Chapter 24

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Lu Jingcheng: ...

Ye Qingyang clapped his hands and stood up, and replied, "It's done.

" How much slower."

Hearing this, Ye Qingyang was not embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Isn't that enjoying our two-person world?"

Lu Jingcheng: Why do you have the nerve to say that!

Classmates haha ​​university, some girls' eyes are bright, and biubiu's eyes are shining.

"Okay, why are you still poor, go back."

Ye Qingyang didn't want to go back, "Go back, instructor? I have to come out after I go back for a while." 

The instructor was amused by him, "Then you can't stay here forever stand still."

He looked at his watch, "Go back, it's time for breakfast, let's have breakfast first."

Ye Qingyang happily returned to the team.

I still went to pick up the lunch box before going to eat. The breakfast is very simple, fried dough sticks, eggs, and soy milk.

Lu Jingcheng finally stopped being a picky eater this time, had dinner with Ye Qingyang and the others, and went back to the dormitory.

The meeting time after breakfast was set at 8:30, so everyone took a short rest before going downstairs to gather.

"Today, let's practice the military posture first, raise your head, hold your chest up, and put your hands close to the seam of your trousers..."

Ye Qingyang listened, standing like a pine.

Instructor Xu looked at the students in front of him, pinched his watch and said, "Five minutes, keep standing in this position for five minutes. Whoever made a fuss, the boys will do push, and the girls will squat."

Someone said "ah", but was immediately grabbed by Instructor Xu Get out and start doing push-ups.

Five minutes, whether it is long or short, but for students who are standing in a military posture, it is very long.

After a while, several people were dragged out.

Instructor Xu with his hands behind his back, checked each one.

When passing by Ye Qingyang and Lu Jingcheng, Instructor Xu smiled, "Our Sunflower combination is doing well, standing up straight."


Ye Qingyang looked at him suspiciously.

Instructor Xu said with a smile, "Looking at it this way, you two look pretty good, and your height is okay, so you are quite suitable to be a standard bearer."

Ye Qingyang: ...and to be a standard bearer again, life is endless, he is not only a standard bearer.

The military training before crossing is the standard bearer, so why do you still have to be the standard bearer after crossing?

Ye Qingyang forced a smile.

Lu Jingcheng had no interest in being the flag bearer, so he glanced at the instructor and said nothing.

After five minutes passed, the students who were picked out finished their push-ups and squats and returned to the team, and everyone started a new round of training.

Stand in a military posture in the morning and walk in unison in the afternoon.

Instructor Xu emphasized, "Arms should be straightened, waist straightened, and walks should be neat. Walk in unison!"

Everyone walked forward with arms swinging.

Instructor Xu hurriedly corrected, and after correcting, he saw Ye Qingyang.

"That's Xiang... Ye Qingyang come out."

Ye Qingyang stood out with a dazed expression, "What's the matter? Instructor."

"You walk around and show everyone."

Ye Qingyang: ...he should have guessed it a long time ago! From junior high school to high school, and now time travel! In every military training, he can't escape the role of demonstration!

Ye Qingyang had no choice but to shake his arms seriously and listen to the instructor's command and walked forward.

"One two one, one two one." Instructor Xu shouted the rhythm to him, "Stand still."

Ye Qingyang put his feet back and put them together.

"Turn right."

Ye Qingyang turned to look at him with a helpless expression.

Instructor Xu was very happy, and continued the assessment like he was digging for a treasure: "Take a break and stand at attention." He is studying."

The students who had been watching for a whole moment were in awe, and looked at him with admiration, only feeling that the gap between people is too big.

This is just training, how come Ye Qingyang looks good!

"Come on, Ye Qingyang, you will be the monitor of our company from now on, and you will be responsible for supervising the progress of the students from now on."

Ye Qingyang:? ? ? He is now a scumbag, why does he need to monitor the progress of his classmates?

"Instructor, do you want to change someone else?"

Ye Qingyang really didn't want to be the squad leader of the military training anymore. He was the squad leader every time, so he just wanted to be an ordinary soldier, couldn't he?

"My grades are too bad. I'm a scumbag. It's not suitable for me to be the monitor."

"It's okay, this is military training, and we don't care about your academic performance." The instructor didn't care.

"Then the students won't agree." Ye Qingyang looked at his classmates, "Really?"

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