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       After Megumi said goodbye to everyone in the morning, it was just him and Kiro. Megumi had considered not mentioning this to Kiro because he's a child but since he'll be going to the appointment anyway, Megumi decides that if he's going to tell anyone first, it'll be him. "Kiro, I have to tell you something very important but it's supposed to be a surprise, so it has to stay between us. Do you think you can keep it a surprise?" Megumi questions as he sets a sippy cup with apple juice down in front of him. Megumi is careful with his words, he doesn't want Kiro to lie or keep secrets... but keeping a surprise is a little different. 

      "Yes, I can. What is it, momma?" Kiro looks at Megumi curiously. 

       Megumi pauses, looking at Kiro's precious face. Kiro is his perfect child, rarely has he thrown tantrums and if he has, it's been when he was a little baby. Being his parent has been difficult for him to adjust to and there is so much he had to overcome to be able to just hold his baby without falling apart. He had doubts and regrets but looking at his Kiro... his heart swells with adoration. All the pain was worth it. 

     "Actually, I'll tell you later. I have a doctor's appointment, would you like to get Starbucks before we go?" Megumi smiles to which Kiro eagerly agrees to. He gets the boy a grande frappe of his choice as well as a cake pop before ordering his drink.

      "Thank you, mom. I love you." Kiro grins before taking a bite of his cake pop. He is still in disbelief that he's pregnant but the evidence was there and he had a doctor telling him he is. Megumi doesn't want to go through it alone again. He had Yuuta, Yuji, Toge, and Junpei but it's not the same as having a partner to be there for you. Still, Megumi isn't going to be with Sukuna just because he's pregnant with his child. Unless... unless it isn't then... If it is Yuuta's....

     Megumi shakes his head, focusing on driving instead of focusing on his complex relationships. Sukuna said some things that were true and that's why it did hurt so much. Megumi is desperate for love in many ways. He doesn't want to fight with Toji because it's almost like Toji still has the option to walk out whenever he wants. He's not tied to Megumi other than the fact they share the same blood, he has no obligation to Megumi. That's scary.

      Loneliness and misery are so overwhelming that he would seek sexual comfort in others to get that euphoric sensation and to feel... even if for a moment... loved. When it was over, Megumi's ice cold heart would return to its senses and he would leave, never staying over. Megumi wants to be loved, he's willing to give himself in order to obtain that. Thinking about all this, he should probably give Nanami a call. The blonde man is on vacation so Megumi hadn't wanted to bother him... but a small call wouldn't hurt.

     He'll call Nanami later.

      For now, he has to go into this doctors office to see Nagi. He picks Kiro up, carrying the boy in his arms while simultaneously holding his drink. "Megumi, come come." Nagi waves him her way, already waiting for him. They head to the back where her private medical room is. "Wow, Kiro, you've gotten so big. You used to be such a tiny baby." Nagi exclaims, in awe of the adorable child. Megumi sets Kiro down onto the seat before he sits on his medical seat.

     "So, does this mean you're...?" Nagi grins.

      "Yes, positive." He replies. Nagi squeals, embracing Megumi in her arms.

      "Congratulations sweetheart! This is good news, right?" She pulls back, wondering if she might've done something wrong.

      "It's..." Megumi sighs, "It's not bad news, just unexpected. There's two possibilities and I came because maybe you could give me an idea of how far along? That would be helpful and I'd know."

      "Of course, lay back for me." He does as she instructs and Kiro watches closely, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he watches Nagi doing an ultrasound. "Junpei told me about the Gojo thing, I was so excited for you but I heard he's a playboy, is that true?"

      One thing Megumi knows about Nagi is that she loves to hear all the gossips. "Yes, he's a major playboy. You know in dramas when girls find out they're being played and slap the guy? That's Satoru practically everyday." Megumi chuckles, shaking his head. Nagi laughs at this, humored by the theatrical visual that played in her head.

     "Mommy, are you sick?" Kiro tilts his head.

      "Sort of." Megumi hums.

      "You see that, Kiro." Nagi points to the screen. Kiro squints his eyes, trying to make out the picture. "That is your little sibling. There's a baby in there."

      "A baby?" Kiro's eyes widen. He jumps down from the extra chair, getting on his tiptoes to look at his mom's toned stomach.

       "Well, it will be a baby soon and you'll be able to get a clearer view. I'll get that information for you, Megumi."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

        "We're here, mother." Megumi calls as he enters his family home. His mother called after his appointment about needing to see him as soon as possible. There's servants moving all around, cleaning and organizing. Sera comes over, a blithe smile on her face. "What's the occasion?"

       "Just a little remodeling to the ballroom, Megumi. Come on, I have exciting news for you." She claps her hands together, turning on her heels and making her way towards the ballroom, Megumi assumes. He holds Kiro's hand, following after his fastidious mother who is never satisfied. "I'm hosting a charity event, Megumi darling. You're going to do a performance for it."

      "A performance? Oh, um, this is a bit sudden. Mother, I don't know if I can do this." Megumi hesitantly tells her. He hasn't trained recently but that's not the main problem, it's his poor health that is important. "I haven't been feeling well, I think I ate something bad—"

      "Megumi, darling." She interrupts with an ornery tone and a pseudo smile on her beautiful face. "Your father keeps telling me that I need to accommodate with your wishes but it's exhausting, don't you know? Other than skating, what else is there? Skating is your life, it's who you are and it's the symbol of your accomplishments."

      "Yes, skating was my life but Kiro is my life now, mother. He's most important and what will happen to him if I keep overworking myself till I drop?"

      "I understand, Kiro is important to you but he is far from an accomplishment. He's proof of your mistakes, of being distracted by a degenerate who offered you nothing and disobeying your parents who know what's best for you. Ignorance is bliss but I am not one to let you live in that fantasy. You're a winner, Megumi darling. A winner like your father and I. Not a loser like Toji and that woman. We achieve and accomplish, we do not lose. So, Megumi darling, won't you put on a smile for your mother and perform for charity? It's for a great cause."

      Megumi forces a smile, "Yes, I will."

       She cups his face, "That's my baby, I love you so much. I'll send you the details later. Goodbye now."

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