Chapter 64

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It was early morning when Ye Qingyang returned to the dormitory.

    He fell asleep and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

    There were more than one hundred missed calls on the phone, all of which were from unfamiliar numbers, and it was probably all from Ye Hong and the others.

    Ye Qingyang ignored him. After washing, he went to the cafeteria of the dormitory to buy lunch.

    Seeing him eating alone, Li Lei, who was in the same class, walked up to him and sat down, and asked him, "Didn't Lu Jingcheng be with you today?"

"He's home," Ye Qingyang said.

    "Then are you busy for a while? If you're not busy, can you tell me a few questions?"

    "Yes." Ye Qingyang nodded.

    "Thank you." Li Lei said excitedly.

    "By the way, do you know that someone is looking for you outside the dormitory building?"

    "Someone is looking for me?" Ye Qingyang thought for a while, could it be Ye Hong and the others?

    "A woman who looks like she is in her 40s. She asks everyone, does Ye Qingyang live here? The classmates in the class don't know what relationship she has with you, so they don't say anything. She seems to want to come in, but she was boarded. Uncle Guard stopped her."

    "Oh." That should be Ye Hong.

    "Do you know him?" Li Lei asked.

    Ye Qingyang nodded, "My aunt, his son was beaten by me yesterday, but he was arrested by the police. He came to me and wanted me to intercede with his son."

    Li Lei was surprised, "Damn it, this is too bad Isn't it your relative? Why are you so cruel!"

    "Who told my parents to go early, they look so bullying."

    Hearing this, Li Lei felt that he was really pitiful, and quickly comforted him: "You can't say that, Now that your grades have improved, it will be very good to get into a good university and find a good job in the future, besides, you still have a friend like Lu Jingcheng, with him around, who would dare to bully you."

    Ye Qingyang smiled ,"Too."

    Li Lei persuaded him, "So don't be too sad, who doesn't have an unreliable relative, my uncle hates him very much, I really annoy him to death."

    "Yes." Ye Qingyang replied.

    Lu Jingcheng didn't hear Ye Qingyang talk about Wang Fan until he returned to the dormitory, and he said in fear, "Why did you tell me now!"

    "You were at home before, I was afraid you were worried.

    " Very scared.

    He looked at Ye Qingyang and checked carefully, "Are you okay?"

    "It's okay, my military training is so serious, and I'm good at punching, so of course it's okay."

  Lu Jingcheng looked at him suspiciously, "Are you okay? "

    Really, what do you think is wrong with me?"

    Lu Jingcheng was still worried, before Ye Qingyang took a bath and took off his clothes at night, he checked carefully under Ye Qingyang's disbelieving eyes.

    Ye Qingyang: ...

    Ye Qingyang blushed for a rare occasion.

    On the contrary, Lu Jingcheng was relieved to see that he was not injured at all.

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