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        "Do you want a ride home, Aoi?" Megumi questions, carrying a sleeping Kiro as Aoi carries the sleeping Aster. "It's really dark out, I'd feel better if we take you home." Megumi adds.

    "Okay, thank you so much." Aoi smiles in appreciation. Choso opens the car door for him and shuts it when he enters. Sukuna wraps his arms around Megumi from behind, keeping him in place. Sukuna despises having to part with Megumi, he wishes he would just stay. Sukuna knows that they are beyond apologies for fixing all the damage, he can only beg for Megumi to not abandon him. He's pathetic, he can think of no other word to describe himself. 

    "Don't go, Blessing." Sukuna whispers, hugging him tighter. He's warm and Megumi almost melts into his touch but he snaps out of it, shaking his head. The rope from their tug of war can't take anymore, it's going to snap. "Don't say no, say yes. Say yes and I'll take you away. We need to talk about this, you can't run away."

   Megumi shakes his head in refusal, "I have to go home. Let me go, please. I don't want to cause a scene in front of Kiro's school."

   Sukuna clenches his jaw, his eyes narrowing as Yuuta takes Megumi's hand. "We're leaving." Yuuta firmly tells Megumi and Sukuna, the two of them glaring at one another. Megumi has become far too exhausted to continue, he can only hope that in another universe the two of them are happy, without all the pain of the outside and between. Megumi just wants true love and that's something Yuuta can give. Megumi will always love Sukuna, but Yuuta feels like the person he's been searching for. His safe place, a person to comfort and listen. 

   "Sukuna, I have to go." Megumi pulls away from Sukuna's warm hold, fast walking to the car. He sits in the backseat with Aoi while Yuuta sits in passenger. Choso drives away, following Aoi's previous instructions of where to go. 

   "You okay?" Aoi questions, lightly nudging Megumi's shoulder. Aoi can see there is something wrong and he wants to help the way Megumi is always willing to help him. Megumi is the one who helped him find a safe and affordable apartment for him and Aster, he's the one who was there to help pack and unpack, he was the first person Aoi called when Aster came down with a really scary cold and he didn't know what to do. Aoi will forever appreciate everything Megumi has done for him and Aster, things that he never owed them but did simply because he wanted to be there for them. Megumi lays his head onto Aoi's shoulder, closing his eyes to help calm himself. That content fulfillment that swelled in his heart when Sukuna was there bonding with Kiro... he wants to feel that again. Yuuta is always there, he's always been there, he helped Megumi heal when he was at his lowest. Megumi hates himself for being so demanding when it comes to Sukuna, he should just appreciate what he has with Yuuta who is always eager to be part of things. He'd never have to stress about if Yuuta will be there for him and Kiro.

     "Is there anything I can do?" Aoi questions, taking Megumi's hand in his to help comfort the person he considers to be his best friend. "I want to help."

     "I'm fine." Megumi whispers, attempting to convince himself rather than to convince Aoi. 

   Megumi says his goodbyes to Aoi and Aster when they drop them off at their apartment complex. They wait till they get inside before Choso drives away. Megumi already has decided what he's going to do. "Yuuta, let's go tomorrow."

   "Tomorrow? Do you mean it?" Yuuta questions, turning around in his seat so he can look at Megumi. They hadn't talked about when they'd leave but Yuuta isn't opposed to packing up and leaving right away, it's thrilling.

   "Yeah, I do." Megumi smiles, nodding his head. Yuuta unbuckles his seat, jumping in the back and embracing both Kiro and Megumi. Megumi squeals in surprise, the commotion causing Kiro to wake up. His hair is wild as he sleepily looks at Yuuta and Megumi in complete bewilderment. "Kiro, we're going on vacation."

  "With Yuuta?" Kiro murmurs, still half asleep.

  "Yes, with Yuuta." Megumi answers.

  Kiro smiles, "Okay. Sleep now..." Kiro lays his head onto Megumi's chest, falling back into his slumber. Yuuta kisses Megumi deeply, overjoyed by his decision.

~ 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐 ~

      "What do you want? I can feel you staring at me and it's fucking creepy." She snaps in frustration, looking at Sukuna who is peaking around the corner. He hesitates, her tone frightening him. He clutches the paper in his hand tightly, mustering up the courage. He shuffles into the kitchen, cowering slightly from his mother's hateful glare. He holds out the paper for her, waiting for her to take it. She looks at the paper in his tiny hands, looking up at his face and back at the paper. She snatches it roughly, giving him a papercut on his finger. He muffles a whimper in the back of his throat, not wanting to distract her.

     She looks at the paper for a back to school night for the parents. "Of all the places I could go, what would make you think I'd want to go anywhere with you?" She sneers, throwing the paper at his face. With trembling hands and tears welling up in his eyes, he bends down and picks the paper up. Simultaneously, his dad enters the kitchen. 

      "Daddy..." He calls, sniffling. His dad pauses, glancing at the paper. He holds out his hand, surprising Sukuna. He hurriedly grabs it, handing it to his father. He looks over it, ignoring the scowl from his wife. 

    "I'll go with you, Sukuna." His dad sighs, patting the boy's head before walking away. Sukuna perks up entirely, watching as his father leaves the kitchen. His mother clenches her jaw, getting up from her seat. The chair makes a crash noise that causes Sukuna to flinch, the chair falling onto the floor. She storms out of the kitchen, purposely ramming into Sukuna that causes him to fall over. 

   Sukuna can't contain his happiness that his dad is here with him and holding his hand, walking with him to class. This is much better than if his mother would've come instead. His dad stuck around the entire time, he didn't complain or get angry with Sukuna either. It feels like it's too good to be true. "Sukuna, they have coffee for the parents in the gym. Go get me some."

     "Okay!" Sukuna eagerly agrees, rushing off. He'll do anything to keep this peace between his father and him. His father has been mean lately but he's being nice again but Sukuna assumes it must be stress. Coffee will help make his father feel better. He gets a cup, careful as he walks back. He doesn't want to spill it and make his father angry but he also doesn't want to take too long so it gets cold. When he gets to the classroom, he's puzzled to see the door is closed. He looks around the halls but there isn't anyone around. He pouts, wondering if the door accidentally shut and his dad didn't notice. He opens the door slightly, walking in.

     "Dad—" He freezes, seeing his teacher on her desk... with his dad thrusting between her legs. He drops the coffee, capturing both their attention. 

     "Fuck! Get the fuck out!" His dad shouts at him, startling Sukuna and frightening him even further. He runs out, no destination in mind but he just keeps running and running as fast as his small legs can take him, tears streaming down his face. 

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