Chapter 14

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Ye Qingyang just ignored her, "I'm thinking behind closed doors. I did something wrong first and angered my aunt. I'm not good, so I need to reflect."

"If you want to reflect, don't reflect in my room, do you hear? "

But I don't have any other room to reflect on."

"You go to your balcony, that's where you should be!

" Sincerely, Bodhisattvas will never forgive me!"

Wang Hui was so angry that she wanted to kick the door.

Ye Hong hurriedly hugged her, "You can't kick, you still have a child in your belly? How can you do this kind of action. Besides, if the door is broken, I have to fix it. That little beast Ye Qingyang doesn't have money."

"Then you let him stay in my room?" Wang Hui said angrily, "It's all you, if you beat him, beat him, why let him into my room? He can enter my room Is it? He lives on the balcony all year round, how dirty it is, like a piece of garbage, and he is not afraid of dirtying my room!"

"Xiaohui, don't be angry, be careful if you are pregnant, you go to Mmom's room first come on, let me tell him."

Wang Hui glanced at the door angrily, and scolded angrily, "Shameless! Why didn't your parents take you away when they died! It's disgusting now! !"

After she finished cursing, she reluctantly went to Ye Hong's room to rest.

Ye Qingyang sneered, in terms of shamelessness, who can compare with Ye Hong's family present here.

If Wang Hui wants face, can she still say such things while living in this room?

He also said "Why didn't your parents take you away when they died?" Fortunately, she was still pregnant, so she really didn't want to accumulate virtue for her child at all, and she was not afraid of giving birth to a white-eyed wolf in the future.

If you ask him to say, what kind of children are born to such a person, and the three views are not correct when they are born, which will affect the peace of society.

He looked at Wang Hui's cabinet full of snacks and milk, since you said I'm shameless, then I'm shameless to show you.

The second batch of supplies from Qingyang live broadcast room get√.

Ye Hong is still out there earnestly speaking, playing both soft and hard ways, sugar-coated and cannonballs, intimidating and luring at the same time.

However, Ye Qingyang listened to the music with his earphones plugged in, symbolically finished his homework, and was about to go to sleep.

Thinking of selling out this batch of goods tomorrow, it is estimated that he could earn a small 100, Ye Qingyang even dreamed of being golden.

Ye Qingyang slept peacefully, but Ye Hong's family was not so peaceful.

Seeing that Ye Qingyang couldn't come out and Ye Hong wouldn't let her kick the door, Wang Hui lay on Ye Hong's bed and said, "Then I'll sleep here tonight, you and my dad can go out to sleep."

Ye Hong and Wang Yue yesterday I slept on the sofa at night, and today I don't want to sleep on the sofa anymore.

"Xiaohui, let's sleep together. The bed is big enough for the three of us."

Ever since she moved into Ye's house, Wang Hui has been used to sleeping in a single room. , naturally unwilling.

"Why is this bed so big? I think it's about the same size. Besides, I have a baby in my belly. You sleep with me. What if my baby is hit by a bad sleeping position?"

She looked at her parents raised her eyebrows and said, "Isn't my brother's bedroom still free? He's not here now, so why don't you just sleep in his bed?"

Wang Yue felt that it made sense when he heard this, and took it out of the bedside table. The key to Wang Fan's room, and Ye Hong said, "Xiaohui is right, let's sleep in Xiaofan's bed today."

Ye Hong couldn't help it, she didn't want to sleep on the sofa, let alone the balcony, so she could only go to Wang Fan's room asleep.

She sighed, comforting herself in her heart, fortunately Ye Qingyang occupied Wang Hui's bedroom, not hers.

Otherwise, once the door is closed, she won't even be able to enter Wang Fan's bedroom.

Wang Hui watched the two of them go out, and then she smiled with satisfaction.

It was Ye Hong who reluctantly opened Wang Fan's bedroom.

Looking at his son's room, he thought that Ye Qingyang was responsible for her coming to sleep here.

I just feel very angry, wishing to bite Ye Qingyang on the spot.

Wasn't this kid pretty lazy before?

Why have you suddenly become so energetic and mentally ill these two days?

Ye Hong frowned, only thinking that adolescent children really caused headaches.

Ye Qingyang had a good night's sleep, and woke up at six o'clock in the morning under the effect of the alarm clock.

At this time, Ye Hong's family hadn't woken up yet.

Ye Qingyang brushed his teeth and washed his face, and was about to go to the refrigerator to find something to eat.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he saw Ye Hong standing in front of him fiercely.

"Good morning." Ye Qingyang smiled.

Ye Hong sneered, picked up the broom hidden behind him and hit him.

Ye Qingyang dodged in a hurry, and ran out while dodging.

The bathroom was not far from Ye Hong's bedroom. Ye Qingyang turned the doorknob and ran in, only to find that Wang Hui was actually sleeping on Ye Hong's bed.

He froze for a moment, but quickly figured out why.

He occupied Wang Hui's bedroom. Why should a selfish person like Wang Hui occupy her mother's bedroom?

Ye Qingyang looked back and saw Ye Hong chasing after him.

He had a plan in mind, and deliberately waited until Ye Hong approached him before running to the bed.

When he ran to the edge of the bed, he pretended to accidentally fall, put his hands on the edge of the bed, and knelt on the ground with one leg.

Seeing the opportunity came, Ye Hong raised his broom and beat him without saying a word.

Ye Qingyang was waiting for this moment, he turned around flexibly and left the bed.

That broom hit Wang Hui's leg impartially.

When Ye Hong beat Ye Qingyang, he was merciless. He just wanted to make him cry and call his father and mother, so as to calm down his anger.

So when she went down with the broom, Wang Hui, who was still asleep, woke up from the pain on the spot.

Ye Hong didn't expect that she would hit his daughter, and was startled for a while.

As soon as Wang Hui opened her eyes, she saw her holding a broom and looking at her, while her thigh was burning with pain.

What else do you not understand?

Wang Hui immediately said angrily, "What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Ye Hong was about to explain, but Ye Qingyang said first, "Sister, are you all right? Is the baby in your belly all right?"

"Auntie," he turned to look at Ye Hong, with a tone of three points of condemnation and seven points of sadness, "How could you do such a cruel thing to my sister! Doesn't my sister have a child in her belly? What if you hit her child!"

Wang Hui and Ye Hong heard the words, Both are afraid for a while.

Wang Hui sat up directly from the quilt, picked up the small ashtray on the bedside table and threw it at Ye Hong.

"Are you crazy? I'm pregnant with your own grandson! Are you going to kill your grandson!"

Ye Hong was hit on the leg by her, ignoring the pain, and hurriedly explained, "Xiaohui, I didn't want to hit you, I want to hit this bastard Ye Qingyang."

She said, angry from her heart, raised her broom and chased after Ye Qingyang again, wishing to peel off a layer of his skin.

Ye Qingyang was not afraid of her, and jumped onto the bed with his shoes on.

Ye Hong's eyes darkened, "Come down! Don't trample my bed dirty!"

Ye Qingyang looked scared, "I dare not, auntie, don't hit me, I already know my mistake."

Seeing that he wouldn't come down, Ye Hong simply took off his slippers and went to bed, vowing to beat Ye Qingyang.

Seeing her coming up, Ye Qingyang deliberately ran to the place where Wang Hui was lying.

Ye Hong hurriedly chased after him.

Ye Qingyang stepped over Wang Hui's calf, jumped off the bed.

Seeing that he was about to run out, Ye Hong followed him, but stepped on Wang Hui's calf.

Wang Hui was so angry that she pushed her down on the bed.

Rubbing her own leg and cursing, "Don't you have eyes? I'm still here as a big living person? Can't you make a detour?"

"I'm in a hurry to chase Ye Qingyang." Ye Hong explained, "Xiaohui, are you okay? Mom rubs it for you."

Wang Hui sneered and knocked off her hand.

"I'm fine now, I won't know about it in a while! If you come here a few more times, it's not just me who is in trouble, but also the child in my belly!"

"I didn't mean it." Ye Hong said, and wanted to touch her belly.

However, Wang Hui was still angry and didn't let her touch her at all, "You hit me and stepped on me early in the morning. I think you are more annoying than that little trash Ye Qingyang! He knows he won't step on me, how about you? You A mother stepped on me!"

Wang Hui looked at her watch angrily and saw that it was only half past six, and she became even angrier and wronged.

"Why are you still sitting here? Don't go out! If the baby in my stomach doesn't sleep well, it will be your fault!"

Ye Hong got out of bed in a hurry and didn't forget to cover her with the quilt. "Xiaohui, you sleep, mom doesn't disturb you, don't be angry, don't be angry, you are still pregnant, how can you be angry."

"It's not all your fault!" Wang Hui turned her head and ignored her .

Ye Hong left her bedroom embarrassingly, and was ready to continue to settle accounts with Ye Qingyang as soon as she went out.

However, she searched all over the house and did not find Ye Qingyang's shadow.

Obviously, Ye Qingyang had already gone to school.

On the quiet road, Ye Qingyang was carrying a schoolbag and drinking the Fuzai milk in his hand one mouthful at a time.

At this time, only convenience stores and breakfast shops were open.

There are not many pedestrians on the road, and most of them are students.

Ye Qingyang looked at the spoils in his hand, feeling very happy.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Ye family mother and daughter were fighting each other and dogs biting dogs, he took away all the stock in Wang Hui's cabinet.

Didn't he say he was shameless? Then he will be shameless.

Can this be called taking something from your own home?

Of course not, this is called shared property.

It was already 7:20 when Ye Qingyang arrived at school, and there were still 10 minutes left for early reading.

A sharp-eyed girl saw the bag in his hand and asked, "Ye Qingyang, are you selling these today?"

Ye Qingyang nodded, "Yes."

"What's there?" The girl was curious, "Is there any yogurt? I want to drink yogurt, but I forgot to buy it when I came to school this morning."

Ye Qingyang didn't have yogurt, but he had Fuzai milk.

"Is Fuzai's milk okay?"

"Yes." The girl was easy to talk to, "How much is it?"

"The original price is five yuan, but here I am four yuan."

 The girl immediately added him on WeChat and sent him a four yuan red envelope.

When the other girls saw him, they also came to him one after another and bought milk from him.

Some even picked out the buns and biscuits in his bag.

When there was only the last bottle of milk left, Ye Qingyang rejected the girl who wanted to buy it, and asked her to see if there was anything else she wanted.

The girl was puzzled, "Why didn't you sell it to me? What are you keeping this bottle for? Do you drink it yourself?"

Ye Qingyang shook his head.

"Then why didn't you sell it to me?"

Lu Jingcheng heard this sentence just as he stepped into the classroom before the morning reading bell rang.

Take a look, okay, Ye Qingyang started selling goods again!

Is he a little connoisseur of goods? Open so early!

Really dedicated!

Without saying a word, Lu Jingcheng walked up to them with an expression of "you are blocking my way".

Ye Qingyang quickly gave way, Lu Jingcheng glanced at him, then turned to look at the girl beside him.

"If you don't want to sell it, you don't want to sell it. You don't care about his reasons. You still want to buy and sell by force." 

The girl didn't dare to say anything more and returned to her seat aggrieved.

Only then did Lu Jingcheng take a step forward and continue walking forward.

Ye Qingyang hurriedly followed.

When Lu Jingcheng sat down on the seat, the next second, he saw something extra on his desk.

A bottle of Fuzai milk.

Fu Zai, who looked very energetic on the green package, was smiling at him with his eyes bent.

Lu Jingcheng: ...

Lu Jingcheng looked up at Ye Qingyang, "You sold the rest."

Ye Qingyang shook his head, "This is specially reserved for you. The girl wanted to buy it just now. I think there is only the last bottle left, so I didn't sell it to her. I'll keep it for you."

Lu Jingcheng felt a little happy in his heart, but on the surface he tried his best to restrain himself, pretending to be indifferent.

Aojiao said, "For the sake of your sincerity, I reluctantly accepted it."

Ye Qingyang did not expose him, opened the bag in his hand, and asked him, "Is there anything you like to eat? You choose first." If you like it, I'll sell it after I pick it out."

Lu Jingcheng looked at him, restraining the urge to raise the corners of his mouth.

He looked in the bag, found a few packs of biscuits and snacks he liked, and asked, "Where did you get these?"

Ye Qingyang smiled and said, "Secret."

He leaned closer to Lu Jingcheng, "I'll tell you later."

Lu Jingcheng was a little puzzled, "Is this still a secret? Are you here from a serious background?"

"Of course, you can't be serious if you're serious. Besides, do you dare to let you eat something from unknown sources?"

That's true, Ye Qingyang If you like him so much, you will definitely not give him stolen goods.

With that in mind, he didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that he had finished picking, Ye Qingyang returned to his seat with his bag.

The morning reading bell rang at the right time, and Chen Wei stepped on the bell and entered the classroom.

As soon as he sat down, he saw several kinds of food and a bottle of milk on Lu Jingcheng's table.

He reached out to get the milk, and Lu Jingcheng just raised his hand.

Chen Wei was speechless, so he had to go to get the biscuits, but was beaten again.

"What are you doing? I didn't eat!"

"I didn't eat either." Lu Jingcheng plausibly opened the milk and opened the biscuits.

"I won't die if you divide me a little bit."

Lu Jingcheng glanced at him, thinking this is breakfast of love, can love  be divided you?


So he didn't care about the life and death of his tablemate at all, and ate alone in a happy mood, and even felt that the milk in his hand was sweeter than the one he drank before!

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