Chapter 33

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Ye Qingyang and Lu Jingcheng returned to the team after hearing the words and stood in their previous positions.

Everyone practiced walking for a while and rested for a while. Instructor Xu began to teach them military boxing.

Ye Qingyang has never learned this before, Xu Instructor saw that he can't, and said curiously, "It's rare that our class monitor can't, it's rare, it's too rare."

Ye Qingyang is very humble, "Live and learn."

" Then you have to study hard."

Ye Qingyang nodded, "Don't worry, instructor."

Instructor Xu rarely found the feeling of being an instructor with him, he was very happy, and his punching speed was faster than before.

However, his joy did not last long, because Ye Qingyang learned everything very quickly, not only he learned it, but Lu Jingcheng also learned it.

Instructor Xu: ...

Sometimes students are too smart, it seems that they are not very good.

Instructor Xu felt that he was in a delicate mood.

After practicing military boxing all afternoon, instructor Xu taught everyone to sing a few more military songs in the evening, and competed with the Erlian military song next door, and the day's military training was over again.

Ye Qingyang felt a little sore in his shoulder, tapped it with his hand, and looked at the WeChat message Zhang Ye sent him on his phone.

The content of the WeChat is very simple, I want Ye Qingyang to help him fold the quilt.

Zhang Ye sent a tiger kneeling emoji: [I beg the boss! 】

Ye Qingyang reluctantly refused: 【I have more heart but not enough hands, I hate that I am not a spider spirit! ]

Zhang Ye: [The tiger sheds tears.JPG] 

Ye Qingyang: [The tiger touches the dog's head.JPG]

Lu Jingcheng was a picky eater in the afternoon and didn't eat much. Now he was a little hungry, so he stood up and approached Ye Qingyang, "Do you have anything to eat?"

"You're hungry." Ye Qingyang asked.

Lu Jingcheng refused to admit it, "I'm just idle."

Ye Qingyang didn't expose him, opened his suitcase, took out ham and marinated eggs, "Do you want to just eat it directly, or make you a pancake?"

" Did you bring pancakes?" Lu Jingcheng was shocked.

"Guokui." Ye Qingyang took out a plastic bag from the suitcase, "It's delicious." 

Lu Jingcheng, who had never eaten a Guokui: ...Really? He doesn't believe it.

Two minutes later, Lu Jingcheng sat next to Ye Qingyang, eating Guokui with chili sauce and ham and marinated eggs, and said with sincere emotion: It's so delicious!

Dong Yu, who was at the opposite shop, looked at it and swallowed, "Then what, Ye Qingyang, I want one too.

" Is it?"

Dong Yu nodded, and transferred five yuan to his WeChat.

Others also said, "I want a copy too."

"Me too."

"And me."

...In the end, it became a unified dinner in the dormitory. Ye Qingyang with a treasure chest.

This is definitely the soul of their dormitory, the essential one!

After a few people had supper, they went to the water room to wash up. Ye Qingyang got into Lu Jingcheng's bed naturally after washing up, and helped him put up the simple curtains.

Zhang Feng, who was in the opposite shop, smiled and said, "Why did the two of you make such a thing? We are not allowed to see it in the two-person world!"

Lu Jingcheng was about to go to bed, when he heard this, he paused, feeling inexplicably embarrassed.

He knew that Ye Qingyang's small thoughts would be seen through sooner or later, who told him not to restrain himself!

I don't know how to hide it!

Beat the gongs and drums!

Can't wait to tell the world!

On the contrary, Ye Qingyang poked his head out with a smile and asked, "Do you want to see it?"

"I'm not, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Feng refused to admit it, "I don't have the nerve to destroy your two-person world.

" Li Lan next door made his own bed, and interrupted, "If you spy on your Majesty sharing the bed with your empress, you will get your eyes gouged out! Little lunatic, don't you want your eyes?"

"I'll lie down right now." Ping sleep!" Zhang Feng said, and lay down quickly.

Li Lan laughed out loud.

Bai Le sighed deeply.

Chen Wei looked at Lu Jingcheng who was still in front of his bed, "Why are you so slow to go up, you want your concubine to stay alone?"

Lu Jingcheng:! ! !

Lu Jingcheng felt that one or two of his roommates were really annoying!

Know every day to stand on the same front as Ye Qingyang to attack him!

Isn't it his country?

How does this look like Ye Qingyang's country!

Is my greatness about to die? !

"I want you to take care of it!" Lu Jingcheng glared at Chen Wei and got on the upper bunk.

Ye Qingyang had already changed into pajamas and lay down under the quilt. Lu Jingcheng saw that he only showed his head, and felt that he really looked like the concubines in the Gongdou dramas he watched when his mother was free.

——too well behaved.

It's like being slaughtered by others. There is a long way to go.

Let the other party do whatever they want.

Lu Jingcheng changed his clothes unsteadily, and lay down in silence.

As soon as he lay down, the lights in the dormitory were turned off.

Ye Qingyang slept inside as usual to avoid crowding Lu Jingcheng.

However, his shoulder was a little uncomfortable today, and it was still a little sore now, so he had to raise his hand and squeeze it again.

Seeing him suddenly raise a hand in the darkness, Lu Jingcheng asked vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

Just sleep with me!

Don't hug me!

I turned a blind eye when you fell asleep in a daze before!

I'm still awake now!

You just want to hug me!

What audacity!

Do whatever you want!


Eat bear heart leopard gall ah!

Ye Qingyang squeezed his right shoulder, and said to him, "My shoulder hurts a bit, so I squeeze it."

"Shoulder hurt?" Lu Jingcheng was puzzled, "Why does my shoulder hurt?"

"Muscle strain." Ye Qingyang said calmly.

Although his body before time travel didn't have this problem, his mother did. From time to time, he would go to a blind man not far away for a massage, so Ye Qingyang wasn't worried.

It's not a big deal, it's fine.

When Lu Jingcheng heard that his muscles were strained, he felt that he was really pitiful.

How big is this, why is the muscle strained?

He also didn't see Ye Qingyang working so hard in his studies, how many papers he wrote every day. Could it be that he was wronged at home?

That's right, Lu Jingcheng thought about his current home, his aunt didn't even give him pocket money, and he needed him to earn by selling goods, so he would inevitably be asked to do housework, sweep the floor, cook and wash dishes, maybe he has to bring tea and water to his aunt!

Ye Qingyang is so weak, he can't beat anyone in the class, let alone the opponent is an adult.

When he thought of this, he just felt that this was not good. He didn't even ask Ye Qingyang to serve him tea, wash and cook, what qualifications did his aunt have?

If you ask him, Ye Qingyang might as well move out. He is responsible for giving Ye Qingyang pocket money, and Ye Qingyang is responsible for studying hard and making progress every day.

When Lu Jingcheng thought of this, he suddenly felt that this idea was good, and he thought it would work.

He turned his head to look at Ye Qingyang, wanting to talk to him about it, but Ye Qingyang seemed to be still pinching his shoulders.

His movements could not be seen clearly in the dark, but the two of them were so close that Lu Jingcheng could feel that his hand did not leave.

"Does it hurt so much?" He whispered.

"It's not painful, but it's more comfortable to press."

Lu Jingcheng touched him when he heard the words, "Turn around, and I'll pinch for you."

Ye Qingyang froze for a moment, then immediately turned his back to him, pinched For things like shoulders, it is naturally more comfortable for others to pinch than to pinch yourself.

Lu Jingcheng was willing, he couldn't ask for more.

Seeing him turn sideways, Lu Jingcheng put his hand on his shoulder and pressed it lightly.

Ye Qingyang guided, "A bit to the left, yes, and a bit below, yes yes yes, this is right here, Brother Lu, you should be stronger."

Lu Jingcheng had no choice but to increase his strength.

Only then did Ye Qingyang feel comfortable, and enjoyed it with his eyes closed.

Lu Jingcheng helped him press it unhurriedly, and asked, "Is it comfortable?"

Ye Qingyang said "Yes", flattering, "Brother Lu, you are the best."

Lu Jingcheng snorted lightly, thinking that it was, except you who has enjoyed this kind of treatment!

I'm not the best for you!

Feeling the temperature of Ye Qingyang's skin under his hand, thinking about what happened to him just now, he suggested, "Ye Qingyang, why don't you move out?"

"No need." Ye Qingyang refused, "I live well at home." "

Yes what's so good." Lu Jingcheng didn't believe it, "It's good for you to move out."

Ye Qingyang looked back at him, looking down on Lu Jingcheng's face in the dark, but he also knew that Lu Jingcheng should be looking at him.

"It's not necessary." Ye Qingyang said, "It costs money to come out and live, and I don't have any money."

"I can give it to you."

Ye Qingyang smiled, "You have already given me a sum of money, you forgot ? I don't want to take too much money from you, especially for these unnecessary expenses."

Ye Qingyang persuaded him, "It's really unnecessary. If I need money, I will borrow it from you. But I don't need it now, and I don't want to keep borrowing money from you for this kind of thing."

Seeing that he insisted, Lu Jingcheng didn't say anything more.

It's just that he still wants Ye Qingyang to move out, and moving out is better than living under the fence.

However, how can you persuade the other party to move out?

Lu Jingcheng was a little worried.

Ye Qingyang was pressed comfortably by him, and soon became sleepy.

He turned over, Lu Jingcheng took his hand back, and heard Ye Qingyang mumble, "Brother, don't press it, I don't hurt anymore, thank you, go to sleep."

Lu Jingcheng let out an "oh", and withdrew his hand, but somehow felt that the retracted hand was awkward to place anywhere, and finally put it on Ye Qingyang's waist.

Ye Qingyang didn't notice, and fell asleep in a daze.

Listening to his steady breathing, Lu Jingcheng suddenly felt his heart beat for some reason.

He felt Ye Qingyang's body temperature, slowly, slowly, approached the person beside him, and then hugged him silently.

This bed is too small, Lu Jingcheng thought, Ye Qingyang can't sleep well, if he doesn't care, maybe this guy will push him out of bed in a while.

That would be inappropriate!

Lu Jingcheng convinced himself, he hugged the person in his arms confidently and boldly, and even couldn't help but secretly poked the other person's face.

It's quite soft, Lu Jingcheng thought.

He hugged Ye Qingyang and fell asleep peacefully.

When Ye Qingyang woke up the next day, he rubbed unconsciously. He didn't open his eyes until he felt something touched his mouth, and then realized that he had inadvertently kissed Lu Jingcheng's chin.

Ye Qingyang instantly tilted his head back.

It's not good that the bed is too small, the two of them are too close, it's easy to hug each other, and they kiss each other without paying attention.

Ye Qingyang didn't take it seriously, turned off the alarm clock, broke Lu Jingcheng's hand and wanted to get out of bed.

However, Lu Jingcheng pressed his hand, hugged him into his arms, and murmured, apparently still awake, "What?"

Ye Qingyang said helplessly, "Your Majesty, it's time to go to court ." 

"Again? "

Yes, rest first, Your Majesty, I'll fetch water for you."

Lu Jingcheng reluctantly let go of his hand, turned over, and went back to sleep.

Ye Qingyang got up, washed himself, fetched water for Lu Jingcheng, went back to the dormitory and woke Lu Jingcheng up.

This time Lu Jingcheng was more cooperative, without letting Ye Qingyang do anything, he got dressed and washed himself.

"Your Majesty has really grown up, I am so relieved!" Chen Wei said with emotion.

Li Lan smiled and said, "That's because our empress disciplined her well."

Lu Jingcheng almost choked on his saliva, and said angrily, "Shut up."

Li Lan smiled and made a zip movement on his mouth.

The morning training started with running. Lu Jingcheng was still thinking about Ye Qingyang as he ran.

How can we save this silly boy from the wolf's den?

He thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of a better way.

During the lunch break, Lu Jingcheng took advantage of Ye Qingyang's going out to make the quilt, and clicked on the school forum to post a post.

"How can you make the other party willingly accept your money?" "

Main building: I have a friend who has a brother. The brother's family is poor and the accommodation conditions are not good. My friend wanted to help my brother, at least improve his accommodation. But my brother doesn't accept his help, ask me, how can my friend make his brother accept his money willingly?

1L: The friend mentioned by the poster is me, you make friends out of nothing!

Dalu turned to the sky and replied to 1L: Impeccable!

2L: Kill!

Dalu turned to the sky and replied to 2L: Flash!

3L: How did you play the Three Kingdoms Killing Upstairs, the host, it's simple, you ask your brother to give you extra lessons, and you say you're asking him to be a tutor, so the money will be given to him naturally.

4L: The third brother is right.

5L: The third brother is right.

Dalu Chaotian replied to 3L: No, my brother's grades are worse than my friend's. Being a tutor sounds unreliable.

6L: I thought it was a poor student, but I didn't expect it to be a poor student. This...

7L: Tsk, it's really impossible to say that he should make up lessons for a poor student, it's too fake.

8L: The landlord can introduce him to a part-time job, so that he can make money?

9L: Yes, generally if the family background is not good, if you give him money directly, he will definitely feel that his self-esteem is humiliated, so it is better to introduce him to a part-time job.

Dalu Chaotian replied to 4L: What happened to the scum? The scumbags are eating your rice!

Dalu Chaotian replied to 8L: No, his academic performance was not good, and he went to work part-time, so he didn't have to take the college entrance examination.


30L: I can't work part-time, and I can't be a tutor, so the landlord should give up.

31L: I feel like the landlord likes his brother, he is so active, and when others don't want his money, he still tries to give it to others.

32L: Does the host still lack brothers? The kind that lacks money!

33L: I am also a scumbag, the host, look at me, I can be your brother, absolutely no need for you to work hard, I will take as much as you give me.

34L: Brother Lou cp I knocked.

35L: I thought it was a debt repayment post, but I didn't expect it to trick the dog into killing it. Single dogs have no way out these days!

Lu Jingcheng:? ? ? ?

Does Lu Jingcheng think that everyone in his school is crazy? He likes Ye Qingyang, obviously Ye Qingyang likes him, okay!

What do these people think?


have a bee in one's bonnet?

Daydreaming? !

Dalu Chaotian: Can you not digress for now! ! ! No puppy love for high school students! ! ! My brother and I are just pure brotherhood!

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