Chapter 3

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Lu Jingcheng took a step back in an instant, feeling flustered for no reason, and instinctively felt that something was going to happen again.

But he thought about it again, in broad daylight, the sky is bright, and there are a lot of people, can Ye Qingyang still do something in the toilet? !


"Are you done?"


Ye Qingyang stepped back obediently, "Then you go to the bathroom first."

The boy who had added Wechat with Ye Qingyang before unconsciously looked at Lu Jingcheng, even with a little eagerness he looked down just to take a peek at the world below, and try to compete with the male god!

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng shouted angrily at the crowd not far away, "What are you looking at, be careful that I poke your eyes out!" 

Then the crowd remembered that this campus male god not only has a good face, but also has hard fists. , shifted their eyes one after another and quickly dispersed.

Lu Jingcheng couldn't be in the mood to go to the bathroom right now, so he glared at Ye Qingyang, turned around and walked out.

Ye Qingyang hurriedly chased after him, and asked, "Brother Lu, are you not going? Then do you want me to cut your bangs? I think your bangs are a bit long, so let me cut them for you."

"No need." Lu Jingcheng refused coldly.

Ye Qingyang stopped in front of him with a stride, and tried his best to sell, "I have good skills, Brother Lu, you trust me, I promise to cut you sunny, handsome and extremely cool, not only handsome as a school grass, but also as a school bully!" Domineering!"

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Ye Qingyang blinked, trying to soften the opponent by being cute, "Is that okay?"

"No!" Lu Jingcheng said in a rough voice.

This is not good, so there is no other way, and there is only one way to change it.

Ye Qingyang looked at the person in front of him, and in the next second, tears welled up in his eyelashes, and he turned into an aggrieved little pitiful.

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ? ? ? ?

Lu Jingcheng didn't understand why this kid was about to cry again! !

Is he made of water?

How can you cry so much?

The water content of the Atlantic Ocean is not as high as him!

"Why do you look like this again!" Lu Jingcheng was speechless, "Those who don't know think I'm bullying you!"

Ye Qingyang sniffled, crying, "I just feel a little uncomfortable. You don't know, Brother Lu, The pair of scissors is actually bought just for you, but it can't serve you, so what's the point of its existence? Just like me, it is despised by others!"

Ye Qingyang said, silently applauding picking up the black scissors in his hand, the speechless tears flowed first.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng felt that his head had grown into two.

What do these scissors have to do with him?

What did Ye Qingyang buy these scissors for?

Is he still planning to imitate Jingke's assassination of Qin, like Qingyang's assassination of Lu,and give him a knife at any time?

It can't be so cruel!

"What do these scissors have to do with me?" Lu Jingcheng asked.

Ye Qingyang looked at the scissors in front of him gently, and recalled like the wind blowing willow leaves, "Did you forget? Once before, you needed scissors for something, but you didn't have them in your schoolbag. At that time, I thought, It would be nice to have a pair of scissors now, I can pass them to you and make friends with you."

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Ye Qingyang said affectionately, "Actually, I have always paid attention to you."

Lu Jingcheng: ...Fuck! Ye Qingyang couldn't really like him, could he?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ye Qingyang knew that he believed his own words.

Although this passage is purely fictitious, as a human being, if you need scissors today, you can't find your keys tomorrow, and sometimes you even hold your mobile phone and shout "Where is my mobile phone? Where is my mobile phone?" ?".

This kind of daily chore, everyone goes through it.

Especially if it starts with the four words "Have you forgotten?", even if you haven't experienced it, you will think that you have forgotten it.

So Ye Qingyang was very calm, not at all worried that Lu Jingcheng would expose him.

Lu Jingcheng really didn't expose him, there's no way, he really didn't remember if there was such a paragraph, so he subconsciously skipped it, thinking that Ye Qingyang really took great pains for him...

Seeing that he was silent, Ye Qingyang struck while the iron was hot, and pursued the victory, "Now, I finally found something that can give full play to its value. Brother Lu, I beg you, just let me cut your bangs for you. I am as good as the barber next door, I don't charge any money! It's free!"

I'm not short of  five yuan, thank you.

Lu Jingcheng, who just heard the price in the toilet, complained silently, the price is too cheap, is he only worth five yuan? !

"Okay?" Ye Qingyang blinked, tears glistening, looking pure and wronged.

It was only then that Lu Jingcheng realized that Ye Qingyang's eyes were quite beautiful, almond-shaped eyes, large eyes with slightly upturned end of the eyes, making him look innocent and clear.

His bangs are usually placed on the eyes, and the shape of the eyes cannot be seen clearly. Now it was suddenly exposed, a pair of almond eyes dotted on the overly delicate face, the whole person looked unexpectedly clean and clear.

It's quite deceptive, Lu Jingcheng thought.

But he will not be deceived!

"I find it troublesome." Lu Jingcheng refused.

"It won't be troublesome." Ye Qingyang persuaded him, "Just ten minutes, it will be done in one class."

"Are you still planning to cut it at school?"

Lu Jingcheng felt that he really did not hide his wolfish ambitions at all.

Isn't cutting it in front of other students at school the same as telling others blatantly that he has stood by his side now? !

Extremely audacious!


Lu Jingcheng disagreed, "You can't get your hair cut at school."

"Then let's find another place." Ye Qingyang was easy to talk to, "Brother Lu, where do you want to get your hair cut?"

 "What do you think? ? Don't you even have this bit of common sense in your little head? What are you pretending to do!"

"Of course you are pretending to be everything~" Ye Qingyang flattered.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng held his forehead, he felt that Ye Qingyang was really too straightforward!

Can't he keep a low profile about this kind of thing?

Say it without blushing!

Doesn't he know how to be ashamed?

Isn't that how you play straight balls? !

Ye Qingyang looked at him speechless and stared at the sky, only feeling that he was so innocent and cute.

So simple, no wonder he grew up like this, and his family conditions are so good, but he has no girlfriend until now.

This probably requires girls to take the initiative to chase after it. Ye Qingyang recalled the original book, hehe, it really is.

Although it wasn't obvious that the heroine was chasing her, it was true that in the early stages of the two's meeting, it was the heroine who took the initiative to tutor Lu Jingcheng in his studies and supervise his homework, which made Lu Jingcheng gradually fall in love with her.

Well, the classic plot of campus literature, counseling to develop love, and progress for love, most of the male protagonists are like this.

Ye Qingyang smiled and said: "Then we have agreed, we will go to the barber shop together after school, and I will cut your bangs."

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ?

"Why don't you just talk about it."

"You said it." Ye Qingyang looked innocent, "Of course I have to go to a barber shop to cut my hair. If you don't let me cut it at school, don't you just want me go to the barber shop?"

Lu Jingcheng :? ? ? ? ! ! !

I don't have me, don't talk nonsense!

Lu Jingcheng, "I don't want you to cut it." 

Ye Qingyang's eyes instantly became moist.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Ye Qingyang lowered his head, tears streaming down his face.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Ye Qingyang sniffled and began to sob.

Lu Jingcheng: .........

Lu Jingcheng broke down and frowned, "Cut it okay!!! Cut it after school!! This is the head office!"

Ye Qingyang smiled through his tears, his eyes were full of happiness and satisfaction, "Brother Lu, you are so kind! "

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng smiled perfunctorily, walked past him quickly and walked into the classroom!


Where the hell is this going! !

Why did he agree in the end! ! !

And Ye Qingyang!

Why on earth is this guy cry so much!

Did all the water of the Atlantic get into his eyes?

Others' brains are flooded, but his eyes are flooded!

Lu Jingcheng had a headache.

Ye Qingyang yawned lazily, put away the scissors calmly, and asked the girl who was staring at him intently to borrow a piece of paper.

He wiped the tears from his face, folded the paper, threw it into the trash can, and laughed unconsciously.

With Lu Jingcheng as his model, in the future, as long as he uses the name "for Lu Jingcheng" and "Lu Jingcheng's same style", countless girls will naturally come to him to cut their bangs.

At that time, you can make a small profit yourself!

Killing two birds with one stone.It can not only please Lu Jingcheng to get closer to him, but also make money, so why not do it?

Beautiful! Hurry up!

And all this, Lu Jingcheng didn't know yet, he was still regretting how he had agreed to Ye Qingyang without paying attention!

Mistake, what a mistake!

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