Chapter 21

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Ye Qingyang crossed his legs, calculating his current total assets.

Not counting the money that Lu Jingcheng transferred to him, it was 300 for earrings, 40 for instant noodles, 105 for snacks, and now add 300 for Wang Yue, almost 745.

Not bad, enough for him to spend more than a month.

Ye Qingyang listened to nursery rhymes with headphones on and began to wait for the night to fall.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, Ye Hong's family of three fell asleep as usual.

Before going to bed, Ye Hong stood proudly at the door of the bedroom and laughed at him, "Sleep well on the balcony, isn't the balcony good? The balcony is the best match for you!"

Ye Qingyang didn't speak at that time, and Ye Hong was like a victorious old hen again. There was almost a "giggle" call.

Stupid, Ye Qingyang thought, the scar was healed and she forgot the pain, and she didn't even think about it, who shut her out of the bedroom last time.

Feeling the silence in the room, Ye Qingyang sat up slowly, stretched his hands, and walked to the living room.

He turned on the light, and instead of singing this time, he came to Wang Fan's house.

Simply and rudely, he directly raised his foot and kicked towards the door.

Ye Qingyang controlled the strength of kicking the door, and the sound of kicking was loud, but he controlled the door to be kicked open right now.

When he was a child, he practiced with his retired special soldier father every day, not only practicing fighting, but also practicing physical strength and endurance.

Such things as controlling strength are naturally out of the question.

"Bang", "bang", "bang" the sound of kicking the door was very loud in the silence, and the kicks were shocking.

Wang Hui's bedroom is next to Wang Fan's bedroom, so she was the first to be woken up by the sound of kicking the door.

She angrily turned on the lamp on the bedside table, and said angrily, "What's the matter!"

She was answered by kicks on the door.

Wang Hui came out angrily, and saw Ye Qingyang kicking the door.

"Why are you so crazy in the middle of the night!" Wang Hui roared.

Ye Qingyang said innocently, "The balcony is too cold, I want to sleep in the bedroom."

"What's so cold, it's already this point, what are you doing! Go back!"

Ye Qingyang was generous, "Since sister, you don't think it's cold, then Go to sleep."

He looked at Wang Hui, "You are still pregnant with the baby, two people, it must be warmer, go~"

Wang Hui: ...

Wang Hui took off his shoes and threw them at him, Ye Qingyang flexibly flashed aside.

"Aren't you going, sister? Don't you feel cold?"

Wang Hui began to hit people with a small bench.

Ye Qingyang smashed it with her, anyway, it wasn't him who felt sorry for the furniture or something, and it wasn't him who spent the money.

It's all over, and he's still happy.

Ye Hong was wearing earplugs, but Wang Yue didn't wear them because he felt uncomfortable. Hearing the growing noise in the living room, he pushed Ye Hong.

"Huihui seems to be arguing with Qingyang, go and have a look."

Ye Hong looked puzzled, obviously not hearing what he was talking about.

Wang Yue pulled out her earplugs, and Ye Hong heard a "kuang", scaring her and Wang Yue to get up quickly and go out.

The living room is already in a mess, shoes are flying around, the small bench is crooked and upside down, and the glass coffee table is broken.

Wang Hui supported her stomach and leaned against the door, as if she was so angry that her face turned pale.

Ye Qingyang was standing in front of Wang Fan's door, standing like a pine, with his hair undisturbed.

Ye Hong looked at the chaotic living room, and his voice was unsteady, "What's going on?!"

"Ask him!" Wang Hui pointed at Ye Qingyang, gasping for breath, "Ye Qingyang, a shameless little beast doesn't sleep here at night and kicks the door."

Ye Hong looked at Ye Qingyang angrily.

Ye Qingyang stretched out his hand and pointed at Wang Hui, "Obviously my sister just threw something at me and smashed the coffee table in the living room. I didn't do anything."

"Then why did you kick the door!" Ye Hong said angrily.

"I'm just cold, and I just want to find a warmer place to sleep."

"Can't you sleep on the sofa? How cold can it be on the balcony? You don't sleep at night. Is it interesting to make such a fuss!" Ye Hong looked at the broken coffee table , Get a broom when you enter the kitchen.

Ye Qingyang: ...

What did he say! What did he say!

This idiot just remembers eating but not hitting. When did she hit him with a broom?

It's all about hitting yourself, that's it, come back!

Ye Qingyang felt that he was tired, so couldn't Ye Hong change props? Don't have a feather duster at home? Don't have a stick?

Probably not, Ye Qingyang thought, at least he hadn't seen it.

While dodging, he moved towards the green plants.

With a sound of "pa", the flowerpot was broken, and Ye Hong's heart became even more angry.

Ye Qingyang jumped onto the sofa and persuaded her, "Auntie, stop beating, and you can let me sleep in my original bedroom. This bedroom was originally mine, and now my brother is not here. You are also empty when you are empty. Why don't you let me sleep in my bedroom?" I live here."

Ye Hong sneered, "Don't even think about it!"

She looked at Ye Qingyang, leaning on a broom and thrusting her waist, "Let me tell you Ye Qingyang, this bedroom is either empty for me, or rented out, or for a cat or a dog to live in. It's fine, even if I raise a pig, I won't let you live in it!"

Wang Hui smiled, "That's right. You're a little trash, you can live in a garbage dump like a balcony. What kind of bedroom do you live in?"

Ye Qingyang calmed down . , "Then everyone should not sleep."

Ye Hong was irritable, "You're still threatening me!"

Ye Qingyang denied, "I don't, I just want to sleep warmer, so I don't want to sleep on the balcony. But aunt, you don't let me sleep in my previous room, and you don't let me sleep in Your room, if we can't reach a consensus, we can only stand in a stalemate."

"If you're stuck in a stalemate, you're owed a spanking, and you need a spanking to survive, right?"

Ye Hong said, waving the broom again.

Ye Qingyang dodged calmly.

Seeing that Ye Hong stepped on the broken glass of the coffee table and wanted to hit him, he made up his mind and jumped off the sofa.

Seeing him jumping in front of her coldly, Ye Hong stood next to her, taking a step back in a habitual manner.

Ye Qingyang stepped on her empty slippers quickly.

Ye Hong had already moved back, her foot moved, but the shoe that Ye Qingyang stepped on did not move.

So as soon as she stepped back, she felt a sharp pain in her heel—she stepped on a piece of broken glass with her heel.

"Ah." Ye Hong called out.

Ye Qingyang took a step back pretending to be shocked, let go of her slippers, and asked, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Hong glared at him, hit him twice with a broom, sat on the sofa, lifted her feet to look, she pulled out the glass piece.

Ye Qingyang was shocked, "Auntie, your foot is injured!"

He turned his head to look at Wang Hui, and said angrily, "Sister! Look at what you did! If you didn't smash the coffee table, would Auntie's foot be injured? So unfilial!"

Wang Hui:? ? ?

Wang Hui was so angry that she went into the room, took her water glass and threw it at Ye Qingyang.

It's just that she was not good at aiming, Ye Qingyang and Ye Hong got close again, and the water glass hit Ye Hong impartially.

Ye Hong's feet hurt from being pierced by the glass, and now she was hit by Wang Hui again, and said angrily, "What are you doing? Haven't you smashed enough? You want to smash this house into a rubbish dump and kill me." Are you satisfied!"

Wang Hui said angrily, "I'm not trying to hit you, why are you yelling, you won't hide yourself !"

Hearing her say this, thinking that if she hadn't smashed the tea table, her feet would not have been injured, so she picked up the cup and threw it back at her on the spot.

Angrily said, "What's wrong with me yelling at you? You can't talk about it after smashing the coffee table like this! This is my house! I said what's wrong with you!"

Wang Hui didn't expect that she would dare to hit herself, and walked towards her with her belly outstretched Come over, "Come on, hit it here, hit it to death! Smash it!"

She looked at Ye Hong, relying on her pregnancy, and said loudly, "You still hit me? You are not afraid of hitting my son, Smash your grandson to death! Why are you so vicious, you just want to murder your own grandson! Are you acting like a grandmother!"

"I didn't." Ye Hong was wronged, "I'm just mad at you!"

"I'm a fucking mother, no where did I get him, if you hit me, hit him, come on, hit him!"

Ye Hong was aggrieved by her accusations, and then thought that her foot was still injured and bleeding, and instantly tears came down.

"Why am I so miserable, you don't worry about it, and Ye Qingyang doesn't care about the oil bottle, why am I so miserable."

Seeing her crying, Wang Hui put her puffed stomach back in satisfaction, He stared at Ye Qingyang again.

"It's all your fault, you debt collector, who collected your parents' debts and then came to collect ours, shameless, little bastard, bah!"

Ye Qingyang retorted, "It's my sister, you made my aunt cry, Why do you still scold me? With such an excellent example like you, after you give birth to a child, your child will probably scold you every day and cry at you."

"Shut up, what right do you have to say about my son? You don't deserve it! You little trash!"

Son son son!

Opening your mouth and shutting your mouth is a son, how do you know if you are pregnant with a son or a daughter?

You haven't reached the time to know the gender of the child this month!

Ye Qingyang looked at her, feeling ridiculous, why is this still a hidden patriarchal?

Isn't she a woman herself?

I just want to have a son!

Isn't the daughter cute too? !

"Sister, why do you keep talking about sons? What if you gave birth to a daughter?"

"Bah!" Wang Hui scolded, "You just gave birth to a daughter, and my child must be a son! Don't curse me."

Ye Qingyang : ...

It cannot be saved.

God bless, this idiot must not have a daughter, otherwise the little girl will probably be scolded to death by her.

What time is this? She is still patriarchal, and her brain is definitely sick!

She is not worthy to have a daughter!

Ye Qingyang was very upset and didn't even bother to talk nonsense with this idiot.

Looking at one farce after another, Wang Yue felt exhausted.

He is different from Ye Hong, he wants to create an appearance that he is a dignified and decent person.

So he never did anything, and rarely cursed.

Seeing this scene, although Wang Yue was angry, he still tried his best to suppress it.

"Qingyang, go to bed when you've had enough trouble, don't make trouble anymore, look at how your aunt has been tossed by you! Don't you feel guilty? Apologize to your aunt, and then to your sister. Sorry, go back to sleep."

Am I crazy and he wants me to feel guilty? Also, apologize.

Ye Qingyang looked at him innocently, "Uncle, it's not that I made aunt so angry."

"Why not you?" Wang Yue condemned, "If it weren't for you kicking the door at night, could so many things have happened? "

If my aunt hadn't locked my original bedroom, would I have to kick the door?"

"You also know that it is your 'original' bedroom, it is not yours long ago, so don't even think about it." 

Ye Qingyang disagreed, "But I just want to sleep in that bedroom."

"Nonsense!" Wang Yue said angrily, "What do you think, your aunt and I have the final say in this family, you go back to your balcony."

He looked Looking at Ye Qingyang, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

It was Wang Yue who proposed to Ye Hong to lock Wang Fan's bedroom. His idea was very simple, that is, the simplest way to train a dog.

A dog is a dog, you have to let him get used to being a dog, as time goes by, he just forgets that he is a human being.

Wang Yue followed Ye Hong and moved into Ye Qingyang's house. Looking at this house that he might not be able to afford in his lifetime, he gradually changed from being happy and lucky at the beginning to taking it for granted later.

Ye Qingyang's parents died, they were responsible for taking care of Ye Qingyang, in return, the house naturally belonged to them.

Not only before Ye Qingyang turned 18, but also after he turned 18.

So in order to cut off Ye Qingyang's thoughts, after Wang Fan got married and moved out, he proposed to Ye Hong to lock Wang Fan's house.

This is the idea of ​​telling Ye Qingyang not to buy this house anymore, even if there is a vacant house at home, they will not let him live in it.

In this home, the only thing that can accommodate him is the balcony.

Only the balcony, he can't even think about other places.

The original owner did accept this cruel fact, and resigned himself to his fate, sleeping on the balcony day after day.

But Ye Qingyang was not the original owner, he was born to live freely and recklessly, his father taught him to protect himself and attack, his mother taught him to use softness to overcome rigidity, and retreat to advance, so he can bend and stretch, fight and defend.

He only does what he likes, and no one can force him to do what he doesn't like.

"Okay." Ye Qingyang jumped off the sofa and walked back to the balcony.

Wang Yue thought he had convinced Ye Qingyang, and he was quite happy, so he turned and went back to the bedroom.

Wang Hui also returned to her bedroom.

Ye Hong stood up and limped towards the bedroom.

Ye Qingyang sat on the bed, listening to the song coming from the earphones, shaking his head and beating the beat.

When all the lights in the room went out again, and the room of Ye Hong and Wang Hui couldn't see any light, Ye Qingyang checked his watch and waited for fifteen minutes before standing up and walking towards the door of Wang Fan's bedroom again.

He smiled, raised his foot, and started another round of kicking the door.

Just as Wang Yue fell asleep, he was woken up again by the sound of kicking the door. He was so angry that he turned on the light and walked out.

Wang Hui also opened the door. Wang Hui was almost driven crazy by him, "Why are you here again!"

Ye Qingyang still looked innocent, "I went back to the balcony and tried it, but it didn't work, it was still too cold, I couldn't sleep, so I got up and raised my legs to exercise."

He said, raising his left leg and kicked, then raising his right leg and kicked, and shouted: "Left left, right left, left right left."

Wang Hui : ...

Wang Yue: ...

Struggling to get out of bed, Ye Hong whose feet were still injured: ... 

Ye Qingyang also encouraged them, "Come on, let's come together, life lies in exercise, let's raise our legs together, exercise together, we will not feel cold anymore, and I don't feel sleepy anymore."

Wang Hui: ...

Wang Yue: ...

Ye Hong, who had sore feet and was sleepy: ...

 The three members of the Wang family are different from Ye Qingyang. Ye Qingyang is young, and he is not sleepy, so he is still full of energy at the moment.

But Ye Hong and Wang Yue are both middle-aged, and Wang Hui is even pregnant. They are not used to staying up late, let alone being woken up every time they just fall asleep.

Once was enough, and again and again, even Wang Hui, who had a sharp tongue and liked to curse, didn't want to talk at this time.

She just wants to sleep, she is really sleepy, she just wants to sleep, is this too much to ask?

Wang Hui couldn't take it anymore, and shouted to Ye Hong, "Either you give him the key, look at what he's doing, can I sleep or not?"

Ye Hong hesitated.

Ye Qingyang raised his foot and kicked again, "Left to right, left to right, left to right."

 With every sound, it was not the door that was kicked, but Ye Hong's heart.

Wang Yue could tell that Ye Qingyang was determined to enter Wang Fan's bedroom today.

But he didn't allow it, once Ye Qingyang went in today, he might not come out in the future.

He might want more than just Wang Fan's bedroom.

"Let him kick." Wang Yue said, "It's a big deal that everyone stays awake."

Ye Qingyang immediately increased his strength when he heard this.

Wang Yue stared at him without stopping.

He seemed to know that he stopped it, and just repeated the contest between Ye Hong and Ye Qingyang in the last round.

But Wang Hui couldn't take it anymore. Looking at her parents, Wang Hui couldn't understand, "Why? Why don't you go to sleep? It's your business if you don't sleep. I must sleep! I'm pregnant!"

She said angrily, "Wang Fan is not here, so what if you gave him the key, can't everyone sleep well? Even if you don't think about yourself, think about the baby in my stomach! I have to sleep!"

As she spoke, she walked up to Ye Hong, "The key."

Ye Hong looked at Wang Yue.

Wang Yue condemned, "Your mother has earplugs, you wear those and sleep like that."

"I don't!" Wang Hui was unwilling, "I don't wear those, because my ears hurt. Keys!"

"Why are you so Ignorant!"

"Are you sensible? Is that why you bully your grandson because you are sensible? Dad, are you still my son's grandfather? He is still so young, can't you let him sleep well? If he doesn't sleep well, and It's over, are you responsible?"

Ye Qingyang listened to their fight, wishing to order 666 for Wang Hui, well said, well said, continue!

Hearing what his daughter said, Wang Yue hesitated.

Wang Hui simply pushed them away and went into Ye Hong's room to find the key.

Wang Yue had no choice but to take a step back as his grandson was more important.

When Wang Hui moved out after a while, he would take back Wang Fan's bedroom at that time, he thought so.

Wang Hui got the key, raised her hand, and threw it at Ye Qingyang angrily, "Take it, and let me hear you tormenting later, I will beat you to death! Slut!" 

After she finished cursing, she entered the room and shook it. Closed the door.

Ye Qingyang reached out to catch the key, turned around and opened the door without looking at Wang Yue and Ye Hong.

If he tried hard, the door would have been kicked open long ago, but he didn't want to. Compared with breaking the door open by himself, of course the other party was unwilling, but having to let you in made people feel more comfortable.

He likes to watch the dogs of the Wang family bite each other like dogs, tear each other apart, and finally make wedding dresses for him.

Seeing him enter Wang Fan's bedroom, Ye Hong was exhausted physically and mentally. Even though she wanted to scold him and beat him, she lost her energy and could only sigh and limped back.

On the contrary, Wang Yue was inexplicably worried.

Ye Qingyang was about to turn 18, and the will clearly stated that the house should be returned to Ye Qingyang at the age of 18.

Shouldn't he still be thinking about this house?

He thought about it, but he couldn't figure it out, so he decided to stand still and observe carefully.

If Ye Qingyang really has such a plan, then don't blame him for being cruel.

Wang Yue closed the door and went back to the house.

Ye Qingyang looked at the room in front of him, whistled, and lay down happily on the bed.

This bedroom has changed a lot since Wang Fan moved in.

But it doesn't matter, Ye Qingyang thought, anyway, this house will also be redecorated in the future.

So it doesn't matter what it is like now.

His house, he has the final say.

Ye Qingyang took off his clothes, lay down in bed, and had a good night's sleep.

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