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    "This museum is beautiful but it's empty?" Megumi looks to Yuuta as he tries to piece everything together. Why would Yuuta bring me to an empty museum? "The architectural design is gorgeous."

     "I had them remodel a few things, I got lots of inspiration while in Greece for designs. I have designs carved into the walls and ceilings, art painted on ceilings... It was very expensive, even if I come from the wealthy Gojo family." Okkotsu admits, he worked hard to earn more money as well to ensure he wouldn't be in financial trouble.

      "You had them remodel? Yuuta, do you own this place?" Megumi looks at Yuuta in complete bewilderment. "This is incredible, are you going to display your art here?"

       "That's part of it, yes. Megumi, I want us to own this place together. Before you reply, this doesn't mean I'm expecting anything from you. I haven't even shown you the best part yet." Yuuta takes Megumi's free hand that isn't holding Kiro's and leads the two down one of the grand halls.

      "This place truly is exceptional...." Megumi is in complete awe, this museum looks straight out of an ancient fantasy book. Yuuta leads the pair to massive doors with unique designs carved into it. Yuuta pushes the doors open and Megumi forgets how to breathe. It's a massive skating rink with gorgeous velvet seats all around. "Yuuta, did you do this for me?"

     "I definitely didn't do this for Gojo or Inumaki." Yuuta smiles softly. "Megumi, would you like to try it out?"

      "I didn't bring skates." Megumi can't believe that someone would do this for him, he's in disbelief that Yuuta had an entire skating rink created for him. Yuuta pulls out two boxes from behind a blue velvet seat, handing one to Megumi and one to Kiro. "Oh, Yuuta, you really didn't have to do any of this. This is... this is too much. How much were the skates? I'll pay you back for these."

      Yuuta chuckles, placing his hand onto Megumi's elbow and pulling him a little closer. "Megumi, you don't have to pay me back for anything. Everything I've done is because I want to, not because I'm expecting something in return. You don't have to pay me back, you don't have to feel like you owe me." Yuuta slides his hand down Megumi's arm, lacing their fingers together. "Have I upset you?"

      "No, I really appreciate you doing this." Megumi is still a little stunned by everything being thrown at him all at once. Yuuta's gotten more comfortable touching here and there over the years, Megumi has taken notice but hasn't commented on it. Kiro tugs on Megumi's shirt, looking up at his mom. 

        "Mom, help me." Kiro holds up the box with his new skates inside. Megumi bends down, opening the box. They're expensive children's figure skating shoes, Megumi would know them anywhere. Megumi takes off Kiro's regular shoes, putting on his skates just right. 

       "Don't stand up yet." Megumi tells him and Kiro nods in understanding. Megumi puts on his own skates while Yuuta does the same, having a box hidden for himself as well. Once Megumi makes sure his skates are on perfectly, he helps Kiro up. "If you need my help, tell me. Not everyone can do it correctly their first time." Megumi helps Kiro on to the ice, Yuuta follows and stays prepared in case Kiro slips so he can catch him. 

         "Woah..." For the first time in his short years of life, Kiro feels anxious about doing something. Megumi has a gentle hold on Kiro's small hands, "It's okay, I won't let go." He promises. Kiro's heart begins to race as they begin to move on the ice, Megumi skates backwards, slowly pulling Kiro forward along with him. Kiro has always watched his mom on the ice and found it fascinating and entirely engrossing but he's never wanted to be on the ice before.  

       "You can skate?" Kiro peeks at Yuuta.

       "I can, not as amazing as your mom but I can do a little here and there." Yuuta answers, finding it amusing how much Kiro pretends to have no interest in Okkotsu. "Do you want to skate, Kiro?"

         "No, not like mama." Kiro shakes his head, he doesn't think he can handle anxiety like this every time he skates. Yuuta takes Kiro's left hand while Megumi holds his right hand. They move leisurely, not too fast to cause Kiro to get overwhelmed or trip. 

        "A museum with a skating rink?"

         "A museum with a private skating rink. You can practice here, it's yours even if you decide you don't want to co-own this place with me."

          "Yuuta, you're too good to me." Megumi sighs, the guilt eating away at his sensitive heart. 

           "Not true, I'm only giving what you deserve. Don't you agree, Kiro? Doesn't your mom deserve everything?" Yuuta uses his new closeness with Kiro to his advantage.

            "Yes." Kiro agrees, nodding his head. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

              Megumi's smile is bright, his eyes filled with admiration as he lets out a thrilled laugh. Sukuna's hand is warm in his, his eyes are like the fire that warms his heart whenever they're together. "Sukuna, where are we going?" Megumi questions. He is filled with adrenaline, his heart is beginning to race. He doesn't know where Sukuna is taking him but he wants to follow. Wherever Sukuna is going, Megumi wants to go too. 

      Why did I ever want to leave?

      Sukuna grins at Megumi, "It's a surprise."

      Megumi's smile falls as Sukuna's face glitches like an unclean cd disk on the television. "It's a surprise." His face glitches, showing Yuuta in his place. Megumi gasps, his heart racing in absolute terror. "Megumi? What's wrong?" 

        Megumi lets out a gasp, sitting up in his bed. It's been a long time since he's dreamt of Sukuna, what started out as a nice dream turned into a nightmare. Megumi touches his face, feeling the tears stream down his face. "Am I never going to get over him?" Megumi whispers brokenly to himself. 

       He grabs his phone off his nightstand, dialing Naoya's number. "Little pest, what can I do for you?" Naoya answers pretty quickly, his tone mocking as always. 

        "Come over."

         "Tsk, where are your manners?" Naoya tsks in irritation at Megumi's lack of proper respect towards him.


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