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      "I know you're sleepy my love but you can rest after you eat." Megumi cups Kiro's face, giving the tired boy an Eskimo kiss. Kiro nods, hugging Megumi and burying his face into Megumi's side. Kiro is hungry but he's also ready for a long nap with his mom.

      "You baby him too much." Sukuna feels uncomfortable. He isn't used to witnessing parents who actually love and adore their children. His parents treated him like garbage and everyone else from his side of the tracks treated their kids like trash as well. The way Megumi behaves is genuinely motherly and Sukuna doesn't think he'll ever get used seeing this display.

     "He's only three, I'm not babying him. I'm loving him."

      The waiter comes and sets down their ordered meals. A delicious lunch to fill their bellies for now. Megumi wonders how difficult it'll be to convince Sukuna to let him and Kiro go home. They can't stay with Sukuna for any longer, it won't look good especially when Megumi is constantly saying that they aren't a couple anymore. He is happy that Sukuna is willing to go onto medication but that doesn't mean Megumi will get back together with him just because he agreed. 

      Megumi thanks the waiter before he leaves. The scent of his meal suddenly makes his stomach churn severely. Megumi places his hand over his mouth, rushing away from the table and towards the single, unisex bathroom. Sukuna gets up from the table as well with little Kiro running to follow too. Sukuna pushes the door open, dropping beside Megumi who is vomiting into the toilet.

      "Blessing..." Sukuna frowns, rubbing Megumi's back in soothing circles. Kiro closes the door behind him, standing there nervously.


      "I'm okay, just—" Megumi's sentence gets cut off as he vomits some more. He wonders if he's sick because he barley ate and then suddenly having all that food in front of him... Unsurprisingly, he hadn't taken care of himself as he is supposed to. Once he's finished and flushes the toilet, Sukuna gently helps him stand up. Megumi turns on the faucet, rinsing out his mouth a couple times to get rid of the unpleasant taste.

       "Don't be sick." Kiro runs over to Megumi, tightly hugging his leg.

      "This is my fault. I haven't been taking care of myself like needed." Megumi apologizes, embarrassed that he ruined their lunch.

      "Come on." Sukuna picks Kiro up despite the boy's protest and he uses his other arm to wrap around Megumi to help support. "Let's get you both to the car."

       Megumi feels dizzy and his temperature is warm, he misses his bed and the comfort of knowing that he's safe at home where his precious Kiro is. Sukuna puts Kiro in his seat before helping Megumi into the car. "I'll get Kiro's food to go. I'll be back." Sukuna shuts Megumi's door and heads back into the restaurant.

     "Mommy, I'm sorry."

      "Why are you sorry?"

      "We went to the park but mommy was sick and you push me on the swing. I'm sorry."

      "Kiro, that's not your fault. We went to the park because we needed to go and get some fresh air. I pushed you on the swing because I love spending time with you." Megumi reassures, reaching his hand behind the seat. Kiro holds Megumi's hand tightly and puts faith in his mom's words that he isn't to blame. 

     Sukuna gets back into the car, setting the food in the backseat. He places his hand onto Megumi's upper thigh, giving a squeeze. "Where do you want me to take you?"

     "Home. My home, please." Megumi requests and Sukuna nods, turning on the car and driving in the direction of Megumi's house.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       "You don't have to carry me." Megumi's face is bright red as Sukuna not only carries him but Kiro as well up the stairs to Megumi's bedroom. Sukuna pushes the door open and sets Kiro onto the bed before bringing Megumi to the bathroom. Megumi brushes his teeth and then splashes his face with cooled water. Everything still feels like it's swaying like he's been on a carousel for far too long and walking seems much more difficult. 

     "Blessing." Sukuna calls, wrapping his arms around Megumi from behind.

      "I'm just sick, it happened a lot when Kiro first started going to preschool and bringing back all those germs. I'll be fine. You should go." Megumi can think of nothing better than laying snuggled in the blankets on his bed with Kiro while watching movies till he feels better.

      "No, I'm not leaving you." Sukuna's hold tightens. "I can take care of you."

     Megumi chuckles as he looks at Sukuna through the mirror in front of him, "You can't have sex with me to get rid of the sickness like before."

       "Hmm, that was fun." Sukuna grins but he doesn't have time to reminisce of the past. Seeing Megumi sick like that was startling for him. He has no intention of leaving anytime soon, he wants to take care of Megumi. Sukuna slides his hands under Megumi's shirt, pressing against Megumi's stomach.

      "Hsss, I still have bruises there." Megumi winces.

      "I can take care of you." Sukuna keeps his hold onto Megumi.

       "Fine, fine." Megumi agrees, pushing Sukuna's hands off his bruises. "Don't bother me or Kiro too much." He leaves the bathroom, changing into comfortable clothing before crawling into bed. Kiro pats the top of Megumi's head, watching as Megumi looks for a movie to put on. Megumi still feels warm which is odd since his usual temperature isn't. Even if he's warm, his blankets are nice and cold which is a positive so he can cuddle with Kiro who usually runs hot just like Sukuna.

        "Are you thirsty?"


       "Apple juice." Kiro glares at Sukuna, wrapping his arms around his mom. Sukuna leaves to get the drinks while Megumi picks a good movie they will both enjoy. He puts it on, setting the remote down. "Mom, I love you."

       "I know." Megumi smiles up at the three year old.

       "Get better soon, okay?"

       "I will, promise." Megumi holds up his pinky to which Kiro grins and links his tiny pinky with his mom's. 

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