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      Megumi checks his phone while watching Kiro unpack, it's his first time doing this on his own and deciding where he wants things to go. He has numerous missed calls and messages from Sukuna. He continues to scroll through his missed calls, pausing when he sees he was on call with Sukuna for quite awhile. Megumi's eyebrows furrow, his nose scrunching slightly. He doesn't remember talking to Sukuna around this time, he hasn't spoken to the man since he left.

     Kiro wouldn't call Sukuna randomly or even without asking Megumi... and Choso has his own phone...

     "What are you thinking so hard about?" Yuuta questions as he exits the bedroom, refreshed from his shower and dressed for their day. Yuuta wraps his arm around Megumi's shoulders, lightly grabbing Megumi's chin and tilting his head up. Yuuta kisses Megumi, smiling like the fool in love he is.

      "Um..." Megumi hesitates. Yuuta looks at Megumi patiently, walking into the open kitchen and pouring himself some warm coffee to help keep him awake. "Yuuta... Did..."

       "Did..?" Yuuta walks back to Megumi, sitting in front of him. He turns to face Megumi, placing his hands onto Megumi's thighs with a patient expression.

      "Did you...call Sukuna on my phone? I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't make baseless assumptions—"

       "I didn't call him." Yuuta's smile is gone. He pulls his touch away, grabbing his coffee and taking a sip. Megumi sighs in relief, feeling ridiculous for accusing Yuuta.

       "Must be a glitch—"

        "He called you and I couldn't help myself so I answered." Yuuta corrects, silencing Megumi. Megumi pauses, glancing over at Kiro. He's a good distance from them in the living room that's still in their sight, not a wall separating. Kiro is busy organizing his things and watching cartoons on the television. Choso is sitting on the couch, reading one of the many books he packed to keep him occupied. Megumi looks back at Yuuta, a shaky breath escaping him.

        "Why would you do that? That... isn't like you, Yuuta. What did you even talk to Sukuna about for that long... At that time what were you doing—" Megumi's eyes widen in horror as realization hits him instantly.  "You didn't... Yuuta, please tell me you didn't have him on the phone when we were—"

        "Megumi..." Yuuta is prepared to profusely apologize for his cretinous behavior. He understands it was incredibly immature of him to behave like that. Megumi stands up abruptly, so overwhelmed by what he's heard that he's on the verge of crying. Sukuna heard him having sex with Yuuta, Sukuna must be so hurt and Yuuta knowingly answered and left him on the phone. Yuuta isn't that kind of person, he would never do something like that. It must be a mistake, it has to be.

     "Please let me explain—" Yuuta stands, cautiously grabbing onto Megumi's hands. Megumi jolts away, his heart racing in his chest.

      "Please don't touch me, I don't want to be touched right now." Megumi whispers shakily, not wanting to alert Kiro to the disagreement happening between his two favorite people.

      Yuuta raises both his hands so Megumi isn't frightened. "Alright, I won't touch you but please, let's talk about this." Yuuta pleads. As much as Megumi wants to be left alone, he nods his head, allowing Yuuta to lead him into the bedroom.

     Megumi wraps his arms around himself, tears welling up in his eyes. He feels humiliated and used, Yuuta did something so cruel for... For what? Jealousy? To get even? Both? Whatever the reason, Megumi is extremely hurt by it and he doesn't know how he's supposed to apologize to Sukuna for this.

     "He kept calling your phone and I got jealous. I'm still hurt that you slept with him before we left and I got possessive in the moment. It was wrong, I know that and I'm willing to do whatever you want me to for forgiveness. I'll even apologize to him if that will make you feel better." Yuuta explains, hoping Megumi can see how sincere he is. He regrets doing that, he never would've if he knew Megumi would be so betrayed by it.

       "You've always been so good to me... I don't know how to react right now. I trusted you enough to record us being intimate but can I still trust you? I didn't know you were a possessive person and that you were hurting—"

        "Of course I was hurt, Megumi. I love you, you're the most important person. I would drop everything for you because you're so special to me. You're my muse, the only person I want to be with but with you, there is always him. You're weak to him, you let him push you around and that upsets me too. You're better than him—"

       "Yuuta, please!" Megumi begs, "That isn't something for you to do. Our relationship is separated from my relationship with him. He will always be in my life, we have a child together and that is just the way things are. I promised you that he and I won't have sex together anymore, there is only you."

       "I trust you, Megumi. It was wrong for me to do that. Do you want me to apologize to him? I will—"

       "No, no, you can't do that." Megumi shakes his head. Yuuta slowly wraps his arms around Megumi's waist, pulling him closer. "Promise me you won't do that again? We've always been able to communicate, please don't take that away."

      Yuuta kisses Megumi, feeling his lover trembling in his embrace. He never wanted to hurt Megumi, that's the last thing he wants to do. "I won't, I should've talked to you. It hurts my heart, Megumi, knowing about the two of you."

      "I only want you, what do I have to do to prove it?" Megumi frowns, wrapping his arms around Yuuta's neck. "I love you, I really do. Please don't push me away and I am trying to not be demanding but you can't do something like that to me again. You and Sukuna hate eachother and you doing that makes me feel like you just used me to piss him off."

      "I'd never use you. You know how I feel about you, haven't I proved that?" Yuuta genuinely questions. He's done so much for Megumi to show just how much he loves him, was none of it enough? What else does he have to do because he will do it. He loves Megumi with all his heart and he admits that even if he loves him, betraying his trust like that is unforgivable. Yuuta is a possessive person, extremely possessive but he makes sure to keep himself in check. Megumi isn't a weakling but his heart is fragile, Yuuta doesn't want to frighten him or be the reason he cries.

       "You have... You have, I think I would've been dead a long time ago if you hadn't saved me. You have every right to hate Sukuna as much as you do, I won't defend him. You don't have to trust him but I just want you to trust me, I won't betray your trust in any way. I promise, I won't disappoint you." Megumi will always love Sukuna but he's in a committed relationship with Yuuta, he'd never cheat on him. If Megumi needs pleasure, Yuuta is the one he will go to from now on. Not a fling, a fuck buddy, or Sukuna. There will only be Yuuta.

     "I do trust you, Megumi. I never should have done that, even if I was hurt. I won't do that to you again, I promise you."  Yuuta promises, pressing a gentle kiss against his cheek. Megumi used to hear many promises from Sukuna and he would break them. Megumi shouldn't compare the two but his mind instantly does this, warning his injured heart to be careful.

     This is his Yuuta, his sweet and gentle friend—boyfriend. He's his boyfriend now, things are going to be different and he should expect it. "I love you." Yuuta whispers affectionately.

       "I love you too." Megumi whispers back, hoping that his Yuuta hasn't changed.


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