiling as he sees Megumi and Gojo on the television with news of their engagement. Sukuna's skin is covered in a sheen of sweat, the television in Uraume's underground club captured his attention from training when he heard his Blessing's name. "Uraume, hand me my phone." Sukuna demands, holding out his hand.

     Uraume huffs, grabbing Sukuna's phone off the bar counter and tossing it in his direction. He catches it, dialing Megumi's number. It rings, rings, and goes to voicemail. "It's probably a misunderstanding."

      "They showed him proposing and Megumi jumping into his arms. How the fuck is that a misunderstanding?" Sukuna snaps, calling Megumi again.

      "I don't know but he's a pushover, I don't know how he's survived this long. Why didn't you go with him to New York anyway?" Uraume questions, scrolling on his phone on social media where he is also seeing videos of the proposal, fan made videos, and photos of the two with their fans congratulating them.

    "He didn't want me to go! Some shit about his worry of toxic codependency."

      "He's not wrong." Uraume shrugs.

      "You're not helpful." Sukuna calls again for the fourth time, waiting for him to pick up.

      "None of his friends went with him?"

      "No, Uraume, just him and that fucking shady prick." Sukuna has the urge to throw his phone against the wall but he needs Megumi to pick up the phone first. One thing is for certain, Sukuna is going to take out all this pent up rage on his fights tonight. "I'm going to kill him."

      "Megumi or the other one?"

      "Are you even listening?!"

      Uraume sets his phone down, giving Sukuna his full attention. Uraume is sure it's a misunderstanding, those happen often around Megumi.

     "Both. I'm going to kill that bastard and—"

      "Lovingly and respectfully tell Megumi about your feelings?" 

       Sukuna takes a deep breath, calling Megumi's phone again. Uraume is right, he needs to calm himself before he even thinks about seeing Megumi whenever he comes back. They made so much progress, he isn't going to be the reason they take five steps backwards. 

       I'm not my mother, I'm not going to force myself on him and claim it's love.

     I'm not my father, I'm not going to take my emotions out on him, be nice for a moment, then repeat.

      Sukuna is doing better. He will be a better person for Megumi. He got his medication from Higuruma but he hasn't started taking it yet. It's taunting him in his medicine cabinet, as if mocking him for being who he is. Megumi still doesn't answer. It rings all the way through but nothing. Sukuna sends Megumi an urgent text telling him to call as soon as possible. If Sukuna was a better person, would Megumi have taken him with? Or was Megumi pulling away from him inevitable?

      Sukuna doesn't believe in fate, he doesn't believe there is a path created for everyone already written in the stars. He's a firm believer people make their paths, they can change it and shape it, nothing is certain. Therefore, Sukuna is going to ensure his path and Megumi's never sway or part. If Megumi decided to be with someone other than him, he would never be able to recover. He'd lose his entire mind, he'd ruin his own life and he would never be able to accept Megumi's decision.

     "Should I go to New York?"

      "No, it'll make you look weak. Wait till he comes back, have a mature conversation where you aren't intimidating him. I'm sure Megumi has a reason. Also, there was something I was wondering."

      "What about?" Sukuna looks at the unread message sent to Megumi, tapping the side of his phone in irritation.

      "When will I get to meet your son?" Uraume wonders what this child is like, how much the boy is similar to the two.

      "I don't know, talk to Megumi." Kiro is not even Sukuna's concern right now, he doesn't care about Uraume's question.

      "I'm talking to you, who I've known for years. Has it been easy bonding with him?" Uraume questions with genuine curiosity.

      "I haven't tried." Sukuna glares from vexation at Uraume. "Look, the kid won't like me. He saw me hit Megumi and he's close with that bastard Okkotsu. He hates me, looks at me like I'm the spawn of evil." Sukuna shrugs, knowing that in a way, he technically is.

      "You just have to show him a good side of you. There's one, I'm sure. You've shown it to Megumi, right? If you make the same effort for your child—"

       "There's no guarantee his opinion will change. I don't feel anything for the brat, Uraume. I see my Blessing in him and it makes me protective, other than that... That's it. There's not a single feeling of familial love." Sukuna only feels his romantic love towards Megumi, that is the only love he has in his cold heart.

      "Hm, that is interesting. What do you want to happen then?"

      "I want Megumi and the brat living with me. This distance bullshit is on my nerves. Megumi will be mine again and he won't fuck those pricks anymore. He'll have me. I'll get him pregnant again—"

      "You want another baby?" Uraume questions puzzled.

       "I missed it the first time Megumi was pregnant. He went through everything without me, it makes me upset I wasn't there for him." Sukuna missed everything and to hear how much Megumi suffered without him causes Sukuna to view himself as useless. He didn't take care of Megumi when he needed him most, even if he left, Sukuna knows he should've done something about it.

       "That's actually a little sweeter than I expected—"

        "I also have a breeding kink. He's so beautiful that I can't help but want to—"

         "Enough! You're done!" Uraume shouts, flustered from Sukuna's bold words. He clears his throat, calming himself before continuing with his thoughts. "You should work on your relationship more before thinking about putting other children info the mess. Guess this means your confident Megumi will choose you."

       "Why wouldn't he?" Sukuna cocks an eyebrow.

       "I thought... nevermind." Uraume shakes his head.

       "You thought what?" Sukuna snaps.

        "I thought that Megumi had feelings or something for Okkotsu. That's all."

        "He does." Sukuna clenches his jaw, his grip tightening on his phone. "Are you trying to piss me off?"

     Uraume gets up from his bar stool, making his way to Sukuna. I grabs his phone, a firm expression on his face. "Megumi is gone, use this time to focus on achieving our goals. You're the one that wanted more power, you're never satisfied. You need to win and make a point that you're invincible and that Kamo is weak. We have allies but nothing is certain."

     "I'll get rid of them once they do their job." Sukuna smirks.

     "Mei Mei included?" The corners of Uraume's lips twitch as he resists the urge to smirk at the thought. She's caused Uraume lots of trouble just like she had done with Megumi, she's a venomous woman who doesn't care who she steps on.

      "They were so eager to switch up on Kamo, they can't be trusted." Sukuna laughs darkly, wondering just how foolish the people of this world truly are. "Especially her, I never forgive and she attempted to harm the most precious person to me."

     "Stay focused, tonight is very important."

      "Alright." Sukuna rolls his shoulders, fantasizing about all the ways he could beat the crap out of Gojo Satoru and Okkotsu Yuuta.




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