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"Are you okay, mommy?" Kiro questions with worry once they get back into the vehicle. Megumi was anything but okay, he's still frightened of his mother and can't stand up to her, not when it really matters. He takes a deep breath, slightly smiling at the concerned child.

"I'm okay, do you know why?"


"Because I have you and you're special." It isn't often Megumi shows verbal affection but at times when he's feeling distressed, he wants to corroborate to Kiro that he is loved. "I love you very much, Kiro."

"I love you too. Is mommy sad 'cause what grandma said?"

"Sometimes she says things that aren't true or that are mean. You are my greatest accomplishment, you're irreplaceable." Megumi kisses the child's chubby cheek, giving his little hand a loving squeeze before he shuts the car door. He can't cry in front of Kiro, he doesn't want to display his distress to the boy. He gets back into the car, driving away from the home responsible for his morbid feelings.

He decides to take Kiro out, to help divert to something more pleasant. It's not often Megumi takes Kiro out for fast food, he's much more firm about restaurants instead for his health. Though, Kiro is still a child and once Megumi had discovered how wonderful fast food is thanks to Sukuna, he added that to the endless list of things his parents made him miss out on.

During a red light, Megumi sends his location to Choso so that he can keep an eye on the both of them in case. Choso sends back a thumbs up and Megumi puts his phone down. He turns up the radio on the station Kiro loves the most, a fondness in his eyes as he sees the boy happily listening to the songs.

Another thing she had said that troubled him was that Sukuna offered him nothing. That isn't true. Sukuna offered everything he had and while it might've seemed insignificant to his mother who always had everything, it wasn't to Megumi. Yes, Sukuna has many faults but so does everyone, himself included. Megumi knows he can be indecisive and complicated, he's lacking and he tries to make up for it with his physical appeal because he's been shown from the actions of others that that is his value. Other than skating and his allure that induces sensuality of others towards him... he has nothing. His mother's words hurt but he doesn't have the strength to tell her that.

His father can be a complicated man but Megumi wishes he was there because at least he is trying to be more understanding towards Megumi.

Megumi parks and the two of them enter the fast food place. When it's their turn to order, he picks Kiro up so the boy can see everything going on. "Happy meal with a chocolate milk, please." He orders for the boy before ordering for himself and paying. They take their seats closest to the indoor playground area.

Megumi helps Kiro take off his shoes, setting them to the side. "Do you want me to come with you?" Megumi offers since it's only the two of them in the area. There is an elder couple and a couple of teenagers inside the fast food place but no little ones wanting to play at the playground.

"You will?" Kiro's face brightens before he hums, placing his little hands onto Megumi's stomach. "Baby okay?"

"Yes, we'll be fine." Megumi chuckles, holding Kiro's hand and helping him over to the playground. They enter one of the circle entrances that has winding half-stairs that you have to shimmy and climb your way up. They move leisurely, with Megumi helping Kiro make his way up. It's slightly cramped but Megumi is lithe and flexible so he manages the best he can.

Megumi has to crawl but Kiro is small enough to stand once they get to the top. He follows as Kiro runs through different structures to his desired destination. They enter a sitting area that is meant to give the illusion of a helicopter. Megumi sighs in relief, sitting more comfortable as Kiro makes random noises to go along with his game. He holds onto the steering wheel, spinning it and making up a story to go along with his noises. Megumi listens with adoration for his son, forgetting all about the insensitive words from his mother.

Kiro is the brave hero that rescued a citizen left behind, which is Megumi's character. "Thank you so much for saving me, you're a wonderful hero." Megumi plays along. Kiro puffs out his chest, his cheeks flushing red from the praise. He spins the wheel that is at the top where the helicopter blades are but from the looks of it, it's simply red styrofoam.

"Excuse me, your order is ready." A worker politely calls up, setting the trays down.

"Thank you!" Megumi calls back. He looks at Kiro, "My brave hero, we should eat to build up strength before continuing the mission."

"Good idea!" Kiro exclaims, taking Megumi's hand to help his mom out. "Be careful, mama."

"I will, thank you." Megumi goes down first in case Kiro slips up on his descend. They get back to their seats, sitting beside one another. Kiro opens his Happy Meal simultaneously as Megumi grabs the child's socked feet and slips his shoes back on. He does the singular bunny ear method, tying them both swiftly.

"Thank you mom." Kiro smiles, holding out his apples. Megumi takes the clear bag and opens them for Kiro, setting them down onto his tray. Wrapping a hand around Kiro, he tilts the boy's head up and kisses his forehead.

"You're welcome." He replies, focusing on his own food now. He's back to being ravenous, his appetite all over the place. His first week in New York was spent eating anything and everything, not shying from trying new things. The second week began with vomiting and was spent being repulsed by all food. He figured it was just because he ate so much the first week. Clearly, that wasn't it.

It felt like just yesterday Kiro was his new baby that couldn't even roll over, small and relying on his mom to provide for all his needs. Time moves quickly without people realizing. Megumi wants Kiro to stop growing up but that is inevitable. He'll probably hit those rebellious teenage years, he'll be independent and not rely so much on Megumi. As much as the thought hurts, he knows he wants to be the supportive and accepting parent he wishes he had. He's going to be that person for Kiro, someone the boy can trust and know that no matter what he wishes for his future, his mom will support him and not hold him back.



"Can we get ice cream after?" Kiro gives Megumi his best puppy eyes. He's been doing his best to perfect the look and he hopes it has paid off.

Megumi chuckles, "Of course."

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